July 14, 2024

My Everyday Life Week 28

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 28

Morning mood as I work on a morning page ritual. 

My Everyday Life Week 28 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Rainbow spotting. 

My Everyday Life Week 28 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Another big fat beam. 

My Everyday Life Week 28 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I captured a little orb or something. 

My Everyday Life Week 28 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


July 12, 2024



I am only competing with my potential. I love lists// Tracy Benjamin


  1. Reading about long blooming summer perennials.
  2. How to combat soggy takeout fries.
  3. I haven’t had cookie butter in so long.
  4. A good use for the sun. 
  5. Police photos for a $200,000 Lego bust.
  6. Funny/weird photos from airports.
  7. The best portraits of Shelley Duvall.
  8. I am curious about water pie.
  9. Funny signs everywhere.
  10. Amaze—aerial views of icelandic rivers. 
  11. The worst states to visit in the summer.
  12. How do restaurants price their wine lists?
  13. What is Taco Bell ground beef?
  14. The original manuscript for Alice in Wonderland.
  15. The secret ingredient to scrambled eggs is?
  16. This dress with these sandals please. 
  17. Super simple dessert idea- strawberry crumble
  18. I want to experience cosmic baseball! 
  19. Scientists solve butterfly mystery.
  20. Did you see my new pancake obsession? 


I’m teaching a binder class next Saturday! We will be building two binders together based on my meal prep/plan pack & my time management system. Let’s get you organized this summer! 

Build a Binder Workshop- Tracy Benjamin


Building a Binder System- with Tracy Benjamin of The Handwriting Club & Shutterbean

Join me next month for an engaging ZOOM workshop where I’ll share my unique approach to organizing binders for both Food & Time Management!

Build a Binder with me!! Saturday July 20 10AM-12PM

(Both my time management & meal prep pdfs will be included and taught in this workshop. Download at checkout! )


On this week’s Keep Grief Weird episode, we talk about the different types of grief.  If you know what type of grief you’re experiencing, it will be helpful  for you to work your way through it. Give it a listen and subscribe to our substack! 



July 10, 2024

Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes

Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes are made with buckwheat and oats and studded with juicy blueberries. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I did a Pinterest search for Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes to see what kinds of images inspire people to eat buckwheat pancakes. Newsflash: they’re not the most photogenic food to photograph.  They’re all these beautiful shots of 4+ stacks of pancakes, topped with fresh blueberries, all swimming in maple syrup. 

Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes are made with buckwheat and oats and studded with juicy blueberries. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Mine? These are them and they are my current hyper-fixation food. For the past few months,  I have eaten two medium-sized pancakes every day for breakfast with butter and apricot jam for three days straight. Then I take a break and have my Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich until I run out of ingredients and switch it up to the pancakes again. 

Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes are made with buckwheat and oats and studded with juicy blueberries. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

They’re great with butter and maple syrup, peanut butter & jam or just loaded with butter. If you’re looking for something satisfying, kinda nutty, and slightly sweet for breakfast, put this in your rotation! 


July 8, 2024

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 28 in 2024

Hi hiiiiii! It’s Monday! Did you have a good weekend? 

This weekend Cooper had a baseball scrimmage (won!). We did a ton of laundry to prepare for a trip. I also hosted Self Check-In, cleaned house and worked in the garden. 

 Here are my Intentions for the Week! 


July 7, 2024

My Everyday Life Week 27

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 27

Firework magic. 

My Everyday Life Week 27 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We watched the barge catch on fire after the finale. Whew!

My Everyday Life Week 27 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

The lights up in this building made me happy. 

The table. 

My Everyday Life Week 27 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


July 5, 2024


Feel your feelings- Tracy Benjamin / I LOVE LISTS


  1. Science is funny.
  2. For next year: how to photograph fireworks
  3. I want to try these Cheez-Its! 
  4. The history of the Wendy’s Frosty.
  5. The history of sparkling water! 
  6. This illlustration is a feast for the eyes.
  7. Let’s read some non-negotiables from chefs.
  8. How to spot/prevent overheating pets.
  9. Arizona tea won’t budge on the price.
  10. Now I want deep-dish pizza.
  11. The most beloved dish from every state. 
  12. What’s the longest world in the English language?
  13. A guide to growing tomatoes.
  14. I’m obsessed with looking at mini dollhouse kits.
  15. I’m all for grocery store tourism.
  16. Apple is changing some photo things.
  17. Stop worrying about your screen time?
  18. To grill: brown sugar mustard chicken
  19. How I prepare for grilling. 
  20. A roundup of my favorite pens.


Currently June 2024- The Handwriting Club by Tracy Benjamin

I shared my June pages in my Currently Workbook on The Handwriting Club! 

I’m teaching a binder class next month! We will be building two binders together based on my meal prep/plan pack & my time management system. Let’s get you organized this summer! 

Build a Binder Workshop- Tracy Benjamin


Building a Binder System- with Tracy Benjamin of The Handwriting Club & Shutterbean

Join me next month for an engaging ZOOM workshop where I’ll share my unique approach to organizing binders for both Food & Time Management!

Build a Binder with me!! Saturday July 20 10AM-12PM

(Both my time management & meal prep pdfs will be included and taught in this workshop. Download at checkout! )


 On this week’s Keep Grief Weird episode, we talk about the impact of grief on the brain. It’s wild to learn how much your brain has to work to remap your whole world. Give it a listen and subscribe to our substack! 


I shared what it was like to find my Mom’s shoes at an estate sale two years after her death. 

July 1, 2024

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 27 in 2024

Hi hiiiiii! It’s Monday! Did you have a good weekend? 

I had company over this weekend. Hosted Self Check-In and had time at the beach with friends. It was a lovely weekend. This week we have the 4th of July! Let’s get into it.

 Here are my Intentions for the Week!