July 7, 2020

Currently June 2020


Currently June 2020

Here we are. It’s July as a type this up.

Not gonna lie… June was a tough month.

My timing has been off with everything. My diet has been off. My energy has been off too.  Everything is off! 

No more school and no Summer camps have made it a very precarious time to be working at home with my husband and Cooper. We rely heavily on summer camps to get us through the summer but now it’s Camp Mom + Dad (mostly Mom) every day while we try to get work done.

The hardest part is not having boundaries between work, home, and family time. 

Not knowing when the end is in sight makes it hard to plan anything.

Not being able to plan anything or have an idea of what the next year will look like is tough.

Worrying about worrying too much and that some people aren’t worrying at all.  Worrying a lot! Worrying is exhausting! 

And then there’s grief…grieving our old lives and trying to make space to accept some of the things that we are dealing with are beyond our control.

But I know that when I am feeling feelings, I must put some time into reflection. 

Let’s look at my June spread in my Currently Workbook


July 6, 2020

Intentions for the Week


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 28 of 2020

Hello, friends. It’s Monday! Did you have a nice 4th of July? We hung out with our pod around a pool. It was pretty mellow. We had hot dogs, drinks, cookies & fun. We spent the weekend with my niece and we did art together and we had some great conversations. I love the adult she is becoming and cannot believe she is 21. Another week at home working with my family. I really hope we can get out for an evening walk sometime this week.  Let’s take a moment and write down our Intentions for the Week! 


July 5, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 27

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 27

Fruit marinating to be put on the grill to turn into a cocktail syrup. 

We spent yesterday afternoon with our pod!

My niece came with us!


July 3, 2020



  1. You should mute your smart speaker’s mic more often.
  2. Black paper with white pencil drawings.
  3. Non-Americans share what they like about America.
  4. This reminds me that I should use my broiler more.
  5. I was wondering when they were going to arrest her.
  6. I love finding movie details.
  7. How book clubs can help fight loneliness.
  8. Old photos of MLK Jr. eating with his family.
  9. It would be fun to make cloud doodles with Cooper.
  10. How COVID is changing the way we eat.
  11. This looks like the best way to eat watermelon!
  12. Bucket list goal- take photos of the Milky Way
  13. Train travel used to be so fancy.
  14. Speaking of bucket lists here’s my Summer 2020 Bucket List
  15. These photos of water lily harvesting are amazing.
  16. This Nasa Sun timelapse video boggles my mind.
  17. Portraits of people with their cats in the early 20th century.
  18. So glad Deb wrote this. THANK YOU, DEB. I feel seen.
  19. How this pandemic is going to scar a generation of working mothers.
  20. Tunic love: one / two / three / four

If you need to start next week off right, download my Intentions for the Week Printable!

If you need dessert inspiration for this weekend, I am here to help.

July 1, 2020

Summer Bucket List 2020

We are already 10 days into Summer. How does it feel besides weird?! For the past 5 years,  I’ve been making a Summer Bucket List (with Cooper’s help) so we can be intentional about how we spend time during the Summer together as a family. It’s a great activity and it helps us all figure out what we want to get out of our time. 

Let’s dive into some of my past Summer Bucket Lists, shall we?


June 29, 2020

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:


Intentions for the Week – Week 27 of 2020

Happy Monday, friends!

We had a pretty nice weekend here. I had a lady art date with my friend. The boys did baseball. Casey got involved in a bmx bike refinishing project. I cleaned the house and did a lot of straightening. Oh, and I also did a bunch of gardening. I am not sure we left the house most of the weekend. This week I have to figure out how to occupy Cooper’s time while we work from home. Hoping to get a big batch of stuff done so I can block out some time with my boo. 

I almost forgot! I FINALLY DID MEAL PREP!



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Cleaned out the fridge and filled it back up again! Recipe for strawberry chia jam and herb zucchini fritters are on my blog. #shutterbeanmealprep

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June 28, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 26

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 26

Here’s what we are growing!

I am obsessed with this chalk!  No dust and so creamy!

Headed out for the Farmer’s Market.

My goal was to get some blooms to paint!

Went with my friend Neiley.

I painted these with my camera.