Intentions for the Week – Week 34 of 2020
Happy Monday, friends!
The weekend flew by real fast. We had time with friends, it rained, I got lost doing artwork this weekend while trying to stay cool.
It’s hot and muggy here in the Bay Area.
There’s electricity in the air. Lightning and thunderstorms. 90F+ degrees. It’s very confusing. What is happening to California?!
This is our last week before school starts up again. Hopefully, we can find something fun/adventurous to do as a last hoorah. We’ll see what the weather has in store for us…
This week, I am hopping back on my food journaling. It’s been a few weeks. It’s the best way I have to check in with myself. The best part is that it’s always there waiting for me when I need it. There are more in the shop! Get one here!
OK. Time to write down our Intentions for the Week. Here we go!