April 6, 2020

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like: 

Intentions for the Week – Week 15 of 2020

Hello Friends!

It’s Mondaaaaaaaay. I hope you’re healthy right now. We’re doing OK here. I got a little cabin fever this weekend because it rained and it limited outside time.  We watched some movies this weekend, did a bunch of housework and when it wasn’t raining, I was out in my garden planting things and moving stuff around.  I am looking forward to seeing how things grow over the next few months.

We did some dancing while cleaning…


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I think we are on day 25 here. I am realizing that I am slowly turning into my Mom…which is both weird and comforting. #danceitout #keepgriefweird #apeptalkforwhenyouneedone

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Gotta keep things interesting!



April 5, 2020

My Everyday Life: Week 14

Here’s what this past week looked like – My Everyday Life Week 14

Sometimes you have to get in character to clean your house. It definitely works for me.

Every day I start with a list.

I’ve been starting the days meditating outside while taking care of our garden.

Since I don’t have to commute to/from school every morning it gives me extra time to work out there. Feeling grateful to have this space to play in. 

Eating the last slice of walnut raisin bread & working on my Currently March spread.

I love this coconut butter.  It’s my favorite!

I am drawing all of the things I’m growing in my Currently Workbook. 



April 3, 2020



  1. People cut their own hair in self-isolation.
  2. Vacation photo fails.
  3. Google street views in Poland are fascinating.
  4. Some DIY masks that are straight-up questionable.
  5. Watched this with Cooper. We were giggling.
  6. Some 4K walking tours if you wanna space out. 
  7. Incredible wildlife photography.
  8. People recreated famous paintings with stuff they had at home.
  9. Two words: cat dragons
  10. I’m self smart!
  11. Happy hour at our house included popcorn. Praise be, Whirley pop! 
  12. Give someone a pep talk today.—-> buy them a pep talk pack! 
  13. What if you run out of baking ingredients?
  14. If you’re struggling right now as a parent, you’re not alone.
  15. Oh thank heavens for Ina!
  16. Getting through the pandemic with old-fashioned crafts.
  17. These nature sketchbooks are soooo cool.
  18. The streets are empty!
  19. Mythbusters explains why social distancing is important!
  20. The restorative power of ritual.
  21. Weekend reading: The Upside of Being Down
  22. Weekend baking: chocolate banana bread / simple drop biscuits

April 1, 2020

Currently March 2020

Currently March 2020

Hello, from quarantine. 

March was pretty crazy, no?

We started our sheltering in place here in California on March 11th because of the coronavirus.

Casey and my brother both turned 43 this month we celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary.

We have enough toilet paper! 



Cooper started school at home and we are navigating a new routine and digesting the fact that he probably won’t be going back to school until next fall. *gulp*

WHAT A CRAZY MONTH. I am so grateful we are all healthy and we have what we need. 

I am trying to be present and not live too much in the future in my brain. 


March 30, 2020

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week – Week 14 of 2020

Happy Monday, friends!

Guess we’re gonna be home for a while, huh.  How’s it going with you?? I’m feeling a little stress right now. Life is so up-in-the-air right now!  I’m trying to find the light.

I spent most of the weekend gardening and cleaning up the house. It’s insane how messy it gets when we are all home at the same time for WEEKS. School from home adds another level of clutter around here. Our kitchen table is turning into a mess.  

Besides doing school from home with Cooper, my big goal this week is to go through my pantry and organize it. 

This week I am going to get back into writing down what I am eating in my food journal.

All I want to do is eat right now and I am not paying attention to HOW MUCH I AM EATING. 

 I have a few left if you want to order one and join me! 

Let’s take a moment and spell out our Intentions for the Week!


March 29, 2020

My Everyday Life: Week 13

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 13

My mantra this week. 

Writing love notes to anyone who delivers anything to our door during this quarantine situation.  Forever grateful for their service.

My buddies spacing out. 

Making things…


March 27, 2020



  1. Kids trolling their parents. Some pretty smart kids in this bunch!
  2. The biggest distance learning experience in history, week 1.
  3. The discomfort you feel right now is grief.  Yes it is.
  4. A whole bunch of bean recipes!
  5. Man sends his dog to get him cheetos.
  6. A virtual symphony!
  7. People who are having a worse quarantine than you.
  8. This boyfriend was such a good sport.
  9. I feel like I have 5 jobs- Moms navigate quarantining. 
  10. Drone captures empty San Francisco.
  11. 13 things on the internet that will lift your spirits.
  12. People are stress baking. I definitely am!
  13. The quiet heartbreaks of the coronavirus- milestone moments cancelled 
  14. Food swaps if you run out of ingredients.
  15. Dita Von Teese’s home is wild.
  16. It’s OK if you suck at working at home.
  17. How to Spring Clean your online accounts now that you’re stuck at home.
  18. Got leftover bread? Make easy french toast or french toast muffins!
  19. A good read for right now: How to Be Alone and Quiet
  20. This makes me want to make a diorama.
  21. Currently grateful we have sidewalk chalk during times like this.



If you’re looking for something to do while at home, take some classes on Skillshare to pass the time.

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