Intentions for the Week:
- Vote
- Laundry
- Exercise/workout
- Wash car
- Clean up house
- Make kombucha
- Make banana bread
- Write down food in food journal
- Make a recipe/take photos/edit
- Invoice/Send 1099
- Edit food journal/ order
- Post Currently October 2018 post
- Catch up on social media
- drink more water (this helps)
- track steps with my Fitbit
- Car appointment!!! YAY
- Send thank you notes
- Paint nails
- Clean out purse
- Organize/sort receipts
- Delete some photos from phone
Last Week’s Intentions:
unpack bags fromtriplaundry/organize bedroom closetmake kombuchaprep forpartythis weekendclean up dining room tableclean out fridgeclean out wallet- trip
to the Post Office recipe testing- broccolicelebrate Halloweeninvoicing /bookkeepingcatch up on social mediafinish writing organizing postwrite up Currently post for Octobercontinue to write down food I eat in my food journal (it helps!)drink more water (this helps)track steps with my Fitbitspend time with my brothergo to bed before 11(did 4/7 days)go for a hike/workoutfollow up with Dochave a date with my calendarfind the time to take my car in
Mantra for the Week:
Pump Jam for the Week:
You definitely get what you give, so give this week YOUR BEST!
Sending you well wishes for a smooth/productive week.