August 12, 2021

Coffee Oreo Ice Cream

Coffee Oreo Ice Cream- find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

The other day I posted a photo from this wonderful ice cream shop on our trip back east  asking which flavor you’d pick and was kind of shocked by how many people said Coffee Oreo Ice Cream because I didn’t even SEE THAT FLAVOR.  I was paralyzed by all of the choices! 


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(For the record, I tried a scoop of Samoa and Biscoff & Coffee)

 Coffee Oreo Ice Cream- find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I probably would have picked Coffee Oreo Ice cream if they let me try it!  This whole COVID thing has ruined the ice cream sample game. *big sigh*

Coffee Oreo Ice Cream- find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Do you know who loves both coffee ice cream and cookies and cream? COOPER!  I figured we should celebrate the last week of Summer together at home with ice cream that everyone wanted to try.

MY FRIENDS,  this recipe did not disappoint. My child gave me an unsolicited hug yesterday morning because I am awesome and make him Coffee Oreo Ice Cream just for fun!  How awesome is that?! 


August 9, 2021

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 32  in 2021

​​Happy Monday friends!
We spent the week decompressing after our trip. We’re unpacked, I did some grocery shopping and now we’re ready to start a new week. I am hoping to hop on the meal prepping train soon because it’s one of my healthy eating habits and I know it helps me eat more vegetables.  I am also hoping to pick up food journaling this week too. It’s been FOREVER!  If you want to get yourself a food journal, my shop is back from vacation. I’d love to send you one! 



August 8, 2021

My Everyday Life Week 31

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 31

We stayed near a field of sunflowers during our stay in Cooperstown. It was magical passing by it every day.

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Trip to the Hall of Fame!  I forgot how much I love being in museums. It was my first visit to one in way over a year.

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

So many fun things to look at in that building. I did a treasure hunt with my 8-year-old friend, Shiloh. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Post-game chat.  (THEY TOOK FOREVER)

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I am still thinking about this noodle salad from Upstate BBQ  I ate for two meals. 

The only drawback of our week away was that Cooper’s baseball schedule kind of messed up our meal schedule. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

So much history back east. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

In between games pizza. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I watched so many baseball games in one week! 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Watching him play first base. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Nervous energy on the stands channeled through pipe cleaner art! 

I made a butterfly…

And a flower! 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

A storm was happening nearby. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Cooper’s team stayed in bunk #5  (Joe DiMaggio bunk)

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

My father-in-law came to Cooper’s games!

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Clouds were amazing all week. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Night games were pretty fun.

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I shared pictures of my July spread from our Airbnb. 

Currently July 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Cooper’s team made it to the championships at Cooperstown Dreams Park

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

There were fireworks and it was live streaming online with commentary. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We didn’t win but we played so hard all week! GOOD JOB, BOMBERS!!!

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Camping out at a used bookstore in Cooperstown. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

It’s such a cute town.

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Drove to spend the last few days of our trip with my in-laws! 

Casey’s grandmother made this rug and my father-in-law framed it. It made me happy that they had a cat that looked like Huggy named Boo (that’s what my Mom called Cooper). 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Casey’s Dad is a prolific gardener. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I fell in love with his yard. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I had the best time talking to him about plants. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

CHARMING, isn’t it??!! 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

It felt very magical. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

He also has an incredible brook. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We went on a hike together. Cooper will find a bat out of any stick. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

It was so nice to watch him play in the forest. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

The east coast is filled with bugs! 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

And beauty. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

This butterfly has been through a lot. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Casey’s step-mom made a wonderful dinner. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

His Dad made us a fruit salad. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Water healing. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Wearing long sleeves in the heat cuz BUGS. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Checking out the morning light. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

An incredible moment. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I was SO HAPPY this beauty hung out with me for 5 minutes. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Three generations of Benjamins. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I love watching my husband daydream. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We had an incredible lunch at Max’s Oyster Bar before we left. 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

My dahlias started blooming while I was away! 

My Everyday Life Week 31 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com



August 6, 2021


Let's See What Tomorrow Will Bring! // i love lists art by Tracy Benjamin of shutterbean.com



  1. Actors who played the younger version of their parents in movies. Fascinating! 
  2. Photos of good design.
  3. I love pattern mixing. 
  4. A glossary of photography terms. 
  5. Tips on caring for your cutting board. 
  6. Things to do with sweetened condensed milk besides this ice cream! 
  7. What’s the best way to shuck corn? 
  8. I didn’t know this is how Olympic swimmers drink hydrate. 
  9. A whole bunch of food facts! 
  10. I don’t know why an underwater museum freaks me out but it really does. 
  11. Oh, look. It’s a vintage nose shaper. Wow. 
  12. Thank you for talking about your botox. 
  13. Unexpected uses for cooking spray.
  14. Moths taking off in slow motion. 
  15. I’ve loved taking Cooper here over the years! 
  16. I don’t even want to talk about how expensive pizza is in CA. 
  17. This must be so cool in person. 
  18. I need to have another paint & sip night at my house. 
  19. 10 farms that are works of art. 
  20. How to mediate like an Olympic athlete.
  21. Weekend baking: simple drop biscuits & hash brown waffles

August 4, 2021

Currently July 2021


Currently July 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Currently July 2021

July was a busy month!  I was able to attend a few parties with friends (outside!), hiked up to the top of Mt. Tam, celebrated my Dad’s 75th birthday,  and then we ended the month by going to Cooperstown, NY for Cooper to attend a baseball tournament. We’ve been looking forward to this trip for years and it’s still happening as I type this!!! 

Blast from the past: 

July 2020

July 2019

July 2018

July 2017

July 2016

Let’s take a look in my Currently Workbook for July!

Currently July 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I used a combo of pens and colored pencils for this spread. 

Currently July 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


August 2, 2021

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 31  in 2021

​​Happy Monday friends!
We are sill in Cooperstown NY for Cooper’s baseball tournament. It’s been such a fun time. I’m LOVING how green everything is here in NY. 


August 1, 2021

My Everyday Life Week 30

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 30

Huggy helped me pack for our trip this week. I was happy I had a list to refer to! 

My Everyday Life Week 30 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I made the boys this Cucumber Sesame Salad before we left!

Cucumber Sesame Salad - find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Cooper vs. the bread basket. 

My Everyday Life Week 30 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Family dinner at Original Joe’s cuz my brother and sister-in-law came to visit! 

My Everyday Life Week 30 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Love in the city. 

My Everyday Life Week 30 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com