Currently May 2023
The last month of school is always filled with extra things and this month was EXTRA EXTRA because not only did Cooper graduate from 8th grade but my Dad got married. There was a week where the three of us had to have dress clothes ready to go 3 times. That was on top of baseball and we also celebrated Mother’s Day. So many feelings to process! We were in survival mode with all of the activities and it’s nice to be able to come up for air.
I spent some time looking at the Mays of the past… Definitely got me feeling feels!
These are the pages in my currently workbook this month:
Added layers on layers.
Mylar letter stickers are my fave.
On Instagram this month, I asked people to share there 17 Year Old Rage songs and was stoked to see how many of the songs we have in common. I’ll link to the playlist below.
My Dad’s wedding activated the 17-year-old rage part of me. 43-year-old version of me helped her through it.
Good things!
Break it down!
Materials used for my pages:
Let’s get into it!
Inspired By:
-lady art date at my house
I finally taught a meal prep class! I did it for the Ray of Light Community my friend Tammi started!
Notes from the universe. I had SOOOOO many fun ones this month. I asked for Signs and I RECEIVED them.
This year the garden is starting to really fill in. We had a lot of rain this year which brought up a lot o new plants (YAY!) but it also delayed some of the blooming times. I am excited to see what this Summer brings as we are not on the same water restrictions we have been on for the past few years.
Still doing morning pages. It’s been over a month of writing every morning. YAY
I got to ride my new bike with MC & Mark and it was so fun!
- youtube videos
- researching/neistat brothers
- Bridesmaids
- Breaking Bad
- LaLa Land
These are all of my notes from the Unbroken Book Club – hosted by my friend/the author of Unbroken: The Trauma Response is Never Wrong
I really enjoyed the book and learned SO much about how to integrate traumatic experiences in my life. I am so thankful to have a new level of healing!
Thinking About:
- the summer
- the future
- the handwriting club
Listening To:
Here’s the 17 year old rage playlist!
This song haunted me all month.
This on repeat.
This one I use to help me get things done when I don’t want to do them.
A goodbye spell.
I enjoy singing this one very loud.
Dream Life:
I am getting like 6.5 hours of sleep every night and it’s not enough. I’m tired. I’m doing a lot of mental filing in my dreams. I can feel it. I also think my Mom has been around in my dream life. I can feel her presence.
We cleaned out the grill and got all the burners going. I am excited about grilling season.
I got my head in the game and organized a blog post about what I need for grilling.
My brother was here for a few days. We had some good food.
Including sushi for graduation!
Paella at MC’s house.
Loving leftovers.
The mushroom tamale kick I was on lead to…
A mushroom pupusa kick.
I also worked mexican pizzas back into the rotation. This one is with corn tortilla.
Beef Broccoli for the win.
Mint julep on Mother’s Day.
Neiley made me a guava spritzer with finger limes.
Still on a hash brown kick!
I am enjoying having coffee in the garden this time of year.
Grateful For:
- my family
- my friends
- my creative practice
- pushing through and doing things
- my home
Self Portrait for MAY
I hope your June is great!