Places to Eat in Rome & Florence
Family Italy Trip: August 4-15 2019
- 3 days in Rome
- 7 days in Florence
- a whole bunch of time traveling on the plane (not sleeping)
I finally had a free moment to jot down all of the places where we ate in Italy this August. If you want to see more pictures from my trip, check out week 32 and week 33 of My Everyday Life! Our family trip this summer included my Dad, brother Ryan, sister Ali, husband Casey, son Cooper, niece Camden and yours truly. We normally go to Tahoe during this time of year and we switched it up! The last time I was in Italy, I was about 26 years old. Casey and I were engaged and we went with my brother and my parents. That was 13 years ago! Life has changed soooooo much since then. I believe I was capturing all of my photos on film back then. I was torn between which camera to take– my 35mm or medium format camera? Now I take all of my photos on my phone and don’t have to wait weeks to get my film back or spend time in the lab printing them. Even though I’ve looked at all of these photos so many times while writing this, I am still mentally processing the trip and I think I will be for some time as I ease back into real life. Foreign travel will do that to you.
One of the best parts about the vacation was that brother Ryan and his wife Ali planned a week of meals and excursions for us to do including a wine tasting, a cheese making class and a trip to the Vatican. My Mom was the last one to plan our family Europe trip and it was so nice having someone take charge in her absence! She would have been so proud. I am so grateful to not have had the pressure of finding places to eat (thank you!). I was able to be present and document our trip as the family photographer. And here I am sharing it! The only bummer is that a few places we wanted to check out were unfortunately closed for summer vacation.
This is what August is like in Italy!