March 20, 2019

Polenta Cornbread

I’m currently going through a polenta phase. I started making it in the rice cooker (I’ll share soon) for breakfast on weekends and a few times during the week. Polenta is one of my favorite pantry staples because it is a vehicle for sauce and toppings and I like both of those things.

 Hello, comfort food.

Polenta Cornbread is a meal prep staple! Great for breakfasts and snacks throughout the week, Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I’ve been trying to add cornbread into our meal prep rotation because Casey loves cornbread and I like having something on the counter to offer unexpected guests or family. It’s a great way to round out my Turkey White Bean Chili, or any chili for that matter. The problem is, I’ve been having a hard time finding a cornbread recipe that I like. On one of my many cornbread attempts, I ran out of fine cornmeal and used the polenta I had in the pantry.  And here we are! I landed on a recipe for cornbread that I actually love! Most of them being bland, boring, dry or crumbly for my taste. This one definitely is the oppoosite of that. 

Polenta Cornbread is a meal prep staple! Great for breakfasts and snacks throughout the week, Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

As a person who likes texture in my bread (see the ultimate veggie sandwich and/or hippy banana bread), the polenta REALLY does it for me. There’s a nice sweetness with the sugar, a hint of tang with the buttermilk. It’s not mushy or crumbly. It’s light, with a bit of texture and a nice crispy edge. No real need to be drowned in butter like all the recipes I tried before (although that didn’t stop me from doing so!). This one has all the flavor I look for in a cornbread.

Welcome to my meal prep arsenal, Polenta Cornbread! Glad to have you. You’ll fit in nicely here and I think I might put blueberries in you next time. Just for fun!


March 18, 2019

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday!

This weekend was a busy one! We were away overnight and came back last Sunday morning. Casey spent the afternoon making stuff in his workshop, I worked outside in our yard while Cooper was at the movies with Pop Pop. I’m starting the week off with a cleaner inside of my car and a trunk filled with stuff to donate. Feels good to do some spring cleaning already. I did an informal meal prep last night to clean out my fridge before I made my grocery list for the week. I love the creative challenge it brings me every week.


I’m on day 3 of using this water bottle.


I love it because it has a marker for what time I should drink water by- 7 am to 9pm.  It’s very motivating! I love being able to check in on my progress throughout the day. It keeps me accountable.

Time to figure out my Intentions for the Week!


March 17, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 11

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 11

The sun is out! Spring is on its way!

Sending out magic this week. Thank you for the food journal orders!

I’ll have more in the shop soon!

My Everyday Life: Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

My friend Sonia has the most beautiful driveway.

My Everyday Life: Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

My wedding flower.

My Everyday Life: Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

My pen pal Christina from Kansas sent me $5 for coffee in one of her letters.  Her intention was to buy me coffee!

I forgot I had it in my wallet and used it.

My Everyday Life: Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

My almond milk latte cost $5 exactly!!!  Thank you, Christina. That was a magical moment.

My Everyday Life: Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

Excited about my new shoes.  

My Everyday Life: Week 11 on Shutterbean.com


March 15, 2019


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. Can clearing clutter help you lose weight? I think so.
  2. Everyone around you is grieving. Go easy.
  3. This is my Pinterest board that inspires my creativity.
  4. What I’d like to eat for St. Patrick’s Day.
  5. Use this gif to breathe better. 
  6. How to Marie Kondo your personal relationships.
  7. I used to watch Rosie when I came home from school every day.
  8. I LOOOOOOOVE looking through retro health food cookbooks.
  9. I never even thought about what all the nighttime bathroom visits do. 
  10. This bowl of goodness is something I’d eat every day of the week if I could.
  11. I enjoyed reading through Lindy West’s Beauty Uniform.
  12. People are rethinking the idea of open floor plans. 
  13. Clothing goals: Modern Hippie
  14. This must be really cool in person.
  15. How to schedule your day when you work from home.
  16. Mark Twain had a thing for cats.
  17. Why digital detoxes don’t work. 
  18. Hotels that failed.  #7 made me LOL.
  19. Things cut in half. Whoa.
  20. Convertible backpack research:  one / two / three / four
  21. Technology plays a big role in children’s mental health.


Oh, and there are few spots left for my Food Photography Workshop in Santa Fe in May. Thank you to the people who signed up to play so far! I can’t wait to make photos with you!


March 14, 2019

How to Work Your Way Out of a Food Rut

Do you need to figure out How to Work Your Way out of a Food Rut? Tracy Benjamin shows you how. See some creative ways to shake things up on Shutterbean.com!

I have been through several food ruts in the past year (hello, grief!) and I thought I’d write a post that will help me when I need help again.  See also Keeping Creativity Alive. 

OK, here we go.

Hello, Tracy. I’m glad you’re here.  Here is:

How to Work Your Way Out of a Food Rut.  

First, you must interview yourself. Ask yourself the following questions.

How do you know you’re in a food rut? 


Why are you in a food rut? 

Right now, you know when you’re in a food rut when food isn’t exciting.

You’ve been eating the same thing, you’ve lost your ooomph in the kitchen and have no idea what to cook/eat.

YOU ARE BORED WITH FOOD and the pace of the internet and this idea of making NEW! EXCITING! GROUNDBREAKING! recipes can take the fun out of eating/cooking. The kitchen needs cleaning (AGAIN) when you cook and sometimes you just can’t add that to your plate after working all day (sometimes in the kitchen).  Having to feed two other people who have different tastebuds/likes/dislikes can feel uninspiring.  When you’re trying to be healthy and good food choices, it can be so difficult.

How do you work your way out of a food rut?


Remember what your Mom always used to say:

Shock your system by making something new.


March 11, 2019

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, friends!

We are on the 11th week of 2019. Let’s get into it. I just typed 2018. I really thought I would be over that by now!  This weekend I had time with friends, we had my brother in law spend the night and my family came over for dinner last night. The weekend blew by so fast, I’m wishing for one more day. We were supposed to be away for baseball but the weather got in the way, so it was nice to have so many impromptu adventures in the weekend.  Plus, having company over made us clean the house at warped speed together and for that I am grateful!

Oh! And while I have your attention, here’s a quick reminder that I’m teaching a food photography/food styling workshop in Santa Fe in May! There are a couple of spots left if you’re interested!   Check out more info here. 

Sunday Meal prep will help us make some healthy lunches things week. Here’s what I made after I cleaned out my fridge yesterday:


Meal Prep this week includes:

Let’s take a look at my Intentions for the Week!

Intentions for the Week:

  • laundry
  • finish up tax stuff
  • order more books
  • grocery shop
  • send out the last batch of food journals (they’re sold out!!)
  • track what I eat in my food journal
  • prep for conference call
  • catch up on social media
  • work through inbox
  • make a new recipe/post
  • clean up office
  • research travel to SF
  • trip to the post office
  • get exercise/go to the gym
  • hike with Casey
  • drink enough water
  • write a few letters
  • wear my FitBit and track steps
  • keep organized with my bullet journal
  • pull cards and work in sketchbook
  • carve out time for brainstorming
  • work in the yard
  • date night with husband!
  • delete photos on the phone
  • research Italy trip
  • get enough sleep
  • finish online class

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • laundry
  • post Currently February wrap up in my  Currently workbook
  • have a date with the calendar
  • grocery shop
  • celebrate Casey’s birthday/make his favorite meal & cake
  • trip to Target/pick up RX
  • package up food journal batch. THANK YOU for your orders this weekend! WOW!
  • trip to post office*
  • call doc
  • clean out car
  • paint nails
  • do a facemask
  • eat more salads/greens in general
  • drink water- this bottle is helping me!
  • track what I eat in food journal
  • wear my FitBit and track steps
  • keep organized with my bullet journal
  • pull cards and work in sketchbook
  • carve out time for brainstorming
  • make chicken piccata  (cooked the chicken in my meal prep!)
  • make a new recipe for the blog
  • dinner with friends
  • figure out logistics of handwriting workshop for the school auction
  • promote Photography Class in Santa Fe (a few spots left!)
  • work in the garden/get more soil
  • exercise 3 times this week
  • replace microwave light
  • work on taxes/bookkeeping
  • catch up on social media
  • try to delete some photos on the phone
  • prep for baseball
  • think about what spring cleaning I’d like to get done around the house

Pump Jam for the Week:


Mantra for the Week:

I LOVE LISTS - a weekly web series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I hope you have a fantastic week! If you’re feeling lost, don’t forget to write down your Intentions for the Week! It will help hold you accountable to ACTION!

Sending sparkles, 



March 10, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 10

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 10

Headed up to Indian Springs yesterday with friends.  It was my first time up there and won’t be my last!

My Everyday Life: Week 10 on Shutterbean.com

Was so fun being with the ladies!

My Everyday Life: Week 10 on Shutterbean.com

The blossoms make up for the rain.

My Everyday Life: Week 10 on Shutterbean.com

A beautiful detour.

My Everyday Life: Week 10 on Shutterbean.com

All lined up and colorful.

My Everyday Life: Week 10 on Shutterbean.com

Found while antiquing.

My Everyday Life: Week 10 on Shutterbean.com

Lisa in color.

My Everyday Life: Week 10 on Shutterbean.com