March 7, 2021

My Everyday Life Week 9

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 9

Flowers popping!

My Everyday Life Week 9 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Geese doing their thing.

My Everyday Life Week 9 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

On a walk with Heather. 

My Everyday Life Week 9 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We got Shake Shack for lunch.

My Everyday Life Week 9 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


March 5, 2021


Change Your Priorities - i love lists artwork by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com



  1. I enjoyed reading Julia’s experience with diet culture. 
  2. How to start seeds indoors.
  3. Tricks for getting help with housework. 
  4. Fast food you should never order. 
  5. Number 4 cracked me up.
  6. You can make a complete breakfast in an air fryer.
  7. Oooh and you can make grilled cheese in an air fryer too!
  8. Women and the pandemic.
  9. Ways to love yourself at home.
  10. Examples of sexism in our society.
  11. A bunch of time management email tips!
  12. Who built the pyramids and how did they do it? 
  13. Stanford studied the real causes of zoom fatigue. 
  14. Can you imagine rolling around in one of these trolleys?
  15. Prom dresses from the 1940s
  16. Floral removable wallpaper I like: one / two / three / four
  17. Have you seen the Levi’s for Target? This robe looks COZY.
  18.  A bird-shaped murmuration!
  19. I love these mushroom portraits. 
  20. This treehouse resort looks bonkers. 
  21. Haha. According to this quiz, I’m 50. 

March 4, 2021

Meatless Meatloaf

Meatless Meatloaf with Beyond Beef

My mom’s meatloaf was one of my favorite dinners in her repertoire. She served it with salad & roasted potaotes. I always fought for an end piece because that’s where the crispiest part was. I am sure if she found a good meat replacement, she would have happily made this meatless meatloaf version for my vegan brother while we were growing up. 

Meatless Meatloaf with Beyond Beef

Now I can make it for him and my niece who is vegetarian and we can all remember my Mom fondly!  I remember sitting in the kitchen watching her take off her rings and mixing the meatloaf by hand in her grandmother’s giant ceramic bowl.  She always loved the leftovers on a sandwich with a ton of mayo (ick) the next day.   I like ketchup, mustard, arugula & a bunch of chips smashed in for good measure. Keep scrolling. You’ll see what I mean.


March 3, 2021

Currently February 2021

Currently February 2021

28 days of February. Kinda flew by, didn’t it? I dunno maybe it didn’t I don’t really know what time is anymore. This month I tried to spend as much time outside as possible. The weather cooperated! Spring is on its way here. You can see what February looked like in 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017. 

Let’s look inside of my Currently Workbook!

The secret to being love is to LOVE!

A whole bunch of love! 


March 1, 2021

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week – Week 9 of 2021

Happy Monday, friends! It’s the first day of March. How are we feeling about it?

This weekend was a beautiful one. Started with a moonlight hike, ended with meal prep! This is what I am working with this week.


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A post shared by Tracy Benjamin (@shutterbean)

Meal Prep this week includes:

If you’re on Instagram, I’ll be sharing how I use my #shutterbeanmealprep in my stories- @shutterbean 

It’s Monday, let’s get our Intentions for the Week down! (my Intentions for the Week Printable helps!)


February 28, 2021

My Everyday Life Week 8

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 8

In my hallway currently.

The hallway!

Rainbow time!

Cooper picked out this plant for me for Valentine’s Day and it’s finally blooming!


February 26, 2021


With love & patience // i love lists artwork by tracy benjamin of shutterbean.com


  1. Let’s look at some interesting food facts.
  2. Food hacks from the internet.
  3. These people are having a worse day than you. 
  4. Behind the scenes info on working at Disney.
  5. Uses for almost empty jars. 
  6. Zoom fatigue is a real thing.
  7. This made me miss Anthony Bourdain.
  8. Vintage kitchens, 1940s.
  9. I’d wear this dress with these sandals and these sunglasses. 
  10. A whole bunch of lunch ideas.
  11. Supercut of typewriters on screen.
  12. What Millenials want to cancel about Gen-Z.
  13. The tallest buildings around the world. 
  14. These water drop paintings are incredible. 
  15. This house is stunning.
  16. Some fixes for pandemic monotony. 
  17. The power of community.
  18. Oooh I want to try this recipe.
  19. How Office Space went from a flop to a hit. 
  20. How the past year changed restaurant criticism.