December 2, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 48

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life Week 48

Foggy morning on the way to school.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

My friend Tammi had her own Holiday Gift Making Party and sent me a picture.

Made me so happy!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Meal prep this week included:

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Tuna Salad with croutons!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

My dad came over for spaghetti & meatballs!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

At Target with Caley!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Checking things out at the library.

Spent 5 hours there this week working.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

I like these steps.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

The mammogram that didn’t happen.

The doctor ordered the wrong test.

Mercury is definitely in retrograde.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

I love Cooper’s teacher’s handwriting.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

My Dad + Me.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Sending out mail. I’m so happy that my grandpa’s christmas cactus is blooming!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Playdate with Fox & Faye this week. Being around children makes me so happy.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Pot sticker dinner!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Was invited to my friend Lisa’s mom’s Marin Makers wreath making party!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

There was a woman there who reminded me of my mom and that made me super happy.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Everyone brought foraged things from their yards for us to play with.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

I love crafting!

The house was filled with greens and giggles.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

This is what we all made!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

We had a big storm here this week!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Petey is back in the mix!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

She’s definitely not allowed on the counter. Look at that jerk look!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Wreath #1 I made.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Wreath #2 I made.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Thinking of my niece, Camden while thrifting.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Thinking of Andrea while thrifting!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Thinking of Michael Jackson while thrifting. LOL.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Thinking of my grandma while thrifting.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Went to an embroidery workshop at Rough Linen with Erica of Honestly Yum.

It was so much fun! I’ll share what I made when I finish it.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Hello from Berkeley.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

I found an amazing bus.


My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Reading windows.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Pendant lights made from crystal decanters! So pretty.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Window shopping with Heather.


My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

My house has split rooms.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

This is not salad, but a breakfast bowl of soyrizo, potatoes & egg!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

This weekend we’re having a sleepover.  Boys are making airplanes.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Casey and Cooper helped me decorate the tree 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com



Week 48 in 2017

Week 48 in 2016

Week 48 in 2015

Week 48 in 2014

Week 48 in 2013

Week 48 in 2012

Week 48 in 2011

You might also like:
November 30, 2018



  1. How Americans define their dream job these days.
  2. Things you might regret when you’re older
  3. Pizza is more nutritious than breakfast cereal
  4. How dealing with past trauma can help one beat addiction.
  5. How to work from home without falling into a pit of despair.
  6. Why procrastination is bad for your brain. 
  7. How restaurants got so loud.
  8. Tears, magnified. 
  9. This is pretty exciting for Roald Dahl fans! 
  10. Things you might have forgotten about your childhood.
  11. How long does it take for a lego to pass through your body? 
  12. My mental age is 90 years old and apparently, I like cornbread muffins.
  13. I’m all for giving the gift of experiences.
  14. Parenting in a nutshell.
  15. Number 3 made me laugh. My parents should have done that with us kids.
  16. How to be creative when you’re feeling stressed.
  17. Another way open offices make you less productive.
  18. I like these public warning signs.
  19. CUTE Holiday dresses for parties: one / two / three / four
  20. To make this weekend: Instant Pot Minestrone Soup




I’m excited to announce that I am going to be part of a FOOD + MORE Week retreat at Santa Fe Photography Workshops in Santa Fe, New Mexico May 2019. I have space for 14 students in my Food Photography for Bloggers class!  This will be my second time to Santa Fe and I am so thrilled to go back. If you’re looking to brush up and/or enhance your food photography skills come take my workshop! We’ll be playing with food, light, and composition. There will also be a Farmer’s Market tour in the mix.  I’d love to have you! Read more about the workshop here:  Food Photography for Bloggers with me, Tracy Benjamin!

Other workshops happening during the week:

The Craft of Food Memoirs Writing with Molly Wizenberg

Podcasting with the Kitchen Sisters 

We’ll all be together for meals and nighttime fun, you should join us!



November 29, 2018

Homemade Holiday Gift Ideas

If you're looking to make your own Homemade Holiday Gifts this year, Tracy Benjamin from Shutterbean.com shows you all of her favorite ideas.

Now that it’s about to be December, I think it’s time we went through some of our Homemade Holiday Gift Ideas.

We have options.

We do!

I went through my archives and this is my greatest hits playlist for you:


Chocolate Earl Grey Tea Truffles

If you’re looking to wow some friends, these will do the trick. Their flavor is complex and sophisticated!

Plus you get to roll chocolate and that is fun.

Make your own Crystallized Ginger. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Candied Ginger

Fight colds with gifts! Ginger is a welcomed treat this holiday season.

Candied Citrus Peel

A really fun project to make with friends!

Salted Rocky Road Fudge

My mom used to make Rocky Road Fudge every year. This is my take on it!

Crunchy Peppermint Bark


November 28, 2018

Homemade Candied Ginger

Make your own Crystallized Ginger. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I turn to ginger.

Ginger is my go-to when I need a good pick-me-up.

It helps calm an upset stomach.

It opens up my sinuses.

It’s also the first thing I think of to mix in a cocktail (I love ginger beer!)

Ginger gives me that mouth burn and that heat I’m crave.

It’s in my favorite cookie.

This season I’m all about my lemon ginger elixir.

In other words, I LOVE GINGER.

Make your own Crystallized Ginger. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

This year I am giving Homemade Candied Ginger as gifts.

The holiday season is GO GO GO season which means it’s time to up the ginger intake.

It will help promote digestion, gives people a reset, enhances cocktails and baked desserts!  It’s also one of those gifts people didn’t think they needed until they received it from you.

It’s unique.

It’s thoughtful.

There’s intention behind it (so many good uses!)

Make some.

Jar it up!

Drop off some in a friend’s mailbox.

Make your own Crystallized Ginger. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Notice how cute your friend’s mailbox is!

Leave a note and a flower.

Tis the season to take care of each other, one piece of candied ginger at a time.


November 26, 2018

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday!

Now that Cooper is back at school after Thanksgiving break, I am going to switch from entertaining/making holiday magic mode to full  HUSTLE MODE!

Are you feeling the holiday rush?  I am.

Ask yourself:

What can I do this week that will help me get ahead of schedule?

Write it down.



If you are rushing around, don’t forget to make sure you take some time to take care of yourself.

I know that it takes a lot of energy to make magic throughout the holidays.

Rest if you need to. Take a bath. Have yourself a turmeric latte,

Steer your loved one towards my favorite things from 2018 guide for self-care inspiration.

Maybe it’s about working smarter, not harder.  Can you ask for help this week? What can you ask for?

Maybe you have friends who also want to save money this holiday season AND HANG OUT?

Host your own homemade holiday gift party.  

You can get a lot done when you enlist help.

It all starts with a TO -DO list. Here are my Intentions for the Week:

Intentions for the Week:

  • laundry
  • clean out fridge
  • clean out bathrooms
  • put the tree up
  • grocery shop. GET HEALTHY FOOD.
  • decorate the house for Christmas
  • have a date with the calendar
  • return library books
  • drop off donations
  • get address book ready for holiday cards
  • write down what I eat in my food journal (coming soon!)
  • pick up piles around the house
  • get mammogram
  • trip to post office
  • do some meal prep
  • catch up on social media
  • write currently post
  • catch up on bookkeeping
  • make lists for Christmas
  • spend time outside
  • make a batch of kombucha
  • clean out car from trip
  • work on holiday packages
  • make a new homemade holiday gift for the blog
  • figure out holiday card/order
  • promote photography class I’m teaching next year in Santa Fe
  • post new products in Etsy shop (food journal & prints coming soon!)
  • be better about drinking water (this is my favorite cup these days)

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • Work on gift guide
  • Give myself permission to go slow
  • Drink enough water
  • Continue to write down what I eat in my food journal
  • Edit photos/submit to client
  • Work on invoices
  • Go to bed before 11PM
  • Track steps with my Fitbit
  • Catch up on social media
  • Find some time to be alone
  • Hang out by a body of water
  • Find fresh air
  • Spend quality time with family
  • Make pumpkin pie
  • Prep/Cook Thanksgiving dinner
  • Take a holiday card photo
  • Read a book (this is what I’m into right now)
  • Finalize Etsy stuff and post (cards! Workbook!)
  • Celebrate/honor the anniversary of my mom’s death with family dinner
  • Make some Art/write in journal
  • Pull out Christmas decorations
  • Make lists for Christmas

Mantra for the Week:


Holiday Jam:

Feeling stressed? Don’t forget to write down your Intentions for the Week. Having a TO-DO list will help give you a good PLAN OF ATTACK!

All the best, 



November 25, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 47

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 47

Our Thanksgiving menu!

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

How I organize my brain.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

TADA! My dad set the table.

Thanksgiving was out at Yank Sing for dim sum last year. It was nice to be at my parent’s house celebrating the holiday.

Here’s what our week looked like last year. I read through it this morning as part of my grieving process this weekend. Wow. A lot can happen in a year.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

Manhattans + apps.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

My friend Becca sent me the most beautiful flowers.

This week was such a tender week. I am so thankful for all of the friends who gave me support and how many people who’ve I’ve never even met sent me SO MUCH LOVE. THANK YOU.

My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com



November 23, 2018


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. Five Essential Christmas movies to watch with your children.
  2. How do cat’s tongues work anyway?
  3. I love looking through vintage Disneyland photos.
  4. I hope you’re not reading this from a Black Friday line. 
  5. Time to get started on your tea infused vodka!
  6. When things align perfectly. So satisfying!
  7. These bookends are so creative.
  8. Watching a panda play in the snow is good for your soul.
  9. They’ve remade the Lion King and here’s a side-by-side comparison
  10. Avocados are being genetically modified to be peeled easier.
  11. Need some gift inspiration?  My Etsy wishlist might help.
  12. Why kids like parenting toys.
  13. The blessings of aging.
  14. Teachers share their most memorable gifts from a student
  15. Why Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday
  16. No one really talks about what happens to women in their 40s
  17. There are so many pens in this post I’d love to try!
  18. I love reading posts about packing for trips.
  19. Behold! The most beautiful staircase made of copper.
  20. Did you catch my  2018 Favorite Things Gift Guide?
  21. My old-timey profession is a switchboard operator. Lol
  22. Hostess Gifts:  tea towelspersonalized pottery / a plant / retro board games


Shopping Deals for you!

Get $20 off your first book with Blurb

$35 off your first order at Eshakti- use code TRACYBENJAMIN

$25 off Stitchfix when you sign up

Earn cash back with all of your online shopping- Ebates is THE BEST. 

$10 off your first order from Instacart

30 day free trial of Amazon Prime – just in time for the holidays!

$10 off your first order at Parabo Press (great for prints!)- use code NAHOOS

$10 off your first FabFitFun box