October 5, 2020

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 41 of 2020

Happy Monday, friends!

This weekend we celebrated Cooper’s 12th birthday, caught up on housework and did some meal prep. This week Cooper is going back to school (in person) and I have so many mixed feelings. There will be new systems in place with school/homework/gatherings etc. and I am bracing myself for whatever happens. Oof. 

At least I am starting the week prepped!  Here’s my meal prep this week:



October 4, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 40

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life Week 40



I cannot!

He started the day with birthday donuts! Then he had school.

I made him a birthday cake cuz it’s my tradition!


October 2, 2020



  1. My dad was a kid in NY in the 1950s.
  2. A whole bunch of hard to swallow truths.
  3. Professional chefs share the most common mistakes we make.
  4. What do poll watchers do?
  5. Perfect bag to run errands with.
  6. How to stop falling into a self-judgement spiral.
  7. Adjustment disorder in the time of COVID.
  8. I should do this with my cats.
  9. I want to sleep in a bubble and watch the northern lights.
  10. Some very creative pumpkin carving ideas.
  11. overalls love: one / two / three / four 
  12. This lace mural in spraypaint looks cool!
  13. Mothers’ careers are at extraordinary risk right now. 
  14. Healthy snacks from Costco!
  15. A whole bunch of ways to reduce waste.
  16. This kitchen looks so well-loved. 
  17. A couple restored an RV during COVID downtime. 
  18. How to deal with invisible labor at home during COVID.
  19. Herbs to help during fire season.
  20. I’d love to live in a modern ranch house one day.
  21. I didn’t know Ina Garten keeps her vinegar in the fridge.
  22. Join me in setting goals and writing down Intentions for the Week! 

October 1, 2020

Currently September 2020

Currently September 2020

September was weird, filled with some ups and downs.  Cooper’s school started back up.  We are glad to have Cooper back in school so we can work from home with less distraction. It’s been tough to juggle it all!  We have had so many fires here in California that it makes every day unpredictable. When you’re stuck at home AND cannot go outside because of the air, it’s really a big bummer.  Another bummer is that another one of my good friends moved out of California and that makes me so sad. Life is just not the same as it was! 

Here’s my September spread from my Currently Workbook.



September 28, 2020

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:


Intentions for the Week – Week 40 of 2020

Happy Monday, friends!  We had a busy weekend of entertaining! My oldest brother came over for dinner, we went to our neighbors for drinks, and then I had my Dad and his lady over for Sunday family dinner.  I didn’t get a chance to do meal prep this weekend so I am hoping to get to do a small prep sometime during the week.  Let’s see what’s going down this week. Time to write down our Intentions for the Week! Here they are:


September 27, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 39

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 39

We are now at this stage of development where I HAVE THE SAME SIZE FEET AS MY KID.

Adventure in San Anselmo!

The town is becoming more colorful with art!

Mirror mirror in my hand.

This was on the side of the road and now it is a helpful tool for organizing! 

I love making something old new again.

Found this on a solo driving adventure. 


September 25, 2020

I Love Lists

  1. Life underwater is so mysterious.
  2. Your cooling rack doubles as a drying rack.
  3. Power washer artwork is so cool.
  4. Unrealistic things women did in movies.
  5. Birthday week for Bill Murray! 
  6. These portraits make me want to paint.
  7. That’s a lot of black licorice to eat every day.
  8. Pictures of rare things spotted in nature. 
  9. Healthy keto recipes that aren’t 100% bacon.
  10. This rainbow sleeping bag looks fun.
  11. An office pod would be so convenient. 
  12. Drones can take the coolest photos even though I find them annoying.
  13. The storyboards for the movie Parasite blow my mind. 
  14. Old photos of couples walking from the 1920s + 1930s
  15. What to do if you’re bored with your home workouts.
  16. To make: frosted pumpkin cookies / pumpkin french toast
  17. I’ve been craving tahdig.
  18. There are a lot of underrated TJ’s products I haven’t tried. 
  19. Face mask vending machines are now a thing.
  20. The most influential people of 2020. 

If you need to start next week off right, download my Intentions for the Week Printable!