June 30, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 26

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life Week 26

We’re up early in the morning these days. I love watching the sunrise.


My Everyday Life: Week 26 on Shutterbean.com

A note on my house.

My Everyday Life: Week 26 on Shutterbean.com

Art on the TV.

My Everyday Life: Week 26 on Shutterbean.com

A lot of baseball games this week!

My Everyday Life: Week 26 on Shutterbean.com


June 28, 2019


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. File under RAD: an igloo greenhouse
  2. A shark rock.
  3. Interesting forest finds. 
  4. Photos of well-worn things.
  5. I’m a baguette!
  6. Summers, old Hollywood style.
  7. Nature has taken over Chernobyl.
  8. A new way to eat sweet potatoes.
  9. Cupcakes for the 4th of July.
  10. Alanis is thriving!
  11. Instagram is now serving ads on the Explore page. Good thing I never look there.
  12. I was definitely a peak late 90s girl.
  13. Want to get to bed earlier at night? Take more breaks during the day.
  14. The books everyone will be talking about this summer.
  15. I am so confused. Why would you make a meat-based carrot?
  16. I’d probably freak out if I ran into one of these. 
  17. A volcano explosion from space.
  18. Why are we afraid of sharks?
  19. Lynda Barry is my favorite.
  20. This bathroom is going to be so pretty! I can’t wait to see the progress.
  21. Summer outfit:  This dress / these shoes / this bag / these sunglasses
  22. Check out Meal Prep Ideas for Healthy Lunches feature on the Williams-Sonoma blog!

Bumper stickers are for sale in my Esty shop!

Send one to a friend! Put one on your car! Cover a notebook with one! Inspire yourself and others!

June 26, 2019

Favorite Summer Recipes

Favorite Summer Recipes from Shutterbean.com!

I’m trying to figure out a few new recipes to put into my Summer rotation in 2019.  Time to look into the archives and see what some of my Favorite Summer Recipes are to glean some inspiration.

I hope this helps you as much as it helps me!  Anything you’d like to see this Summer?

All the fresh fruit and ice cold beverages for me, please.


June 24, 2019

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday!  It’s WEEK 26 of 2019. We are halfway through the year. YAY.

Whew, what a weekend. We had baseball games and a pool party at friend’s, and a family lunch.  My house has been through the wringer.  We have some sleep to catch up on too!  Let’s take a moment, and write down our Intentions for the Week.


June 23, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 25

Here’s what this past week looked like – My Everyday Life Week 25

Pool party at the Greene’s!

My Everyday Life: Week 25 on Shutterbean.com

Saturday night karaoke which is why I’m late in posting this this morning!

My Everyday Life: Week 25 on Shutterbean.com

Garden goals.

My Everyday Life: Week 25 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 25 on Shutterbean.com

Batting cage!

My Everyday Life: Week 25 on Shutterbean.com

My gift to Casey for Father’s Day.  🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 25 on Shutterbean.com


June 21, 2019


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. How to move from self-awareness to self-improvement
  2. Cute convertible tote backpack thing.
  3. I love reading through people’s meal planning tips.
  4. What the sunset looks like from space. 
  5. That viral garlic hack doesn’t work.
  6. What PRIDE looked like in the 1970s
  7. Funny optical illusions that scared the crap out of people.
  8. Instagram photos are all starting to look the same. 
  9. I would totally be this Dad if I had a girl.
  10. Veggie Delite all the way!
  11. I love Gmail pro-tips!
  12. A whole bunch of cooking hacks from chefs. 
  13. The hologram concert revolution is happening whether we like it or not.
  14. The ruins of Chernobyl caught with drones. 
  15. Rejection letters sent to famous artists. 
  16. I’ve always wondered what it’s like to have a dressing table.
  17. How reading improves your health.
  18. What’s going on with LaCroix?
  19. I got Elizabeth Taylor.
  20. These 4 designers wear the same thing every day.  I wear overalls…
  21. One of my favorite things to clean is the inside of a car. Thanks to my Dad.
  22. I’m making this for myself soon. 


June 18, 2019

Mango Turmeric Smoothie

Mango Turmeric Smoothie is a great/healthy way to start the day. Coconut milk is the base, making it completely vegan! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

What I like about this recipe for Mango Turmeric Smoothie (besides the fact that it tastes delicious!)  is that it can be made with things I have around my kitchen.

A cup of coconut milk to use up can be the impetus of me making this smoothie.

I almost always have a knob of ginger on my counter.

Frozen bananas can be found in my freezer because I stash a good supply of them in there when I’ve bought too many bananas (often) with the hope of making smoothies.  Present Tracy gets to reap the benefits of Past Tracy’s errors (there are many of them).

Frozen mango chunks?  My kid likes eating them from the freezer for dessert, so of course, YES I stock up on them.

This recipe comes from my friend Sarah Copeland’s new cookbook – Every Day is Saturday.

I’m excited to have a copy because I consider her the master of simple gourmet!

She also loves vegetables like I love vegetables so I turn to her when I need a good salad.

Mango Turmeric Smoothie is a great/healthy way to start the day. Coconut milk is the base, making it completely vegan! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

The creaminess of the coconut milk plays nicely with the spice of the ginger and turmeric mixed with the sweetness of the mango and banana. I loved the texture.  One sip made my husband say “What’s this tropical delight?”

It’s my new favorite smoothie, is what it is.