January 18, 2019


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. RIP, Mary Oliver
  2. 6 things tech world leaders fear the most (and they should)
  3. How to revive a friendship
  4. Oh look! A new coffee creamer flavor that shouldn’t exist.
  5. I want a minimalist kitchen!
  6. If you’re going to Las Vegas, my friend Gaby has some restaurant recommendations.
  7. If you’re looking for a good book to read.
  8. We watched the Hulu Fyre festival documentary first. It’s NUTS.
  9. Now I want a glass table.
  10. I’d love to make these keychains with Cooper.
  11. What people are pinning from my blog lately
  12. This is pretty- a giant spinning circle of ice!
  13. Some amazing tattoo coverups using people’s scars.
  14. To watch: an animated history of cheese!
  15. How to make any business trip less boring.
  16. Netflix is begging people to stop doing the Bird Box Challenge
  17. Some amazing shots from the 2018 wildlife photographer of the year.
  18. If you want to see what I looked like 10 years ago…
  19. Intensive parenting is intense.
  20. Will an Instant Pot solve all of your problems? Probably not. But I like mine!
  21. I can’t wait to snuggle up to my new blanket & watch Netflix this weekend.
  22. This might make you feel old yet nostalgic at the same time.
  23. We signed up for Butcher Box this month because they’re giving away 2 free lbs. of wild Salmon!


Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

If you want to join in on the fun, order your Currently 2019 Workbook now! 

Read more about it in my post from yesterday. 


My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

More Food Journals in the shop! 

Each one comes with a page to color in!

January 17, 2019

Currently 2019 WORKBOOK!

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

For the past 2 1/2 years, I’ve been working on updating my CURRENTLY posts here on Shutterbean. If you’re not familiar with the posts, check out my archives!

Each month, I sit down and reflect on the month and share what happened, here on my blog.

I make fun art with the month:

Currently September 2018 on Shutterbean.com


Sometimes I make it colorful:

Currently April 2018 - a monthly recap from Shutterbean.com

I created a trusty list template so I could have something consistent to refer to in the future.

I like seeing what I was into and where my head was throughout the year.

Currently: August 2018 on Shutterbean.com

Every month is different!!!!!!!


Sometimes I make a doodle for the month. It’s a good way to spend time off the computer or screen.

Every month brings new adventures.

Currently July 2018 on Shutterbean.com

And a new way to look at the month:

Currently May 2018 - a monthly wrap up on Shutterbean.com!

The column has been a valuable tool for processing life events. I have kept my creativity alive by actively looking for good things and making note of what makes my life full.  I can’t even begin to tell you how I would have handled this year of grief without my art practice!

In the past year since I started The Handwriting Club, I have had countless people ask me how they could join the club and so I present you THE CURRENTLY 2019 WORKBOOK.

I’m bringing the blog into paper form with a workbook.


Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

For those of you who want to join The Handwriting Club, fill out the first page and share it!

(tag me @thehandwritingclub and use the hashtag #itscurrently2019 )

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

In the book you can write out your Intentions for the Year:

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

If you like finding a word to meditate on during the year like I do, there’s room to do so.

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

Every month you can play around with the spread.

I want you to collage, color, draw, and paint in it.


Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

Each month you can write down all of the good things that happened.

Fill in the blanks on the list for reference!

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

By the end of the year, you have something fun to look.

Like a chapter, of your own book!

Your future self will thank you, I’m sure.

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

I’ll be sharing my monthly spreads in my CURRENTLY posts here and on Instagram each month.

I hope you’ll join me in reflecting upon each passing month. I can’t wait to see how this adventure unfolds for you!!

Currently 2019 Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com- A fun way to navigate the year and practice your handwriting while you do so!

Order yours here.

That’s right. I’m selling them through Blurb!


My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

And if you are looking for my food journal, they are currently for sale in my Etsy shop, where I’ll be shipping them out personally.

I’m testing to see which process (blurb vs. etsy) works best for the amount of time I have for this project.  If all goes well, I’ll be able to sell them both in one place, internationally.





January 16, 2019

Creamy Sausage Mushroom Orecchiette

Creamy Mushroom Sausage Orecchiette is the ultimate comfort food. Make it for your guests! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I have a thing for sausage and mushroom. It’s always what my Mom ordered on her pizza and the combination became all-time favorite too. See also: pizza bowls  This Creamy Mushroom Sausage Orecchiette dish is comfort in a bowl. It’s actually my cousin Elaine’s recipe, although I took the liberty and added a bunch of arugula to the mix.

Creamy Mushroom Sausage Orecchiette is the ultimate comfort food. Make it for your guests! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

It’s January. It’s practically salad now, huh?

My cousin Elaine has always been my cooking mentor.   It’s probably because anytime my Mom went to visit her back east, she would launch into a “Tracy! You should have seen what Elaine made us!” conversation followed by her showing off a handwritten recipe from Elaine.  She’d wave around the paper like Charlie with the golden ticket.  My Mom really admired Elaine’s ease in the kitchen and how it never seemed to phase her having 20+ people over at her house. She can whip up anything at any time, just like my grandma could. In my eyes, my cousin Elaine is basically Martha Stewart.

Creamy Mushroom Sausage Orecchiette is the ultimate comfort food. Make it for your guests! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

After my Mom died my Dad’s cousins from New York came out for a week. It was like having cooking fairy godmothers come to visit.  They stayed with my Dad and cooked for him, stocking up his freezer with meals for him to reheat in my Mom’s absence.

Elaine made my family this pasta dish that I COULD NOT GET ENOUGH OF.  It was something that both my parents loved and it felt so special that I got experience too.  The mascarpone makes the pasta creamy and each bite is just wonderful.  I didn’t want my bowl to end! I’m thinking that maybe mascarpone needs to make more of an appearance in our pasta life? Next time I have company, I’m going to wow them with this dish. Thank you, cousin!


January 14, 2019

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday!!

We had a pretty busy weekend with company and basketball!  Made a quick cheeseboardgarlic rolls (from pizza dough in the fridge), Mom’s green salad and baked pasta.

We still have some wine glasses to clean up! Oof.

Yesterday I got my head in the game by doing #shutterbeanmealprep!

This is what I have in my fridge to work from!


Meal Prep this week includes:

  • Mint Iced Tea
  • Kombucha
  • Roasted Delicata
  • Sausage pasta (recipe soon)
  • veggie rice (made from leftover roasted vegetables)
  • croutons (from old bread)
  • cooked chicken (for salads)
  • cooked pasta (for lunches)
  • broccoli + radishes for snacking
  • hard boiled eggs in the Instant Pot

This week my Dad is having surgery (send good thoughts!) and so my brother & I will be making sure he heals OK and  is comfortable.

Besides that, here are my Intentions for the week!


January 13, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 2

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 2

Packaging up orders!

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Sold out in a few hours! Thanks for your food journal orders. I’ll have more soon!

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Meanwhile, I’ve been tracking what I eat all week.

Follow more adventures on @thehandwritingclub on Instagram.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Steamy nighttime shower.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

These ladies are in my office now. Look at that cat!

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com


January 11, 2019


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. Marie Kondo’s new show is giving people anxiety.
  2. Apparently, I’m an oreo cheesecake kinda person.
  3. Reading through how people lost weight.
  4. This whole Bird Box thing is getting out of control.
  5. Why do we even saber champagne bottles to begin with?
  6. Why smart people make stupid mistakes.
  7. The Google Doodle winner was a 2nd grader! YAY!
  8. Dream (island) job
  9. Do you have an affective presence?
  10. You should really send that thank you note you’ve been meaning to write.
  11. No Martha, I will not use my espresso machine to make eggs.
  12. I bet Cooper would love these citrus lollipops.
  13. I am inspired by Elise’s clothes making journey and Elsie’s wardrobe goal for 2019
  14. This free little library is goals.
  15. Bill Gates is pretty cute when he’s talking about his favorite books.
  16. I am already dreading Cooper not responding right away when he gets a phone one day.
  17. Strategies to get more done in less time.
  18. What was it like to be a photographer in 1865?
  19. How tech is changing the way we eat.
  20. Don’t be paralyzed by the speed of change.
  21. A good list of films to watch.
  22. Organizing projects:  laundry closet/linen closet /closet / pantry / makeup drawer


January 9, 2019

Keeping a Sketchbook


Keeping a Sketchbook -take classes with Skillshare! Find more on Shutterbean.com

Keeping a Sketchbook has become one of the greatest organizing/stress-relieving tools in my emotional toolkit. Even though I spend a lot of capturing my life through my blog via camera & writing, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of putting pen to paper.  As much as I love playing around with my iPad and getting into a fun photoshop session, my brain prefers the simplicity and easy access to pen and paper.

What’s the best thing about having a sketchbook?

It doesn’t require batteries to be charged.  You just need to make sure you carry enough around in your bag. I always do!

My goal last year was to MAKE MORE ART and if you’ve been around here, you’ve seen how I made art with kids, watercolored, expanded my bullet journal practice, and learned new creative skills all with the help of Skillshare,

The work I put into learning new creative skills in 2018 totally changed the way I keep a sketchbook. I’d like to share with you some of my creative explorations in my sketchbook today!

If you’re not familiar with Skillshare, it’s an online community for learning & teaching creative skills. Skillshare connects expert practitioners with students around the world who collaborate on everyday skills from culinary arts, photography to design.

Skillshare has kindly offered my readers TWO MONTHS free of Skillshare Premium!   Thank you, Skillshare!