July 14, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 28

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everday Life Week 28

This week I went to a strawberry farm in Salinas with California Strawberries!

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

Farm time is bright & early!

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

What an inspiring trip.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

I learned so much about strawberries.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

I also was so inspired by everything I saw.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

Pops of red!

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

The colors really made my creative brain happy.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

I learned quickly that strawberry farming is very hard on the back  I am so grateful for all of the workers who put their bodies through so much in order for us to have fresh produce!


July 12, 2019


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com



  1. These ladies bought a house together to retire in. Modern Day Golden Girls!
  2. Los Angeles, 1930s
  3. Treat your oatmeal like risotto. Make it savory.
  4. Inside Instagram’s war on bullying.
  5. We can’t quit our microwaves here in the USA.
  6. Funny sleep memes. 
  7. This music video must have taken forever to edit.
  8. Oooh! There’s an electric Mini Cooper now!
  9. What happened to Doggie Diners?
  10. Art made entirely of denim. Wow.
  11. Looking up at trees in the middle of the forest. 
  12. This made me laugh.
  13. Teach your children kindness. 
  14. Reading can make you happier! Thank you for this, Andrea.
  15. Want to learn something new? Get 2 months of Skillshare FREE with my code!
  16. This is my favorite dress!  I love wearing it with my Birkenstocks. 
  17. If you want to make your cat very happy…
  18. I’m pretty sure this recipe would go over well at my house!
  19. This pasta pie is totally last meal worthy. I’d eat it with my garlic bread. 
  20. I need to go on more hikes in the Bay.
  21. The world from above.
  22. Comparison shots. Some are pretty fascinating!
  23. Should you use a food journal? YES YOU SHOULD! Thanks, Katie!!!

Don’t forget that MAGIC HAPPENS! 



July 11, 2019

Sweet Corn Fritters

Sweet Corn Fritters with a salad makes for a healthy summer meal! Find the simple recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I’m on the lookout for simple recipes that will change up my breakfast/lunch/dinner game. That’s why I just added Repertoire by Jessica Battilana to my cookbook collection.  I met her last month at my friend Sarah’s book event for Every Day is Saturday and learned we have very similar food taste!

You can see I’ve already marked a TON of recipes that I’d like to try.

Sweet Corn Fritters with a salad makes for a healthy summer meal! Find the simple recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Organizer Brain Sidenote: I always put a post-it of what I’m currently making at the bottom of the cookbook so I can easily flip to it while I work.

The first recipe I tried:

Sweet Corn Fritters.

Sweet Corn Fritters with a salad makes for a healthy summer meal! Find the simple recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Savory pancakes with bits of green onions peppered throughout. The texture is both a bit fluffy and a bit crunchy.

Sweet Corn Fritters with a salad makes for a healthy summer meal! Find the simple recipe on Shutterbean.com!

They are definitely going into my quick meal arsenal. I can’t wait to pull this one out for company!


July 8, 2019

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, friends!

We are on week 28 of 2019.  This is what week 28 looked like last year. 

How was your weekend? Ours was filled with work and play! We went to the Marin County Fair after spending all Saturday cleaning the house. We were up late this weekend with friends and we had the best time!!!  WORTH IT.  Especially the funnel cake!

It was the first weekend in a long time that we didn’t have a baseball game to watch so it was nice having time to work together on stuff around the house. It’s amazing how much can get done when you set a timer and ask for help. I suggest doing so if you’re feeling like you can’t possibly motivate your family to clean. It’s very helpful when people are motivated to beat the time.

I’m away for a few days for work this week so I’m going to try to get as many Intentions for the Week done as possible!  Let’s get my head in the game.


July 7, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 27

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 27

We spent last night at the Marin County Fair with friends.

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

It was so awesome to see fireworks that close!

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

It’s been awhile!

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

The Ferris wheel at night.


My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

Look at this baby!  79 is my birth year.

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

Of course, they spotted this one first.


July 5, 2019


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. What to ask your doctor at your next physical.
  2. For all you Bill & Ted fans out there…
  3. Jerk alert.
  4. This artist draws it how it is.
  5. Grilling advice from pitmasters.
  6. How sleeping can become your superpower.
  7. Netflix  vs. smoking
  8. I want a room with stars on the wall at my house.
  9. All the important docs you need in your GO bag.
  10. Why so many of us don’t lose weight when we exercise. 
  11. How I help keep creativity alive.
  12. Why there are more shark attacks in the Atlantic vs. Pacific
  13. I’ve always been fascinated with sacred spaces. These are all so beautiful.
  14. Umm. You can now fake eye contact on Facetime? WHAT IS HAPPENING.
  15. What a wave made of wood looks like.
  16. Why books are worth your money.
  17. How to critique an airbnb rental.
  18. I had no idea that MAD Magazine had been around that long.
  19. The causes of burnout at work/how to avoid them
  20. The Oculus looks so cool.
  21. to make: crispy oven pulled pork / cashew queso  / mixed berry crisp

I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


July 3, 2019

Currently June 2019

Currently June 2019 on Shutterbean.com

Currently June 2019

Well, here we are 3 days into July. My brain cannot comprehend that. June started off really busy and then toward the end, I gave myself a chance to breathe and focus time on my family.

Here we are, month 6 of 2019.  Here’s a page from my currently workbook !

This practice has been so fun and gratifying. We’re halfway through the year. WOW.

June’s spread was all about The Handwriting Club because that’s where most of my energy went to this month.

Currently June 2019 on Shutterbean.com

I am really glad I built in a way to share, practice and work on myself and my handwriting with this workbook.

Also, accountability helps greatly, so thanks!