- Photos of Mt. Rushmore under construction.
- Wow. I will be better at washing my fruit. Geez.
- It’s totally common for kids to watch two videos at a time now.
- This must be fun to experience in person.
- What are some storytelling lessons from Succession?
- Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about saffron.
- See also: Instant Pot Saffron Risotto
- Funny evolution memes.
- Things that can ruin your garbage disposal.
- Things you can do with dryer lint. Who knew?!
- Let’s look at 20th-century architecture photos.
- I am fascinated by former inmate stories.
- How noiseless props are made for movies.
- Let’s read about 2023 grocery/food trends.
- Movie adaptations that were better than the book.
- I walked through the hills of Cinque Terre in flip-flops.
- A luxury lakehouse inspired by Minecraft.
- I am very excited to see a Freaks & Geeks reunion of sorts.
- If you need bedroom inspiration.
- Weekend reading: The Trauma Response is Never Wrong
- This pep talk generator print is cute.
- I have more food journals in the shop!

Looking to build your creative practice?
Let’s have an art date TONIGHT!
Bring your Currently Workbook + join in on my live Zoom call!
Here’s the info:
Friday- March 31, 2023
5:00 PM-6:45 PM PST
(scroll down to find the class. sign on through the alchemy app or website. It will give you a zoom link! xo)

Are you free April 21-23?
I am attending this Forage Workshop with creative mavens Alex Cole & Meghan Marsh King in Sonoma Friday April 21- Sunday April 23
There will be foraging, painting & writing. I am really excited about it as I am desperately needing to refill my creative battery. If you’re interested in attending, they have offered my readers a huge discount if you want to join in the fun.
Use code: FRIENDSWHOFORAGE for $500 off the cost.
I have a substack- The Handwriting Club.
This week I shared the story about the last piece of mail I sent my Mom.