December 11, 2020



  1. These photos are perfect! 
  2. My favorite pajamas are on sale right now.
  3. Behind the scenes of The Queen’s Gambit
  4. Whoa. Good job with the Christmas light- Tracy, California
  5. I like reading chef’s cooking hacks.
  6. Life was weird in 1939
  7. Best photos of 2020.
  8. Where did the commute time go?
  9. Dads making 2020 better.
  10. We discovered a lot of inventive street art in Italy last year.
  11. This tunnel must be fun to walk through.
  12. Fun planters: one / two / three / four
  13. 10 new rules of design.
  14. America loves to hate sweatpants.
  15. Top grocery trends for 2021 according to instacart
  16. Lofi vibes and animations to keep you company while you work.
  17. Best ways to ship cookies in the mail.
  18. A fully stocked felt pharmacy.
  19. Food served in weird ways. Umm yikes.
  20. The worlds according to Frances McDormand

Pick up some magic for you or someone you love from my shop! More currently workbooks are in stock!

December 9, 2020

Fire Cider

Fire Cider Recipe

Instead of flooding you with cookie recipes, I’d like to take this opportunity to Mom you. Ahem. You ready? *Hi honey. This is your friendly reminder to drink plenty of fluids and take good care of yourself. Don’t forget to rest and don’t push yourself too hard.  Watch how much sugar you eat. Find your breath and take advantage of the healing properties of Fire Cider. This is flu & cold season. Wash your hands. Wear a mask and take good care of your immune system.**


What is fire cider?   

Fire cider is an infused vinegar made with a combination of jalapenos, lemons, onions, garlic, ginger, and turmeric. The base is raw apple cider vinegar and in two weeks time, the mixture is strained and mixed with raw honey to taste. It is ready to use, Let health begin!

It will help fight a cold and aid digestion. Have a spoon full a day and give yourself a good immunity boost.  It helps you fight sugar cravings too! 

Fire Cider is a good thing to keep in the fridge this time of year. It belongs in your cold-weather arsenal along with my magical lemon ginger elixir

Don’t forget to MOM yourself! We need you here.


December 7, 2020

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 50 of 2020

Happy Monday, friends!

Week 50! Crazy, right? We have 53 weeks in the year this year. It’s almost up! This weekend we helped my Dad decorate his Christmas tree. We also hung out with friends from a distance. We are going into lockdown mode here in California so we’re heavily restricted until January 4th (my Mom’s birthday, go figure). Such a weird life we are living these days. Another week on the horizon…time to figure out our Intentions for the Week! Here are mine:


December 6, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 49

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 49

I found some great light this week. 

And a nice writing spot.

I noticed a tree I’ve never noticed before. 41 years here and I didn’t notice THIS BRIGHT YELLOW TREE.

Maybe cuz I don’t park over on this side of the parking lot. 

Reminding myself how much I love a morning walk.


December 4, 2020



  1. The best good news in 2020.
  2. Magical outdoor photos.
  3. Comfy outfit: top / leggings /slippers/ ear warmers
  4. The British government wants you to know The Crow isn’t real.
  5. Futurists discuss the future.
  6. Kid school photo fails. Lolll. #6
  7. I wonder if knickers will ever come back.
  8. I am going to try this hack next time I make salad dressing.
  9. Amazing/rare historical photos to help give you perspective.
  10. I like looking at old things. Maybe because I’m old.
  11. If you need to teach someone what empathy is, this is helpful.
  12. Why COVID curfews don’t make sense.
  13. What a beautiful home!
  14. Lady GAGA has her own OREO flavor coming out.
  15. Why America is still obsessed with air-fryers.
  16. Jordan Firstman is one of my favorite Instagrammers.
  17. This dollhouse is bonkers.
  18. Our COVID life, illustrated.
  19. Weekend reading: Home Style Cookery
  20. All of my favorite things in 2020 gift guide.

**Thank you so much for all of your Currently Workbook purchases! I sold out and more will be back in the shop on Monday. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** 

December 3, 2020

Homemade Edible Gifts

Homemade Edible Gift Ideas- Shutterbean

I am trying to get myself in the holiday spirit!

Our tree has lights on it.

No ornaments yet.

Last year our cat, Huggy was a kitten and locked out of the room with the tree, and this year he is a full-blown monster cat who likes to climb up the tree. I am slooooowwwwwly decorating it. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed making holiday treats for my friends/family. With the extra time at home on the weekends and a tight eye on the budget, I believe making edible treats is a good route to go.  It’s one of the best ways to make holiday magic. Putting love and care into something for someone else.

We all need a reminder of how loved we are. This year more than ever.

Let’s open up my filing cabinet of fun and find some recipes to inspire your Homemade Edible Gifts this season! 

Classic Gingerbread Cookies

A fun activity to do with kiddos!


December 2, 2020

Currently November 2020

Currently November 2020

November came and went.  November marked the three year anniversary of my Mom’s death. Her death changed our holiday(s) and then COVID changed our holiday(s) even more. My homework in therapy was to consider how I want to spend Thanksgiving. “Have you thought about how you want to spend your Thanksgiving? What does your ideal Thanksgiving look like?

I used my Currently Workbook to make notes! 

Here’s what I wrote!

I thought a lot about our holidays growing up. My Mom always made them special and invited family over. She’d work really hard, making things magical, and then the day would be done and the next few days she would be absolutely exhausted and annoyed with people who didn’t help or contribute to the day. Resentment built up and then she questioned what she did it for.  Now that our matriarch is gone, it’s my turn to figure out how I want to spend my holidays with my family.  This is what I want!

All the good things that happened this month:

November was made up of all of this.

Let’s break it down!

Inspired By:

The light. I feel grateful to have such a better appreciation for the light in my house after spending SO MUCH TIME in it this year. This new season brings new light to parts of our house that didn’t get as much light during the summer and I’m pretty happy about that.


Queen’s Gambit- finished. Loved. So sad it’s over. I spent a bunch of time looking at youtube videos of the show after just for more information. I LOVED the costume/set design.

Weekend at Bernies- We watched with Cooper. Loved reliving parts of my childhood with him. He thought it was silly. 

Goonies- We’ve already seen it with Cooper, we all just wanted to watch it again!

Challenger: Final Flight – brought up a lot of  feelings from my childhood for some reason. I think I remembered my Mom being glued to the TV all week long watching the coverage and trying to figure out what happened. It’s so weird 

The Other Guys- so dumb. I don’t know why I agreed to watch it.

Dolly Parton- Here I Am – loved it/love her. Was so fascinated with her life story. 

Social Dilemma- Watched this first before we watch it with Cooper. I already knew a lot of stuff since I work online, but I am pretty frightened for the future. Technology is making childhood so different.

Night Crawler– kinda creepy and weird. 

Bloodline (just started!)- so happy to see Coach Taylor again 🙂



Post Modern Magic

Thriving as an Empath

 My currently workbook from 2019. 

Fire Cider Recipes

Thinking About:

  • My Mom
  • 2021
  • Time
  • Holidays
  • Routine… and how much it’s changed over the year
  • My word for 2021 (hmmmmm)

Listening To:

Love this one lately.

Cooper and I enjoy this one.

OBSESSED with this whole Plantasia album.

I found out it was made in 1976 to help plants grow!

Listenting to this one over and over again.


Cooper’s favorite song rn:

I listened to this song SO MANY TIMES this month.


Dream Life:

Takes place in old buildings…searching for property? Going through buildings of my childhood maybe? I had a dream that I pulled out a puffer jacket from my high school locker room. I think it’s because I saw something online the night before. That’s really only the REAL dream I remember. There were two dreams I had this month where I was crying and in the dream I was like YES THIS IS THE BEST, GET ALL OF THE TOXINS OUT OF YOUR BODY THROUGH CRYING.  I dunno. I think I was lucid.


Biggest meal of the month? Thanksgiving (for FOUR).

Made it all myself!

 Shared my Sausage & Mushroom Stuffing and was so happy to hear that a lot of you tried it and loved it for your Thanksgiving.

I love the power of recipes!

Cranberry Rosemary Bars were a real hit. I made them twice and ate SO MANY OF THEM.

Cooper had been craving doughnuts all month so I caved and made him my buttermilk doughnuts. 

I loved looking back on that post and seeing little Cooper! He got a kick out of it too.

Comfort food….

Sausage, peppers & onions on crusty french bread, please and thank you.

Made the boys happy with fresh rolls.

Had black miso cod at home thanks to Fishmonger Don.

I’ve been enjoying a milky tea in the afternoon.

Persimmon season is celebrated (only by me!) in this house.

Cooper has found a love for Matcha Lattes.

On my Autumn Bucket List, I had a goal to make pies and I made two this month. One apple and one pumpkin. YAY!

Grateful For:

  • Being able to see the potential in people & things
  • My creativity
  • Being ALIVE + WELL
  • My health


Self Portrait for November

I hope you have a wonderful December! See you back here at the end of the month.