Currently December 2023!
Happy New Year! Another year of sharing my months with you online! This month was a hectic one. Decembers usually are. The holiday season was a doozy. Thank you so much for all of your orders from my Etsy shop this month. I am so excited to work with you on your productivity and creativity this year. YAY.
This year I will be shifting this Currently Workbook project from Shutterbean over to The Handwriting Club Substack. I am ready to start fresh and new. Be sure to subscribe. Paid members will get a more in-depth look at my pages. (THANK YOU!)
December marked 13 years of doing my weekly photo project- MY EVERYDAY LIFE
It is also the EIGHTH year of doing this Currently Project!
I wrote about it in my December pages. Here’s a video!
What I have learned on this art journey!
Side 1
Side 2
Let’s break it down!
Inspired by:
This month I went on a lot of hikes. I am grateful I live close to good trails and have friends who check in on me!
This month I released my Time Management Printable Pack so you can build a binder/clipboard system with me.
I made a video for that:
Thrifting with Reese- we took a driverless car!!!!!
I found two amazing lights. I also got some signs from my Mom.
I took a morning detour and was rewarded.
Inspired by our lady wreath-making party at Lisa’s.
Wreath-making is one of my favorite things to do during the holiday season.
I also completed my 5th year of working in/on Currently Workbooks!
And I closed out a year of workouts with my monthly printable!
The light this time of year is magic.
- Youtube videos
- Holidate
- Your Christmas or Mine
- Elf
- When Harry Met Sally
- National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
- Traveling Mercies
- Thriving as an Empath
- old journals
Thinking About:
- my mom
- the holidays
- 2023
- 2024
- accountability group!
Listening To:
This song relaxes me!
This is a good day dream song.
I use this to pump me up sometimes.
This has helped me work through a lot of grief.
I have also recorded a few podcast (!!!) episodes about grief.
I can’t wait to share all of that with you!
Dream Life:
Getting good sleep this month! THANK GOD
This month I shared my favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink Recipes
I shared Gluten Free Ginger Molasses Cookies!
Another recipe shared- Cranberry Ginger Shrub
I meal prepped twice this month which is a big deal with the holidays. YAY.
Christmas Eve lobster at my Dad’s.
Chrismas dim sum at Yank Sing!
Been making these pancakes with bananas.
Proof of salad!
I am going through a crispy cheesy rice phase. Stay tuned.
Dinner at Wildseed with my bro and niece!
Made this Persian soup with some tweaks. It’s delish.
I’ve been making polenta in our rice cooker all month. IT IS A REVELATION.
1 cup polenta 4 cups water. White rice setting.
Made this curry soup with rice noodles.
Casey’s making ice again!
Grateful For:
- my family
- my friends
- my health
- slow mornings
- Cooper being on break
- having enough
- being enough
Pep talks for December:

Self Portrait for December:
December 2022
December 2021
December 2020
December 2019
December 2018
December 2017 (grief! didn’t post)
December 2016
Happy New Year! Don’t forget to subscribe to The Handwiting Club if you’d like to see more of what I am up to every month.
All the best! xo Tracy