Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 11
Hi! Reminder to commune with the trees!
I sat here.
And worked in my planner.
Soaked in the light.
Duck fat fries at Stillwater.
Fishmonger Don shucking oysters and djing!
Walking around Fairfax at night with Neiley.
Keep dreaming!
Hi Neiley!
86 down the street.
It smells like spring.
Red disco ball flashes.
Enjoyed steel-cut oats in our rice maker this week,
Full Moon in Virgo on Friday!
Did some planting. Let’s see how the nasturtiums from the library go!
Princess and the pea.
He is so cuddly. I freaking love it.
Cooper suggested I change my signature. He gave me some ideas.
This planter makes me laugh.
My fig tree is getting leaves!
The holy hour.
The lens flare on the bottom left looks like another face.
In the corner angles happen.
Post dinner snooze.
We’ve been taking turns playing solitaire at the dinner table after dinner.
A chicken piccata thing with roasted broccoli and a baked potato.
My grandma wrote down three recipes for me. My Dad just found them.
Parking lot sky show.
Baseball Mom on the go.
I finally put together a post on what I need to take with me to work on the go!
Check out my workbag essentials.
I made a list too!
I have both, thankfully!
He enjoyed shower time.
Mustard artistry.
This is where the magic happens. I enter another dimension when I work out.
Word of the week!
Inside my fridge.
How I take good care of myself!
Tuna Salad and Thai Broccoli Salad.
Outside the library.
Tiny little joy.
At the corner of Ethel and Ethel.
Polenta with meaty marinara and arugula.
I hope you find some good light today. Thanks for being here. xo