Currently August 2020
August- birthday month, drove home from Los Angeles, pandemic still happening, fires, I turned 41, went through a few grief waves because BIRTHDAY, library books checked out (FINALLY!), working from home with husband and child has been interesting, mornings in the yard keep me sane, vegetables ripening in the garden, pops of orange and pink zinnias out the window, wore overalls mostly for the pockets, dog snuggles, cat snuggles, art with friends, sad goodbyes to another group of friends who are making the exodus out of California, took a reiki training workshop, school started and we stayed away from the public as much as we could and stayed healthy.
I spent a lot of time working in my Currently Workbook this month. It really helped calm my brain and reduce my anxiety.
I’m going through a collage phase. I’ve been using photocopied clip-art from an old book and pasting things down with mod podge.
This sticker book is totally my favorite!!! —> The Antiquarian Sticker Book I used it a lot for the pages.