January 27, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 4

Here’s what this past week looked like:  My Everyday Life Week 4

This tree caught my eye. Made me stop my car, turn around and park.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

My car battery died.  TWICE.

I met a nice woman named Maggie who helped me jumpstart my car in the parking lot of The Container Store. We had a nice discussion about the ridiculous amount of flavors they make for Cheez-Its now.  Thank you, kindness of strangers.

Also, my friend John helped me out when my battery died again at the gas station. Forever grateful!

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Pulling cards. 

Making notes in my sketchbook.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Sometimes when people order a Food Journal for a friend, I write their personalized notes for them.

I love seeing how thoughtful people are.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

My name is Jonas.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Family dinner at my Dad’s!  We ordered Souvla takeout.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

I wrote it down!

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Almost at a full month of writing down my meals in my food journal. 


It has helped me lose 5 lbs. this month. The best part is that I didn’t diet. I was more mindful of what I ate when I was writing it down. I am more engaged in writing down what I eat when I make it fun. Using my favorite pen helps!

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Burrito Bowls with quinoa for my meal prep.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

I’ve noticed that my day of eating is usually better when I have a bigger breakfast.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

This is my Mom style.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Tunic from Gap.

Leggings from Gap.

Shoes are Sketchers. They’re super comfy.

Bag is from Etsy.

I tried on a jacket at Anthropologie that reminded me of my Mom.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper ran to me and told me, “MOM COME INTO THE OVER ROOM AND LOOK AT ELLA!”

Lil derp.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Regal Rosie.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

I can make Ella a bed out of anything and she’ll sleep in it.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Squirrel watchers.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

On their way to get candy.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Snack lunch.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

My office was clean for 5 minutes this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

The light was just right.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Art at thrift stores inspires me.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

School project time!  It was so fun to see Casey and Cooper woodworking together.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Kinda reminded me of playing in the garage when I was a kid.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Working on orders late at night.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

I had just texted a friend a heart emoji and a bear emoji and then saw this!

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Don’t trip.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Sausage Soup with two cans of diced tomatoes instead of chicken stock.

I ran out of chicken stock.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Playing around with a Fujifilm xt-3 this week. I’m in LOVE!

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

I think I’ll start taking more Around the House shots now.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Maybe take better garden photos too.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

When I went to pick up some pizza this week the guy complained that the sun was in his eye.

I said, “Ah, golden hour! It will get you.”

“This isn’t golden hour. I’m a photographer. I should know!” he replied.

Uh huh.

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Fluorescent gym lights humming at 9am on a Saturday morning.


My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Last night was Crab night at Perry & Eileen’s!!

My Everyday Life: Week 4  on Shutterbean.com

I asked followers on Instagram what they wanted to see more of on Shutterbean when I did an Instagram story this week.

Thank you for all of your input!  If you have any suggestions on what you’d like to see more of this year, leave a comment!

My Everyday Life: Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Week 4 in 2018

Week 4 in 2017

Week 4 in 2015

Week 4 in 2015

Week 4 in 2014

Week 4 in 2013

Week 4 in 2012

Week 4 in 2011

January 25, 2019


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. All the Costco Kirkland brand booze and who really makes them.
  2. No Sweetheart Valentine’s candies this year. 🙁
  3. Invisible labor is taking a toll on women.
  4. There’s a new tent that makes it possible to camp underwater.
  5. Life hacks! #8 made me lol, but it’s also very clever!
  6. According to this food quiz, I’m a risk taker!
  7. Puns + animals
  8. Flowers = animals
  9. I like that we are now creating non-alcoholic bars!
  10. Currently loving this salt on salad + popcorn  SO GOOD
  11. Now, what kind of box can you put a TV in it so it won’t break?
  12. We have water in California!!!!!!!!
  13. I really miss all of Oprah’s guest makeovers. This helps.
  14. Libraries are my favorite. I love the creativity of the people who work in them!
  15. Your gut has something to do with your mental health.
  16. Weezer has a new album of covers!
  17. I’d love to do this with my mom’s handwriting.
  18. What you’re entitled to if your flight is delayed.
  19. 60 years of marriage
  20. How to spend way less time on emails.
  21. Currently loving: Ghost of a Podcast
  22. Some Instant Pot tips to read through.
  23. More Food journals in the shop!   

January 21, 2019

Intentions for the Week


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, friends!

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good. It rained most of the weekend.  My house was cozy!  I did some rearranging and purging of unnecessary items in our house. We had basketball and I spent most of the weekend working on shipping and packaging. Thank you for all of your orders on the food journals! Thank you also for your reviews too! It makes me so happy to know that the process is working out for you! I am currently on a roll of writing down what I eat. 21  (!!!) days in so far and I’m enjoying the process. I am definitely beginning to understand how showing up and being present to my life with these little steps HELPS.

To arm myself with good choices this week WHILE cleaning out my fridge, I did some meal prep. I went over to my Dad’s house last night and brought him some stuff for the week. I know how appreciative he is of my food since he doesn’t have my Mom to cook for him! It’s also been really fun to have this back and forth relationship with my Mom’s pyrex dish supply.

Here’s my meal prep:

Meal Prep this Week includes:

I have a whole bunch of carrots in the fridge and bananas going ripe on the counter,  so sometime in the next week, there will be Coconut Carrot Soup and  Banana Bread in my future.  There might be lemon chicken or lemon roasted shrimp in our meal lineup this week.

Let’s get down to business. Here are my Intentions for the Week–


January 20, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 3

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life Week 3

Sunday marketing!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Turned into all this for the week.

I’m on an arugula kick. Which reminds me…. I need to make my favorite salad.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Meal prep means I have more salads during the week. YAY.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

This week my Dad had an overnight stay in the hospital after surgery.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

He is ok! My brother and I went to hang out with him.

Hospital food is like plane food.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Ryan and I got ramen.

It was nice spending so much time with my brother this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

We had a Costco adventure and thought about our Mom. The night before she was rushed to the hospital she had gone to Costco and messed her car up in the parking lot. I was standing there wondering what part of the parking lot it was. I’ll never know.  It’s still so weird to live our lives without her.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Thank you.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Rosie is always walking over my things on my desk.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

A small bit of sun peeping through my mom’s rosemary plant.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Where I sit in my family room if where my Mom sat when I was growing up.

I really felt her presence this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Putting this crispy garlic chili oil on everything. Mostly eggs.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

It rained all week. I miss the outdoors.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

We saw a boy with a sticker mustache while at a stop light in SF.

So cute.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Dinner with my fairy godmother, Nancy at Foreign Cinema.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

The light was just right.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

I am grateful for all of the older women in my life who believe in me and LOVE to eat as well!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

In the back of a cab.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

A moment of sunshine this week! I caught it!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Tracy vs. Target

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

We had french bread pizzas this week!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Sent 150 food journals out this week!  THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

I have a helper.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Went to Valley Ford to visit my friend Tammi.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

We found a friend on our way to get crab sandwiches and chowder.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

I got to see her cute post office!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

We spent the afternoon playing in our sketchbooks while chatting.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Her studio space is dreamy.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

And she made the most incredible painting with a picture I gave her of my Mom.

I am so incredibly touched.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

I came home with a fresh bouquet of narcissus thanks to her.  My kitchen smells so fragrant now!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Saturday mornings are for pancakes.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

This was the breakfast my Mom always made Cooper when he spent the night at her house.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Slow weekend mornings are my favorite. Just the three of us.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

My horoscope told me to take it easy yesterday and I did. Ella joined in.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Taking care of the plant I grew up with.  I wish my Mom could see how much it’s grown.

So many people have sent me pictures of the Creamy Sausage & Mushroom Orecchiette recipe I posted this week!

That makes me so incredibly happy!

Creamy Mushroom Sausage Orecchiette is the ultimate comfort food. Make it for your guests! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Trying to stay present and hopeful for the future.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com


Week 3 in 2018

Week 3 in 2017

Week 3 in 2016

Week 3 in 2015

Week 3   in 2014

Week 3 in 2013

Week 3  in 2012

Week 3 in 2011

January 18, 2019


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. RIP, Mary Oliver
  2. 6 things tech world leaders fear the most (and they should)
  3. How to revive a friendship
  4. Oh look! A new coffee creamer flavor that shouldn’t exist.
  5. I want a minimalist kitchen!
  6. If you’re going to Las Vegas, my friend Gaby has some restaurant recommendations.
  7. If you’re looking for a good book to read.
  8. We watched the Hulu Fyre festival documentary first. It’s NUTS.
  9. Now I want a glass table.
  10. I’d love to make these keychains with Cooper.
  11. What people are pinning from my blog lately
  12. This is pretty- a giant spinning circle of ice!
  13. Some amazing tattoo coverups using people’s scars.
  14. To watch: an animated history of cheese!
  15. How to make any business trip less boring.
  16. Netflix is begging people to stop doing the Bird Box Challenge
  17. Some amazing shots from the 2018 wildlife photographer of the year.
  18. If you want to see what I looked like 10 years ago…
  19. Intensive parenting is intense.
  20. Will an Instant Pot solve all of your problems? Probably not. But I like mine!
  21. I can’t wait to snuggle up to my new blanket & watch Netflix this weekend.
  22. This might make you feel old yet nostalgic at the same time.
  23. We signed up for Butcher Box this month because they’re giving away 2 free lbs. of wild Salmon!


Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

If you want to join in on the fun, order your Currently 2019 Workbook now! 

Read more about it in my post from yesterday. 


My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

More Food Journals in the shop! 

Each one comes with a page to color in!

January 17, 2019

Currently 2019 WORKBOOK!

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

For the past 2 1/2 years, I’ve been working on updating my CURRENTLY posts here on Shutterbean. If you’re not familiar with the posts, check out my archives!

Each month, I sit down and reflect on the month and share what happened, here on my blog.

I make fun art with the month:

Currently September 2018 on Shutterbean.com


Sometimes I make it colorful:

Currently April 2018 - a monthly recap from Shutterbean.com

I created a trusty list template so I could have something consistent to refer to in the future.

I like seeing what I was into and where my head was throughout the year.

Currently: August 2018 on Shutterbean.com

Every month is different!!!!!!!


Sometimes I make a doodle for the month. It’s a good way to spend time off the computer or screen.

Every month brings new adventures.

Currently July 2018 on Shutterbean.com

And a new way to look at the month:

Currently May 2018 - a monthly wrap up on Shutterbean.com!

The column has been a valuable tool for processing life events. I have kept my creativity alive by actively looking for good things and making note of what makes my life full.  I can’t even begin to tell you how I would have handled this year of grief without my art practice!

In the past year since I started The Handwriting Club, I have had countless people ask me how they could join the club and so I present you THE CURRENTLY 2019 WORKBOOK.

I’m bringing the blog into paper form with a workbook.


Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

For those of you who want to join The Handwriting Club, fill out the first page and share it!

(tag me @thehandwritingclub and use the hashtag #itscurrently2019 )

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

In the book you can write out your Intentions for the Year:

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

If you like finding a word to meditate on during the year like I do, there’s room to do so.

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

Every month you can play around with the spread.

I want you to collage, color, draw, and paint in it.


Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

Each month you can write down all of the good things that happened.

Fill in the blanks on the list for reference!

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

By the end of the year, you have something fun to look.

Like a chapter, of your own book!

Your future self will thank you, I’m sure.

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

I’ll be sharing my monthly spreads in my CURRENTLY posts here and on Instagram each month.

I hope you’ll join me in reflecting upon each passing month. I can’t wait to see how this adventure unfolds for you!!

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

Order yours here.

That’s right. I’m selling them through Blurb!


My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

And if you are looking for my food journal, they are currently for sale in my Etsy shop, where I’ll be shipping them out personally.

I’m testing to see which process (blurb vs. etsy) works best for the amount of time I have for this project.  If all goes well, I’ll be able to sell them both in one place, internationally.





January 16, 2019

Creamy Sausage Mushroom Orecchiette

Creamy Mushroom Sausage Orecchiette is the ultimate comfort food. Make it for your guests! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I have a thing for sausage and mushroom. It’s always what my Mom ordered on her pizza and the combination became all-time favorite too. See also: pizza bowls  This Creamy Mushroom Sausage Orecchiette dish is comfort in a bowl. It’s actually my cousin Elaine’s recipe, although I took the liberty and added a bunch of arugula to the mix.

Creamy Mushroom Sausage Orecchiette is the ultimate comfort food. Make it for your guests! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

It’s January. It’s practically salad now, huh?

My cousin Elaine has always been my cooking mentor.   It’s probably because anytime my Mom went to visit her back east, she would launch into a “Tracy! You should have seen what Elaine made us!” conversation followed by her showing off a handwritten recipe from Elaine.  She’d wave around the paper like Charlie with the golden ticket.  My Mom really admired Elaine’s ease in the kitchen and how it never seemed to phase her having 20+ people over at her house. She can whip up anything at any time, just like my grandma could. In my eyes, my cousin Elaine is basically Martha Stewart.

Creamy Mushroom Sausage Orecchiette is the ultimate comfort food. Make it for your guests! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

After my Mom died my Dad’s cousins from New York came out for a week. It was like having cooking fairy godmothers come to visit.  They stayed with my Dad and cooked for him, stocking up his freezer with meals for him to reheat in my Mom’s absence.

Elaine made my family this pasta dish that I COULD NOT GET ENOUGH OF.  It was something that both my parents loved and it felt so special that I got experience too.  The mascarpone makes the pasta creamy and each bite is just wonderful.  I didn’t want my bowl to end! I’m thinking that maybe mascarpone needs to make more of an appearance in our pasta life? Next time I have company, I’m going to wow them with this dish. Thank you, cousin!