May 31, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 22

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 22

This week I had an art date!

Neiley came over and we painted from a distance.

So nice to have lady time. I’ve been stuck with BOYS. 

Playing with ink is my favorite. 

I worked in my Currently Workbook for May!


May 29, 2020



  1. How well do you know cursive?
  2. Whoa. I didn’t know that about the ampersand.
  3. This looks like the best way to eat zucchini! YUM.
  4. What life looked like when my parents were growing up. 
  5. Beautiful flower arrangements appear on the streets of NYC.
  6. A blanket of my dreams.
  7. Is it safe to travel again?
  8. I’ve been wanting to make my own pita bread.
  9. If you don’t have cocktail ingredients, these things work in a pinch.
  10. Pressed flowers turn into something amazing.
  11. This post-depression cleanup video is therapeutic. 
  12.  Creative hobbies to try while you’re sheltering-in-place
  13. So many of my teacher friends miss their kids!
  14. I prefer Shake Shack to In & Out
  15. This makes me want a guest house. 
  16. 50 songs in 3 minutes.
  17. What are the personality types in The Office?
  18. How COVID will shape the class of 2020 for the rest of their lives.
  19. This might make you motivated to do some projects rn.
  20. To make: green tea ice cream /cherry pie crumble bars / drop biscuits


In case you missed it, this week  I shared my Intentions for the Week Printable!

It will help you get your head in the game every week as we shelter in place.

I’ll be sharing more on The Handwriting Club stories and in my Intentions for the Week Posts!

You can purchase printable here! 

May 27, 2020

Intentions for the Week Printable!

 I just went through my website and counted 155 Intentions for the Week Posts. That’s almost three years of weekly TO-DO lists!  The accountability of sharing it with you every Monday really helps!  


During the past three years of building this productivity habit, I’ve been experimenting with different calendar systems (see bullet journal ). In the past year and a half, I found a calendar system that seems to work really well with this paper-loving lady.

This is my  Moleskine Calendar with my Just StART! sticker.

This calendar system gives you this really nice page on the right where you can make lists. I spent over 40 weeks playing around with different kinds of lists until I landed on one that had all of the things I needed on it. It’s a design that keeps me motivated to check in with myself/check-off tasks every day. 

See below:

Before quarantine, I was on a good run but then started sheltering-in-place on Week 11 and I stopped checking in with my calendar because WHYYY??!

I wasn’t using a calendar but I still needed a TO-DO list to keep my HOME/WORK/INTENTIONS/DINNER, so I put my energy to good use and made a system we can use together-

The Intentions for the Week printable! 

Let’s break down what I believe to be MY ESSENTIALS to a high functioning week.

Intentions for the Week Printable:

Week Number: This is so you can keep track of your lists each week.  Knowing what week it is can give you some perspective of where we are in the year. Especially because I need to know what week it is when I am working on My Everyday Life posts

Goals This Week This box is for writing down down the big things you need to accomplish/not forget. I tend to put things in there like use my food journal, drink water, EAT MORE GREENS. 

Work: Fill it in with the projects you must complete. Maybe create a column within the box to write down all of the people you need to email back?

Mind/Body:  This is to remind yourself to practice self-care. Things I put in there include: paint nails, go for a walk, work out (with at least three checkboxes next to it), friend time, reading,  and ART TIME! 

Home: All of the home projects that need doing. Laundry, cleaning,  grocery shopping, errands, watering plants, YOU NAME IT.

Dinner Ideas:  Map out the meals for the week. Fill it in pencil in case you need to change things around. 

I am Grateful for: A way to write a note to yourself of gratitude.  Color it in. Play around with it. Every week you have something new to think of. Looking for goodness keeps hope alive.

As you can see, I like filling it out and crossing things off in COLOR. Sometimes I color-code things in the bullet journal fashion to move over to my next week (like all of those things in yellow!)

You can punch holes with a 3-hole puncher and put it in a binder!

To purchase this printable, click here!

I’m excited to see how it works for you! 

Favorite supplies to use with printable:

Follow @thehandwritingclub on Instagram and tag your lists! 

For updates on the shop, printables & workshops, subscribe to The Handwriting Club Mailing list.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 25, 2020

Intentions for the Week


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 22 of 2020

Happy Monday, friends!

It’s Memorial Day weekend for us and then this is Cooper’s last week of school and WHO KNOWS WHAT THE SUMMER IS GOING TO BE LIKE.  We spent the weekend social distancing with friends. Hung out at a pool.  My friend came over and we did art together at a distance and then we had a BBQ outside with my family. It’s amazing how much we take socializing for granted. It’s just so weird to be so far apart and not embrace. Let’s sit down and figure out what’s going on this week. Here are my Intentions for the Week!


May 24, 2020

My Everyday Life: Week 21

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 21

Feeling grateful for farmer friends!  Thank you for a box of goodies, @farmert

Produce came from the culinary garden at Kendall-Jackson. 


Huggy was a fan of the box.

Watching squirrels in the morning.


May 22, 2020



  1. I don’t know why I got Washington D.C
  2. Loved seeing Zoe’s beauty uniform.
  3. I would love to paint flowers all over my bathroom like this.
  4. Ordering this book for Cooper- How to Be a Person
  5. 7 beautifully mosaic tiled stairs in San Francisco.
  6. I’m amazed at how much paint can transform a room!
  7. What the new “normal” looks like around parts of the US that are reopening.
  8. Women posing in front of TVs in the 1960s.
  9. A beach retreat house would be divine.
  10. Hot topic- gender inequality in housework.
  11. Colorful quarantine portraits.
  12. Prepare for the roaring 20s?
  13. Grief & the medical system.
  14. Heart-shaped succulents exist!!
  15. Meg Ryan’s home in SF is for sale & its GORGEOUS. 
  16. I should bust out my sewing machine & make this garden apron.
  17. Aerial photos of farmland- wow!
  18. Celebs & their real first names. 
  19. These air fried pickles look yummy.
  20. Comfort foods: Sriracha Mac & Cheese and  Sausage Jalapeño Hushpuppies


Sending magic & inspiration from The Handwriting Club!  Place an order for magic in your mailbox! 

Also, if you’re looking to do something productive with your time, take some Skillshare classes. It has definitely helped me grow my creative practice. Here are two months of FREE premium membership when you sign up. 



May 20, 2020

Frosted Snickerdoodle Bars

Do you know what’s shocking? I have yet to make banana bread during this quarantine situation. Turns out that when Cooper is at home, he eats more bananas so I never have any leftovers. I have a huge stack of new cookbooks to work my way through and I’ve decided that my family needed a sweet treat this week.  We could all use a pick-me-up! Enter, these Frosted Snickerdoodle Bars from my friend Shauna Sever’s latest cookbook, Midwest Made.  They brought a lot of joy to our household this week. 

I got an, “MMMMM, Mom! These are so good, THANK YOU!”

And that’s all I was looking for after countless weeks of hearing my child complain about dinners I make that he doesn’t want to try/eat. These bars are delicious. I’m planning on stashing a few in our freezer. I love frozen cake with frosting. Better yet, maybe they’ll find their way into ice cream. YUM.