Roasted Vegetable Galette

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Do we call this Roasted Vegetable Galette or Roasted Vegetable Crostada? I added chimichurri so I’m not sure it’s French or Italian.

We’ll call it a galette because I can remember my Mom liking that word.   Ok, now that that’s settled, Roasted Vegetable Galette is what happens when I am not ready to give into autumn yet and I have the last of the summer vegetables piling up on the counter. Also, this is the time of year when I see all of the Trader Joe’s pie crust and puff pastry and I decide to buy some on a whim.  Your PSL is my pie crust.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Speaking of pie crust. There’s always a sense of hope when I have pie crust in my freezer. I don’t always use it, but I like that it’s there.  It’s like that container of baking soda we had in the fridge for like 5+ years when I was a kid. It’s a familiar face in the fridge. If I’m not careful, it can be a crazy marker of time. A true blast from the past!  It also gives me the power to make magic on a whim as long as I have not reached the time threshold.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Serve it with a salad and you have a great breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner. This galette is great at room temperature too. Totally picnic worthy. But for now, it’s my lunch.

Ingredients involved.

It’s all from Trader Joe’s. Pie crust included.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

The real star of this Roasted Vegetable Galette is this chimichurri sauce. 

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Hello, vegetables that stood the test of time in my kitchen. Let’s transform you.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Cut them up. Roast them. I drizzled them with olive oil, and toss them with salt & pepper.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

You can totally do this ahead of time. It’s great cuz it means you can have this on a weeknight, no problem. 

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

What makes this so delicious? A feta spread! It’s a combination of cream cheese and feta!

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Whirl it up!

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Here’s the dough.  I’m going to tell you a few things about this dough. It will break apart if you try to unroll it before it has come up to room temperature.  I have done this a few times and I’ve always just balled it up and rolled it out. 

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Roll it out into a circle/disc. Spread the whipped feta on top, leaving a little crust. 

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Dot with the chimichurri.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

You could also use pesto!

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Load it with vegetables. 

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Fold the edges over. 

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

All tucked nicely. Good job.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from


Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Unnngghhhhh. YESSS

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from


Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Let’s cut into it.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

A perfect slice.  Add some feta on top of you want some visual interest. 

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

SIDE VIEW. You can see the layer of cheese there.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

We had ours with an arugula salad! 

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from

Other galettes I’ve made

Triple Berry Galette

Apple Galette


Roasted Vegetable Galette

serves 6-8

  • 6 oz. feta, at room temperature
  • 3 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1 pie crust (Trader Joe’s)
  • 3 heaping tablespoons chimichurri sauce
  • 3 cups roasted vegetables (onions, zucchini & tomato)
  • olive oil
  • fresh cracked pepper
  • 1 egg white

In a mini food processor, blend feta and cream cheese until smooth. Set aside. 

Preheat the oven to 375 F.  Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a 16-inch round. Transfer dough to a parchment-lined baking sheet. 

Spread whipped feta on the pie crust, leaving at least a 2-inch border. Evenly dot the top of the cheese with chimichurri.  Place roasted vegetables on top of the cheese, making sure to create an even layer. Add another few dots of chimichurri on the top if it pleases you. Season with pepper and a light drizzle of olive oil. 

Fold the edge of the dough over the vegetables, pleating the dough as you go. Brush the dough with the egg white. 

Bake until the crust is golden, about 40-45 minutes. Remove form the oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes before slicing. Add crumbled feta to the top if your heart desires or if you want a little more visual interest. 

  • Jamie

    Absolutely gorgeous. Love the addition of chimichurri!

  • Sabrina

    I love this and with cream cheese and feta, with chimichurri sauce and in a galette, plus the vegetables, thank you!

  • Jessa

    I never post comments online, but I literally cannot be quiet on this one. I just made it with pesto and puff pastry since I didn’t have any chimichurri or pie crust and it is TO DIE FOR!! I will definitely be making this again…and again…and again! Thank you Tracy <3

  • Yamato Renfro

    Last week, I bookmarked this recipe and decided to give it a try yesterday. I couldn’t find the chimichurri sauce anywhere, so I had to skip that ingredient…but let me tell you, the dish turned out to be absolutely fantastic! Honestly, I can’t even imagine enjoying it without the addition of feta cheese. It really takes the flavors to a whole new level! 🙂

  • Helen

    Hi, Just wanted to let you know that chimichurri is south american not french or italian.

  • Solar

    I appreciate the detailed instructions and tips. This turned out great.

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