September 13, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 37

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 37

This week was pretty stressful! The air here in the Bay Area has been horrible due to fires. We woke up to orange skies. We woke up LATE because of it. 

I didn’t get to spend much time outside.

But when I did, I just checked on my plants.

I’m waiting to harvest seeds from these zinnias and the colors they turn before they dry up are so pretty.

Having a working irrigation system has made such a difference this year.

Afternoon snacks.


September 11, 2020



  1. I am definitely dreaming of fixing up an RV one day. 
  2. Online school is going grrrrrreeeeaaat.
  3. I should try this picky eater tip on Cooper.
  4. Notes on grief.
  5. The impossible job of managing a restaurant right now. 
  6. The history of roadside dinosaur statues gives me wanderlust. 
  7. Photos from the west coast. Keep us in your thoughts! 
  8. Why it’s so hard to capture the smoky air on your phones. 
  9. It’s hard to believe these aren’t real neon signs.
  10. How to host a safe small gathering during this time.
  11. What bedrooms looked like in the 1940s.
  12. Grandparents could help with homeschooling. 
  13. All of the IKEA catalogs from the past 70 years, digitized. 
  14. Speaking of IKEA… it looks like SF is getting one. 
  15. Time to start putting tea bags on our eyes.
  16. Invisible labor is real and it hurts.
  17. Photographing Audrey Hepburn.
  18. Ways to feel good at home right now. 
  19. To make: Thai chicken zoodles, pasta salad / zucchini parmesan sliders
  20. Pretties: botanical tarot deck / match striker / dandelion crystal
  21. For the love of mail. 
  22. Make magic! 

September 7, 2020

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 37 of 2030

Happy Monday, friends!

It’s Labor Day here. The weather is hot and we are staying at home. This weekend we laid low and did stuff around the house. My brother-in-law came to help us with a project so it was nice to have someone new around here!  It’s super hot here…It’s the kind of hot that makes you not feel like cooking. We have a 4 day work week ahead of us and I’m hoping to drink enough water, get some exercise and write down what I am eating in my food journal. It helps me stay on top of how I’m feeling…which I haven’t been too good about these days.  Let’s take a moment and write down our Intentions for the Week, shall we? 


September 6, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 36

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 36

Seed harvesting reminds me that death brings new life, in another season.

Snacks from the yard.

Still plagued with smoke here.

The deer are skinny this time of year.

My brother-in-law spoils us with the produce he grows. Thanks, James!

Sniff test


September 4, 2020



  1. Our surge capacity is depleted. That is why we are exhausted.
  2. Another round of design fails to cheer you up!
  3. What social distancing looks like in other parts of the world.
  4. Making art with old typewriters- COOL!! 
  5. Generation work from home may never recover. 
  6. Pictures of people’s failed harvests. lol.
  7. Why do I find David Lynch so intriguing? 
  8. Why didn’t I think of this fitted sheet hack?
  9. How to carve out time to read as a parent.
  10. Cake design goes modern.
  11. Wishlist: pretty bandanas / star pour-over / a cute tunic
  12. The death of a husband and grief during the pandemic.
  13. I want to make art out of the Earth.
  14. This home is so beautiful. Wow.
  15. This makes me want to buy some newspapers.
  16. How to manage your time more effectively
  17. Kitchens, 1960s.
  18. This most be so fun to take photos of.
  19. Make sure you’re registered to vote!
  20. Weekend breakfast- The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich
  21. Treat yourself or send a friend something from The Handwriting Club! 

September 2, 2020

Currently August 2020

Currently August 2020

August- birthday month, drove home from Los Angeles, pandemic still happening, fires, I turned 41,  went through a few grief waves because BIRTHDAY, library books checked out (FINALLY!), working from home with husband and child has been interesting, mornings in the yard keep me sane, vegetables ripening in the garden, pops of orange and pink zinnias out the window, wore overalls mostly for the pockets, dog snuggles, cat snuggles, art with friends,  sad goodbyes to another group of friends who are making the exodus out of California, took a reiki training workshop, school started and we stayed away from the public as much as we could and stayed healthy. 

I spent a lot of time working in my Currently Workbook this month. It really helped calm my brain and reduce my anxiety. 

I’m going through a collage phase. I’ve been using photocopied clip-art from an old book and pasting things down with mod podge.

This sticker book is totally my favorite!!!  —> The Antiquarian Sticker Book I used it a lot for the pages.


August 31, 2020

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week – Week 36 of 2020

Happy Monday, friends!

This weekend I had a happy hour turned dinner with friends. I did a bunch of art, got started on laundry and cleaned up the kitchen, and did a little bit of meal prep (mostly snacks!) for the upcoming week. We are on our second week of school from home. It was so much easier to get work done while Cooper is occupied. Feeling thankful for being back in a somewhat “regular” schedule. Referring to this post about creating healthy eating habits because I need the reminder!   Let’s figure out what’s our Intentions for the Week, shall we? Here are mine!