What I like about this recipe for Mango Turmeric Smoothie (besides the fact that it tastes delicious!) is that it can be made with things I have around my kitchen.
A cup of coconut milk to use up can be the impetus of me making this smoothie.
I almost always have a knob of ginger on my counter.
Frozen bananas can be found in my freezer because I stash a good supply of them in there when I’ve bought too many bananas (often) with the hope of making smoothies. Present Tracy gets to reap the benefits of Past Tracy’s errors (there are many of them).
Frozen mango chunks? My kid likes eating them from the freezer for dessert, so of course, YES I stock up on them.
This recipe comes from my friend Sarah Copeland’s new cookbook – Every Day is Saturday.
I’m excited to have a copy because I consider her the master of simple gourmet!
She also loves vegetables like I love vegetables so I turn to her when I need a good salad.
The creaminess of the coconut milk plays nicely with the spice of the ginger and turmeric mixed with the sweetness of the mango and banana. I loved the texture. One sip made my husband say “What’s this tropical delight?”
It’s my new favorite smoothie, is what it is.