January 11, 2024

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024! - Tracy Benjamin recaps 2023 on Shutterbean

Goodbye, 2023. Hello, 2024!

At our Intention Setting Workshop this past weekend, we said our goodbyes to 2023 and hellos to 2024 together.  

Here’s the template I made for the practice because you know how much I believe in lists! 

 Goodbye Hello List- The Handwriting Club  

I also believe in taking the time to reflect on the past year. Here we are! 2023 in review.

My Everyday Life Week 1 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

You know that saying:

“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.”

2023 asked a lot of questions.

The only answer I could give was ART.  

This past year was filled with creativity and growth.

My life turned upside down a bit because I focused on healing parts of me that I had been holding back.  The good news is that I have quite a few things to show for the work I put in.


My Everyday Life Week 1 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Building my life and career around food online has posed a lot of challenges for me.  2023 was spent contemplating this space and how I want to inhabit it.  My word for the year was NOURISH and I spent a lot of time working on what that means for me. 

My Everyday Life Week 36 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I focused on figuring out what nourishes me…how I nourish others…how I nourish myself… and how I don’t.  I was also battling a bit of an identity crisis here on Shutterbean. What I learned is that coming up with a new recipe every week contributed to disordered eating. It wasn’t sustainable when I needed to focus on healing my relationship with food. 

In 2023, I lost a total of 60lbs. I wrote about that here. 

Part of that process included switching over to a gluten-free lifestyle. I shared what I like eating.

Gluten Free Breakfast Ideas - Tracy Benjamin shares her favorite savory and sweet gluten free breakfasts\

Gluten-Free Breakfast Ideas 

Gluten-Free Lunch Ideas from Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com - see how many things you can have for lunch that don't include bread!

Gluten-Free Lunch Ideas 

Gluten-Free Dinner Ideas from Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com - see how many things you can have for dinner that don't include bread!

Gluten-Free Dinner Ideas 

Out of 52 weeks, I did meal prep 27 times this year. That’s a lot of practice. It also kept me nourished! 

My Everyday Life Week 44 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

New headshot for the year. Fresh start!

 I turned 44 this year. I love a double-digit. 

In 2023, I started The Handwriting Club Substack.   

The Handwriting Club\

I shared how I was able to FINALLY make an exercise routine happen.

Creating a Workout Routine- Tracy Benjamin from Shutterbean shares how she created a workout routine!  

I kept on moving throughout the year! Here’s a whole year’s worth of workouts I tracked with my monthly template. 

My Everyday Life Week 1 of 2024- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

This year I added two daily habits that have stuck: 

Duolingo (Italian!) and flossing every day. I had a 4-month streak of doing morning pages. Hopefully, I’ll get back to that practice again.

I like it when it’s part of my morning routine. 

My Everyday Life Week 25 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I worked on my body of work and offerings!

I fell in love with my typewriter again. 

My Everyday Life Week 26 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I leaned into the idea of having a work uniform. I lived in coveralls all year. They’re from Duluth Trading. 

My Everyday Life Week 36 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

 I committed to working on a daily art practice this past year. I used a hobonichi techo to play. 

My Everyday Life Week 40 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I plan on sharing more of my pages on The Handwriting Club later this month. 

My Everyday Life Week 32 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com



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At the beginning of the year, I helped friends make a YouTube show.

My Everyday Life Week 8 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I remembered how awesome it feels to do good work with others. Community is a powerful thing. Being in a circle of women is a powerful thing. I am grateful for my wolf pack.


My Everyday Life Week 09 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

MC’s Book Club was a huge catalyst for a lot of healing this year. I unpacked a lot of trauma while reading her book- Unbroken: The Trauma Response is Never Wrong

I am grateful for our friendship!

My Everyday Life Week 10 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I learned so many lessons in the pain.

My dad got married this year. It brought up a lot of grief and feelings. I am glad he is happy.

My Everyday Life Week 20 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I recharged my creative battery at the Forage Retreat with my friend Emma. 

That’s where my morning pages practice began.

The Forage Retreat Sonoma 2023 with Alex Cole and Meghan Marsh King - photos by Tracy Benjamin

I started a YouTube Channel for The Handwriting Club and started making videos.

This year I pushed myself creatively to be in/edit more videos!  I SURE DID PLAY and I am proud that I pushed myself creatively. Past Tracy would be pretty happy with Present Tracy.

I manifested a bike (THANK YOU, JANE!). 

My Everyday Life Week 17 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

My mammogram was good.  YAY. 

My Everyday Life Week 17 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I gave a meal prep presentation for my friend  Tammi’s Ray of Light Community.

My Everyday Life Week 23 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I taught a meal prep class on my own! 

Shutterbean Meal Prep- Tracy Benjamin

I hosted a few live ZOOM calls where we worked on our Currently Workbooks together. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I hosted a Meal Planning/Prep Workshop with my friend Helen Jane! 

My Everyday Life Week 30 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We also taught a Thanksgiving Prep Workshop! 

My Everyday Life Week 45 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I added two new prints to the shop-

Grace Over Drama 


Grace Over Drama // I love lists - Shutterbean.com

Have Faith in Your Ability! 

Have Faith in Your Ability- I love lists // shutterbean

I designed the Currently Workbook for 2024 and changed a few things this year. 

My Everyday Life Week 44 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I fulfilled my dream of making collage kits. They sold out really fast.

My Everyday Life Week 27 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

They were so fun to make! 

My Everyday Life Week 27 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I made a LEO kit too! 

Leo Collage Kits - Shutterbean/ The Handwriting Club - Tracy Benjamin

For all of us LEOS! 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Tammi inspired me to make a personal universe deck! 

My Everyday Life Week 26 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 26 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I worked hard on making binders of things I can teach. 

My Everyday Life Week 49 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

That led me to release my meal prep pack. 

Meal Prep Planning Pack from Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- Find the printables on Etsy!

I also put together a time management pack so we could play with time together. 

Creative Time Management Printables from Tracy Benjamin of The Handwriting Club

This past year my child graduated from 8th grade! 

My Everyday Life Week 22 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I watched him play so much baseball!! Including a tournament at Vanderbilt! 

My Everyday Life Week 37 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

My child is now at the high school I went to.  It’s been a real trip parenting him in my childhood home. It’s made me miss my Mom like crazy. 

My Everyday Life Week 43 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

He turned 15. Time is a wicked beast. 

My Everyday Life Week 40 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I have been enjoying watching him turn into a young adult. 

My Everyday Life Week 46 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We went to visit family. I got to help make a family Thanksgiving. It was cathartic! 

My Everyday Life Week 47 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I went to silent disco a bunch of times and HAD A BLAST. 

My Everyday Life Week 43 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Dancing saved my life this year. I am grateful!


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I did a bunch of lettering commissions. 

My Everyday Life Week 45 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I started recording a podcast with MC about grief.

(Coming soon!)

My Everyday Life Week 44 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

This year for Halloween I was Wednesday Addams. My hair was finally long enough! 

My Everyday Life Week 44 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I surpassed 7777 orders in my Etsy Shop this year. You know how I love numbers.

My Everyday Life Week 46 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Alcohol has been less appealing to me so I spent a lot of the year without it! 

Here’s what I like to drink instead. 

A roundup of Non-Alcoholic Drink recipes by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com!

I had SO MANY ART DATES. It filled my heart. I’m thankful for my creative lady friends! 

My Everyday Life Week 35 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I shared my favorite things!

Shuterbean's Favorite Things 2023- Tracy shares her annual list of faves!

I made an outdoor oasis for the warmer months. 

My Everyday Life Week 24 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I jumped in the bay and relived parts of my childhood.

My Everyday Life Week 35 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I brought new light & life into my home thanks to my friend Reese. 

My Everyday Life Week 50 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I started hiking again. It’s good to have that part of me back. 

My Everyday Life Week 48 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I have spent years learning about grief and how to work with it. 

When you get, give. When you learn, teach. I LOVE LISTS// shutterbean

With all of the questions 2023 asked, I am ready to share what I’ve learned. 

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024.

My Everyday Life Week 52 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Let’s do this. 

  • lee

    What a lovely reflection on 2023! Thank you for allowing your internet community to walk alongside you on the journey, and for being brave to share not only the wonderful things, but also the challenging things (which I guess can also, sometimes, be wonderful things, too). Wishing you a 2024 that offers growth, creative opportunity, and most of all, joy in abundance!

    • Tracy

      It’s fascinating to see how much the highs coincide with the lows. Sometimes they are one. Happy new year, Lee! Wishing you the best.

  • Karen

    Longtime reader here. Let me just say you are my favorite blogger! I find so much joy and inspiration on your site- it gets better and better every year!

  • Courtney

    Can’t believe that was just this year, I love following your everyday life posts, and all I can say is how inspiring you are. The work you have put in this past year has been amazing and it makes me want to lean into my creativity more. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and for teaching us that change is always possible, not matter ruts we think we are in.

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