April 20, 2020

Intentions for the Week


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:


Intentions for the Week – Week 17 of 2020

Happy Monday, friends!

This weekend brought Cooper’s Spring Break to a close. We did some house projects, had zoom meetings with family, I finished up a lettering project and tried hard to rest my back. I’ve been starting my mornings with some deep stretching which seems to help.  I know this won’t last forever, it’s just really annoying right now.  You can really take things like BENDING OVER EASILY for granted. I hope to be able to go for a long walk this week. 

School starts again tomorrow so we’ll juggle that while working from home. I like when the days are more structured and school helps (somewhat with that). Our days are so broken up as we figure out a new normal until the end of May. I wonder what Summer is going to look like… Let’s have a moment, make a list and figure out what our Intentions for the Week are. 


April 19, 2020

My Everyday Life: Week 16

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 16

Trying to find some zen this week as we are still stuck at home!

Cooper was on his spring break all week.

I made this with propagations from my garden.

I had a moment with a baby deer.

He was stuck in our fence and I let him free with a stick.

He was reunited with his Mama later.


April 17, 2020



  1. How to look good on video chat according to Tom Ford.
  2. It’s OK if you can’t relax right now.
  3. Risks to the “motivational pressure” we are facing right now.
  4. I have all of the ingredients to make these cookies.
  5. The U.S. Postal system has never been more important or endangered
  6. If you wanna make a small batch of hamburger buns (which I do!)
  7. The coronavirus is bringing out the stupidity in people.
  8. Cat + weatherman = good TV
  9. How to dry herbs.
  10. Why small decisions feel as tough as big ones during this time.
  11. What a beautiful place to visit. I want a vacation SO BAD.
  12. What will work/life balance look like after the pandemic?
  13. Is it ethically OK to have food delivered right now?
  14. American restaurants with beautiful views from the 1950s +1960s
  15. Some innovative food creations while in quarantine.
  16. Screens are lifesavers but also relationship wreckers right now.
  17. See also: How to Break Up with Your Phone
  18. Weekend reading: Dancing at the Pity Party  + Josey Baker Bread
  19.  A thank you note to all teachers.
  20. If you need recommendations on art supplies, I have quite a few!
  21. Here’s 2 months FREE premium membership to Skillshare if you wanna spend time learning

The image above is from my latest 100 days project- #100thingsmymomusedtosay  follow along on The Handwriting Club on instagram. 

April 15, 2020

Hot & Spicy Saltines

You can learn a lot about yourself and the people you live with when you spend over 30 days stuck at home with them. Within the first week of sheltering in place, I learned I had not bought enough snacks. WE ARE A SNACK LOVING FAMILY AND I DID NOT BUY ENOUGH SNACKS. It was Friday. I wanted something for happy hour. I read the recipe for these Hot & Spicy Saltines from EveryDayCook: by Alton Brown and we had all of the ingredients SO I MADE THEM IMMEDIATELY. 

Well, I made the ghee  (fun project!) first and then I made them.




April 13, 2020

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 16 of 2020

Hello friends!

We made it through another week of school+work from home. HOORAY.  I’m currently laying in bed typing because I threw my back out while gardening this weekend. Womp womp. It’s been hard to be idle today, but a reminder that I can’t and shouldn’t bite off more than I can chew and I should ask for help while moving things. Our friends brought us some ham, I made mashed potatoes and roasted carrots. It was a simple and delicious Easter dinner.  I think I am going to make Sausage Bread this week because it’s the time of year my grandma used to make it. 

This week Cooper is on Spring Break. We were supposed to go on a family trip to the coast, but we’re stuck at home. We’ll try to make an adventure of it somehow. We always have a list to refer to…

This time is so weird. Not checking in with my calendar has been jarring. Some days are easier than others. Some days have been downright hard.  Starting each morning with a list really helps. Let’s sit down and write down our Intentions for the week, shall we? 


April 12, 2020

My Everyday Life Week 15

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 15

Flowers in bloom in our yard.

View looking up while hanging in my hammock.

The celery I planted only lasted a day in my bed. Rabbits!!

I am our gardener.

My lettuce is growing!


April 10, 2020



  1. The best quarantine jokes this week…
  2. Cats looking like they own the place. 
  3. Parents are not ok.
  4. Larry David is a master of his quarantine.
  5. According to this quiz, I am a witch.
  6. I was wondering what happens to zookeepers during quarantine.
  7. How kitchens have changed over the past 5 centuries.
  8. How to make your own face mask.  
  9. You could also make masks with some of this stuff.
  10. Why losing a job deserves its own grieving process.
  11. This gerbil art museum is a productive way to pass time during self-isolation.
  12. I am going to do this with Cooper.
  13. Hooray for pandas mating! 
  14. 1950s cocktail dresses 
  15. Tasty looking puzzles.
  16. Such a cool building for kids!
  17. Romance in the 1950s
  18. How to transition between work time and personal time.
  19. 365 free movies to stream on youtube
  20. A whole list of trashy movies that are actually entertaining.
  21. Weekend reading: The Upside of Being Down  & Josey Baker Bread
  22. Wanna learn something new? Here’s 2 months free of Skillshare for you!

Are you doing any baking this Easter weekend? May I recommend…

Simple Drop Biscuits

Ricotta Pancakes with Roasted Strawberries

Sausage Bread

Grapefruit Yogurt Cake 

A blueberry muffin doughnut hybrid. Look at that crumb topping! Check out the recipe at Shutterbean.com !