January 7, 2019

Intentions for the Week


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

HAPPY MONDAY!!  This is my first Intentions for the Week list of 2019.

I’m wondering if I should keep up this practice in 2019. Is it helpful for you? I know it helps me, but I’m wondering if I should just stick to writing in my bullet journal every week?

This is my current week before I filled it in!

We watched the first episode of Marie Kondo’s new Netflix show and I got the bug to organize over the weekend.

I cleaned out my pantry:


January 6, 2019

My Everyday Life: Week 1

A new year, a new week!

Here’s what this past week looked like – My Everyday Life: Week 1

Adventure in the city with Coop and Casey.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

A reader sent me a Rose of Jericho and it’s been cool to see it come to life this week.



January 4, 2019


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. Creating Healthy Eating Habits – I am re-reading this as we start January!
  2. I’m curious to try these golden milk snack bites
  3. I like reading what ingredients people like to have on hand
  4. The best skincare trick is to be wealthy.
  5. If you’re grieving.
  6. Wrap me up in this blanket, please.
  7. The pleasures of Ina Garten.
  8. What an incredible way to leave an impact after death.
  9. 11 ways to be a better person in 2019
  10. Do you remember getting an allowance when you were young?
  11. Timelapse photos of airplanes = RAD
  12. Shoutout to all of us introverts out there.
  13. I cannot fathom being on a cruise ship for that long.
  14. What a beautiful studio space filled with amazing things!
  15. Cooper loves when movies break the 4th wall
  16. My friend Andrea is blogging regularly again and it makes me so happy.
  17. How It’s Made videos for inspiration.
  18. If you’re a cat lover…
  19. Gout is making a comback! 
  20. A whole bunch of photos to be inspired by.
  21. current kitchen favorites:  crunchy chili garlic sauce/ herb salt / bee’s wax wrappers

Watch this if you also love Amy Sedaris!


December 31, 2018

Currently: December 2018

Currently: December 2018 on Shutterbean.com

Currently December 2018

This month was filled with lots of fun/not-so-fun stuff.

  • I had a mammogram. (not fun)
  • I had a blood test (not fun)
  • I have to wait for more tests (send good thoughts)
  • I tried not to freak out over either of those two things
  • I sent out our holiday cards
  • I bought presents.
  • I decorated our house.
  • I made magic.
  • I went on a few adventures with my brother
  • I went to holiday parties.
  • I sent out food journals
  • I sent out packages to people who helped me this year.
  • I broke my pinky toe and had to wear sandals outside for almost two weeks.
  • I had friends visit
  • I visited friends

This was the first actual Christmas at my parent’s house since my mother died. Last year we were in LA and in total shock and this year, we celebrated together. It was nice and simple. My Mom would have been happy to see us all together, making her recipes in her honor.

I had to ask a lot of questions of myself this month.

Questions like:

  • What do I want to foster tradition wise?
  • What can go?
  • What will stay?
  • How much energy can I put into it?
  • How can I ask for help?
  • What would my Mom do?

December was a tough month for me emotionally. Christmas was one of my Mom’s favorite holidays so it feels so weird to not have her part of it. Christmas music can bring up so many feelings! I totally forgot. I am pretty proud of how much I was able to accomplish in a short period of time while feeling pretty low!  It’s important to remember that the holiday season can be rough for other people. It’s a reminder to give yourself grace in the process!


December 30, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life Week 52

Christmas Eve at my parent’s house. My brother and his wife decorated my Mom’s tree. So pretty!

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

It was so bittersweet going through our ornaments without my Mom this year.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

We started with Manhattans.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

My sister Ali made an amazing cheese board.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

We had Caesar Salad+ garlic bread followed by linguini + clams with lobster.

Our normal New Year’s meal turned into Christmas Eve dinner.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com


December 28, 2018


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. I guess Pedialyte is a good hangover cure. Who knew?
  2. Restaurant supply stores are my favorite.
  3. I am going to start taking more baths now.
  4. The winning photos of the National Geographic Photo contest are beautiful
  5. Some people try to get even with robocalls.
  6. Modern parenting is relentless. 
  7. How much of the internet is fake?
  8. Classical art turned memes
  9. Let’s go glamping in 2019!
  10. I’d like to be a travel photographer. Take note.
  11. My friend Liz can help you find your word for the year.
  12. Instagram backpedaled this week. It was weird.
  13. I would like to tame my inbox in 2019
  14. Comedians discuss the jokes they regret telling.
  15. To watch again soon: Catch Me If You Can
  16. File away: How to Organize Your Financial Documents
  17. Invite me over and put George Carlin on my cup. Thanks!
  18. These photos make me want to go to the snow.
  19. Film footage from the 1890s is mind-blowing!
  20. I really need a salad right now.
  21. According to this picky eater quiz, I’m 55 years old but emotionally 25. LOL
  22. If you need a digital detox to start the new year, this book is pretty helpful!
  23. There are more food journals in my Etsy shop if you wanna snag one!

December 23, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 51

Here’s what this past week looked like — My Everyday Life Week 51

Made treats for the teachers this week. Honey Candied Walnuts!

This holiday season is NUTTY.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I also made 3 batches of my killer granola for the teachers and family!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I am the treat fairy!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

It feels good to send out love!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Morning meditation on our deck.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Blood tests during the holiday season.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Raindrops on car windows.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Basketball Mom.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Finally had a moment to write in our calendar. I’ve been too busy to keep it up!

Here’s a calendar like it– I got it at Homegoods a few years ago.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Petey is at it again!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

We had a steak dinner this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Followed by bread pudding!

Foggy day on the way to Napa for a meeting!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Enjoying this little nook.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Couch envy.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

My friend Emma took me out to Buttercream Bakery in Napa. what a treat!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Food journal on Emma’s coffee table 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

A concoction  I am obsessed with. Will bring it to the blog, I think.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

A corner of my deck I love.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Snugs for Ella.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Three generations.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Casey and his bro gave my buddha a light and I am so happy about that!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Soon this bush will be bright red and all the hummingbirds will be all over the place.


My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I reach out my hand when we are on the couch and he holds it.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Kind eyes in the Target parking lot.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I’m curious about this game for children!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

When all else fails, NACHOS.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I catch him wearing my hat.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Went to see Becoming Astrid with Jessica. It was good!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

The lights reflect on the building my brother loves.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

My mom’s rosemary is the one on the right.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Had coffee with a buck.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Where you will find us most of this week.

Made the Applesauce Cake from Now & Again. SO GOOD.

The last sliver of sunlight.

Our friends had us over for a yummy dinner! I ATE TOO MUCH.

And got to play with kittens!!!!!!!!!!!


Week 51 in 2017

Week 51 in 2016

Week 51 in 2015

Week 51 in 2014

Week 51 in 2013

Week 51 in 2012

Week 51 in 2011