July 26, 2019


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. What a doctor wishes people knew about the end of life.
  2. Easter eggs in the latest Stranger Things season.
  3. Did you know you can rent out the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile for a night??
  4. Most people who order an Impossible Burger aren’t vegetarian (true for me!)
  5. Do you know what the most popular dessert is in your state?
  6. The lion population is on the decline.
  7. A lot of beaches in the US are pretty polluted.
  8. We could all learn a lot about budgeting through this Mom.
  9. Would you stay in this hotel? It’s wild!
  10. I would definitely stay in this tree house, though.
  11. Be careful with blue water, people.
  12. Number 7 is my life.
  13. A whole bunch of really cool staircases.
  14. Urban weed awards.
  15. Scheduling woes of adult friendships
  16. This kid had a ride of his life at the airport.
  17. A whole bunch of candid celebrity airport shots from the past.
  18. Some beautiful photos of San Francisco.
  19. How to find resilience after losing your mother.
  20. Why movies from 1999 are the same. 
  21. The 4 worst types of photographers you know.
  22. How cute are these older couples doing “engagement” photos?

Make some Ginger Brew this weekend to enhance your summer drinks!

Looking to brush up on your watercolor painting? Take some Watercolor Classes with Skillshare! Tracy from Shutterbean.com shows you how fun it is!

Need something to do with the kids this Summer or looking to take classes (art + business) online?  Here’s 2 months FREE Premium membership to Skillshare.  My creative practice has improved greatly since I started taking classes several years ago!  You can see more on @thehandwritingclub

July 22, 2019

Intentions for the Week:

Every week, Tracy Benjamin from Shutterbean.com types up her TO DO list with her Intentions for the Week post. Check out this week's post!

Happy Monday, friends!

We are on WEEK 30 of 2019.

Over the weekend we got a bunch done around the house. My niece came to visit and Casey and I had a date night. We had a movie night and then we finished the weekend with a BBQ at our house with my Dad and niece. The weather was beautiful. Perfect, actually! This week we’re traveling to Colorado on a family trip. I love writing out my Intentions while I’m away because it helps me get my head in the right place before we go. Here are my Intentions for the Week:

Intentions for the Week:

  • family trip to Colorado
  • take a lot of pictures
  • read a book
  • relax on our trip
  • get work done when I can
  • track my steps with my Fitbit Charge
  • go on a hike with friends + kids
  • go to rodeo
  • spend quality time with my in-laws
  • watch a lot of baseball
  • hangout by the pool/go in the pool
  • have girl time
  • collect some postcards
  • drink enough water
  • track what I eat in my food journal
  • make good/healthy food choices
  • go fishing
  • rafting
  • catch up on social media
  • work in my Currently Workbook
  • paint/draw
  • grocery shop & cook
  • find inspiration wherever I can

Last Week’s Intentions

  • laundry
  • work on invoices/follow up
  • get ahead of work
  • prep for conference call
  • get some exercise/go for a hike
  • make new recipes
  • post new recipe
  • blog admin work/rename files
  • have a date with my calendar
  • delete photos from phone/clean up desktop
  • clean up office
  • package up orders/ship for The Handwriting Club
  • photo editing
  • write thank you notes
  • finish my 100day project on instagram
  • track my steps with my Fitbit
  • track food in my food journal  (on a TWO week streak!)
  • drink enough water (keep up this water bottle filling routine up)
  • pull cards and work in sketchbook
  • research places to go in Florence
  • carve out time to work in my Currently Workbook
  • work in my yard
  • make Thai Basil Beef for dinner
  • find a body of water/ jump in it
  • catch up with friends on the phone

Recipes to Try:

Cucumber Watermelon Popsicles

Sweet Corn Fritters with a salad makes for a healthy summer meal! Find the simple recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Sweet Corn Fritters

Mango Turmeric Smoothie is a great/healthy way to start the day. Coconut milk is the base, making it completely vegan! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Turmeric Mango Smoothie

Spicy Mango Chili Wraps

Spinach Egg Breakfast Sandwich

Whipped Coconut Cream

Strawberry Pimm’s Sorbet

Pump Jam for the Week:

Mantra for the Week:

Feeling stuck? Make a list! Write down your intentions for the week to help hold you accountable for action.

I’m rooting for you!

Sending sparkles, 


July 21, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 29

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 29

This week was all about GRACE!

My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.comBaby Grace, that is. Our friends came over with their new baby and we got to meet her! It was so nice having a baby in the house. My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.comPure joy!My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com


July 19, 2019



  1. A sweet idea if you’ve got a new baby.
  2. I can’t even believe the diaper technology these days. WHAT.
  3. Airlines are rethinking the middle seat. 
  4. What happened to all of Bob Ross’ paintings? 
  5. I wish I could play the piano like this.
  6. Nature vs. Man  (nature wins!)
  7. Bon Appetit comes up with the magical summer formula
  8. Famous photos and the cameras that captured them.
  9. Hummingbirds are magical creatures.
  10. Instagram is hiding the likes in 7 countries now.
  11. Apparently we don’t have enough vegetables on Earth.
  12. These photos are amazing.
  13. I’d love to try a savory breakfast bread.
  14. I finally found packing cubes for our trip. Going to test them out!
  15. How far will technology go?
  16. What cool men looked like in the 1970s
  17. How our brains decide when to trust.
  18. There’s a mass conch shell graveyard in the Carribean. 
  19. Etsy is the place to get imported tropical fruits.
  20. Summer treats: s’mores dip / raspberry cornmeal cobbler / arnold palmer popsicles


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Get yourself a food journal (comes with sparkles, a coloring page, a MAGIC HAPPENS sticker,  your name hand lettered on a postcard, and magic) before my Etsy shop goes on vacation this Monday!  

Make more time for art with Skillshare! See more on Shutterbean.com

Need something to do with the kids this Summer or looking to take classes (art + business) online?  Here’s 2 months FREE Premium membership to Skillshare.  My creative practice has improved greatly since I started taking classes several years ago!  You can see more on @thehandwritingclub

July 17, 2019

Peanut Butter Cup S’mores Dip

Win at dessert with this SIMPLE Peanut Butter S'Mores Dip made with peanut butter cups. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

New recipe alert! Peanut Butter Cup S’mores Dip! 

One of the things I think about often since my Mom died is how much she indulged my son in sweets.  She never did it for us kids but grandchildren were a different story. Popsicles for breakfast at Nana’s house? SURE.  A big lesson my Mom taught me about parenting is sometimes you have to go crazy (on purpose) for a while. Cooper will always remember how much of a wildcard my Mom was and I’m pretty sure she did that on purpose.

I’m the parent who is the sugar police. My child loves sugar (he gets his sweet tooth from Casey!) and I am always trying to limit this because I know how my child acts when he’s had too much sugar.

It’s WILD.

But the other night we had a sleepover and I had all of the ingredients… so here we are!

Win at dessert with this SIMPLE Peanut Butter S'Mores Dip made with peanut butter cups. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Have you ever tried Peanut Butter S’Mores Dip?

Have a sleepover coming up? Make it.

Win at dessert with this SIMPLE Peanut Butter S'Mores Dip made with peanut butter cups. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Honestly, this is the easiest way to make S’mores.

Grab a bunch of graham crackers, find yourself a seat at the table and dip!

It’s a sticky/sweet mess and it’s totally worth it for all the smiles.

Go wild. Indulge your sweets loving friends and family. You only live once (in this body at least).


July 15, 2019

Intentions for the Week:

Every week, Tracy Benjamin from Shutterbean.com types up her TO DO list with her Intentions for the Week post. Check out this week's post!

Happy Monday, friends!

We are on WEEK 29 of 2019.  Here’s what week 29 looked like for me last year.  That was a big week for my career!

This weekend there was a baseball tournament, a deep house cleaning, an intense pruning/ gardening session, a hike with a friend, and an impromptu dinner at my house with my Dad and niece.  It was nice to have a casual dinner out on our deck. The weather was perfect and we ended the night with strawberries and chocolate cake.  I’m still enjoying my mornings in the  hammock!  and I don’t know how I ever lived without one!

I also started the week with some meal prep!  HOORAY!

Let’s get my head in the game with some Intentions for the Week. Here’s what’s going on around here.


July 14, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 28

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everday Life Week 28

This week I went to a strawberry farm in Salinas with California Strawberries!

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

Farm time is bright & early!

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

What an inspiring trip.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

I learned so much about strawberries.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

I also was so inspired by everything I saw.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

Pops of red!

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

The colors really made my creative brain happy.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

I learned quickly that strawberry farming is very hard on the back  I am so grateful for all of the workers who put their bodies through so much in order for us to have fresh produce!