This will be the first week of the new Year! HOORAY. Do you have any big plans? I think we are laying low this year. We’ve done so much peopling this holiday season and this house of introverts needs some alone time. Cooper has the week off of school and we are hanging out as a family together, reading, watching movies and doing some house projects. I also have a TOOOOOOON of food journal orders to get out this week (thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so I’ll be keeping busy with that. Are you going to join me on this adventure? I am hoping with the power of the internet, I’ll be accountable and keep my food journal religiously for the entire month of January. Should I throw in a no gluten/no dairy clause too?? Restrictions breed creativity and I am slowly working my way out of a food rut!
This week I am going to be starting on my Currently 2020 workbook! JOIN ME in self-reflecting in 2020!
You can read more about it here!
Also, I dunno even know what day it is. We are on that part of our vacation break. OH. It’s Monday. That’s why I am writing my Intentions for the Week!
Here they are: