February 23, 2024


What the Mind Suppresses, the Body Expresses- I LOVE LISTS // The Handwriting Club


  1. What are spoon and fork theories?
  2. I’ve never even noticed these TJs meatballs. 
  3. Speaking of TJ’s…here are some of their well rated beauty items. 
  4. I have all of the ingredients to make these noodles…
  5. I’d like to bite into this cookie cake. 
  6. Pink room inspiration. 
  7. Girl Scout Cookie INFO! 
  8. How do you store a half of an avocado? 
  9. I’d like to go to Switzerland. 
  10. One day I will have a bird camera. 
  11. The 50 Best pizzerias in America. 
  12. Stay crazy, Japan. 
  13. Robe life: one/ two / three / four 
  14. What couches looked like in the 1960s. 
  15. Let’s look at some amazing photos. 
  16. You can make vegan fish sauce! 
  17. Official age ranges for generations. I’m GEN-X
  18. If you want printable Oscar ballots, Molly has you covered. 
  19. How to microdose movement. 
  20. Weekend reading: The Power of Ritual




My Everyday Life Week 7 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

If you need support and accountability to check in with yourself and your calendar, I am here to help! 

Join my accountability group-


We spent Sunday mornings 9:00 AM PST-10:30 AM- PST working on our calendars and checking in together. 

We will be using my Intentions for the Week planner/template together to keep us on track. 

  • Jamie

    I stand at my desk all day and have discovered I seriously need to take stretch breaks – bend over, squat, twist, whatever – to help my back. Ugh. I’m also a Gen X and I absolutely need to try that snickerdoodle cookie cake – it’s hard to find a good snickerdoodle these days!

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