October 16, 2024

Keep Grief Weird- Season 1

Keep Grief Weird! Podcast with Tracy Benjamin and Dr. MC McDonald about GRIEF! https://keepgriefweird.substack.com/

In May, I launched a podcast called Keep Grief Weird with my dear friend, MC McDonald, PhD. We began recording episodes in October of last year, and the experience has been quite transformative!  On Keep Grief Weird, we embrace the quirky, the unexpected, and the deeply personal sides of navigating loss.  MC lost both her parents in her early 20s and I am close to 7 years (!) living without my Mom.  Recording has been an incredibly healing journey—one that’s allowed me to process my grief more openly while deepening my friendship with MC through honest, meaningful conversations. Together, we’ve created a space where we, along with our listeners, can explore the complex emotions of grief in ways that feel validating, and often, surprisingly lighthearted. (I especially love it when we bond over our shared 80s + 90s nostalgia!)

I’ve learned how to give my grief a home, to sit with it, and to navigate the inevitable waves that come with loss. Rather than being swept away, I’ve found ways to ride those waves, allowing them to pass without losing myself in them. While I’ve always known I wasn’t alone in my grief, this experience has shown me just how profoundly healing it is to share that grief in a safe, supportive space. Writing about my Mom helps too (see: Bev’s Salad Dressing/ My Favorite Pic of my Parents/ Finding Her Shoes at an Estate Sale / Bev’s Grocery Lists )

Grief is the Price We Pay for Love // I love lists - Shutterbean

On the practical side, I’ve gained experience producing and editing podcasts, creating video content, and managing a Substack—all of which have helped me grow creatively. Hooray for being a teachable adult!  (and a BIG thanks to MC’s brother, Jake for helping us with the music & our first 13 episodes!)

Perhaps the most rewarding part has been building our community. By episode 16, we started receiving listener letters, which deepened our connection with the people we’re serving. It’s been a year of personal and creative growth, and I’m grateful for every moment of this journey.

Now that we’ve laid the foundation in season 1, we’re excited to dive deeper and get even more “woo woo” and weird in season 2!  As MC and I plan the next season, we’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions about grief or a weird grief story to share, email us at keepgriefweird@gmail.com.  We are also open to having guests on our podcast, so keep in touch!  

(you can follow us on: Spotify / Substack or anywhere you listen to podcasts! 

Keep Grief Weird- Season 1:

2- MC’s Grief Origin Story

3- Grief Waves

4- The First Year

5- Death Anniversaries

6- The Stuff

7- Disenfranchised Grief

8- Music & Grief (Tracy’s fave!)

9- Grief Brain (MC’s fave)

10- Grief Types (Tracy’s fave!)

11- Grief Models

12- On Healing, Where to Begin

13- Grief is Both/And

14- What No One Told Us

15-Grief & Other Relationships

16- Listener Letters

17- Only the Good Die Young

18- Myths about Grief

19- Finding Meaning

20- Season 1 Recap!

Our podcast is made possible by the support of our listeners! By becoming a paid Substack subscriber, you’ll get access to exclusive video versions of our episodes. We truly appreciate your likes, subscriptions, and positive reviews—they mean the world to us. Thank you for helping us Keep Grief Weird.

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