January 4, 2021

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 1 of 2020

Happy Monday, friends!

This weekend it rained a lot so we were stuck indoors. I spent the weekend organizing spaces around the house, packing up food journal orders for The Handwriting Club (I’ll have more Currently Workbooks in my shop this week!). This week Cooper might be going back to school. Not entirely sure.  I am going to try to carve out a pocket of time to write down my Intentions for the year in my Currently Workbook- I’ll try to share them soon.  I’m hoping to get my house back to normal after the holidays. It’s Monday. Let’s take a moment and write down our Intentions for the week, shall we? 


January 3, 2021

My Everyday Life Week 53

Here’s what the last week of 2020 looked like- My Everyday Life Week 53

Starting the New Year off right with my essentials. 

I am using a small notebook for bullet journaling this year.

The best part? It fits in my overalls.

I wanted pink so I could spot it from the other side of the room.

This week I spent time going through my old Currently Workbooks while I started my new one!

They’re now on Amazon if you’re looking to get one internationally. I’ll have more in my shop next week!


January 1, 2021



  1. Watch your balance this winter.
  2. Best household hacks of 2020.
  3. 50 years of music mashup.
  4. Dad’s of daughters are the best. 
  5. A whole bunch of Christmas fails for you.
  6. Whoa. This black villa is incredible.
  7. Essential workers who will restore your faith in humanity.
  8. How film production has changed due to the pandemic.
  9. Very old photos of people play in the snow in Central Park.
  10. How to mother a daughter when you have food issues. 
  11. I can relate to the emotional whiplash of living in the Bay Area.
  12. Non-Americans share the scams Americans think are normal.  
  13. I love looking into the worlds of diorama makers. 
  14. These floating miniature landscapes are mindblowing. 
  15. Archeologists uncover an old food stand in Pompei. 
  16. 2020 from above.
  17. Shoe-shi
  18. Most popular Christmas gifts of the 80s + 90s
  19. My life anchors:  my fitbit/ my food journal/ my currently workbook
  20. How to start the new year off right! 


The Food Journal

The Food Journal- by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com & The Handwriting Club

Last January, I started the year with an elimination diet (no alcohol, no dairy & no gluten) and it made me feel so great. I was carrying the momentum until COVID happened and I spent 2020 making bread & eating feelings while trying to stay alive and take care of my family during a global pandemic.


December 28, 2020

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week – Week 53 of 2020!

Happy Monday, friends!

We survived Christmas. Whew! My house is slowly getting back to normal. So much vacuuming!  We’ve been resting and taking it easy all weekend. December WIPED ME OUT.

This week I am going to be finishing up my Currently Workbook for 2020 and starting my new one for 2021.

I am so excited to be sharing this project with so many of you. Thank you for keeping me motivated to keep doing it.  I will be getting more in the shop very soon! 

I appreciate you. Let’s figure out what’s going down on the last week of the year with a list. Here are my Intentions for the week!


December 27, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 52

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 52

A moment of quiet. 

I love how our living room sparkles this time of year. 

The sunset in Mill Valley.

My Everyday Life Week 52 of 2020- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Sent out another big batch of workbooks this week!


December 25, 2020


Happy Merry Everything- I love lists artwork by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com



  1. I wanna see a moonbow!
  2. A whole bunch of things that are now obsolete.
  3. Lego cutting wrapping paper machine
  4. Let’s look at old pictures of the Bee Gees. Fashions!
  5. Interesting finds are so interesting!!!
  6. This artist hollowed out a volcano.
  7. Looks good: split pea soup / small batch egg nog
  8. The complimentary colors of the Queen’s Gambit
  9. Pollution paintings are kinda pretty.
  10. A little David Sedaris for your holidays.
  11. Cozy pjs  one / two / three / four 
  12. The year in pictures.
  13. Paintings on teabags.
  14. How to start the new year off right.
  15. A house-shaped house in the forest. 
  16. Greeting cards are making a comeback.
  17. Do you miss shaking hands? I don’t.
  18. Christmas traditions around the world.
  19. Some new stuff to try at Trader Joe’s
  20. Look at how chill this cat is!