November 6, 2018

Currently: October 2018


Currently: October 2018 on Shutterbean.com

Currently October 2018

This month was punctuated by two weddings (one in Santa Fe and one in Pebble Beach!) and COOPER TURNING 10!  Whew!!

My Everyday Life: Week 40 on Shutterbean.com

October felt like a lot all at once.  October brought up a lot of feelings, that’s for sure.

October was my 11th month without my Mom.  A lot is being stirred up again as we make Thanksgiving plans. My Mom’s own mom died on Halloween and my mom was the same exact age I was when her mother died- 38. I remember where I was sitting in my house when my Mom told me the news about her Mom. We were about to go trick-or-treating and she was crying.  Memories come back when you least expect it and this Autumn it’s happening more than ever as I feel my Mom’s spirit with me.

I know that November is going to have ups and downs as I move through the first year of grief. I’ve learned so much about myself and my family through the process.



November 5, 2018

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:
Happy Monday, friends!
This weekend was packed! It started with a sleepover with my brother. Yay for Uncle Ryan visits!  We went on a long drive around Marin and saw all the places we used to visit as kids. It was the best.  I also hosted a handmade holiday party at my house this weekend so all my energy this weekend went to that. I’m excited to share pictures with you soon. It was a fun event with a great group of women.
This week we must VOTE! Don’t forget.  That’s the first thing going on my Intentions for the Week list. Hopefully, I’ll get back into the Meal Prep rhythm soon. When we have events going during the weekend, that’s the first thing to go.

Intentions for the Week:

  • Vote
  • Laundry
  • Exercise/workout
  • Wash car
  • Clean up house
  • Make kombucha
  • Make banana bread
  • Write down food in food journal
  • Make a recipe/take photos/edit
  • Invoice/Send 1099
  • Edit food journal/ order
  • Post Currently October 2018 post
  • Catch up on social media
  • drink more water (this helps)
  • track steps with my Fitbit
  • Car appointment!!! YAY
  • Send thank you notes
  • Paint nails
  • Clean out purse
  • Organize/sort receipts
  • Delete some photos from phone

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • unpack bags from trip
  • laundry/organize bedroom closet 
  • make kombucha
  • prep for party this weekend
  • clean up dining room table
  • clean out fridge
  • clean out wallet
  • trip to the Post Office
  • recipe testing- broccoli
  • celebrate Halloween
  • invoicing /bookkeeping
  • catch up on social media
  • finish writing organizing post
  • write up Currently post for October
  • continue to write down food I eat in my food journal (it helps!)
  • drink more water (this helps)
  • track steps with my Fitbit
  • spend time with my brother
  • go to bed before 11 (did 4/7 days)
  • go for a hike/workout
  • follow up with Doc
  • have a date with my calendar
  • find the time to take my car in

Mantra for the Week:


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Pump Jam for the Week:



You definitely get what you give, so give this week YOUR BEST! 

Sending you well wishes for a smooth/productive week.



November 4, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 44

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 44

On Halloween, Cooper was a greaser!

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

He counted 264 pieces of candy from his haul!

It’s good to see that there are other kids who love Garfield too!

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com


November 2, 2018


Welcome to I LOVE LISTS. It's Friday and Tracy of Shutterbean.com shares her finds from the internet on a weekly list called I LOVE LISTS!


  1. Samin’s best tool in her beauty uniform is her smile.
  2. iPads are definitely increasing tips.
  3. Before/after photos of people who stopped drinking
  4. Cat crashes fashion show.
  5. The people who won at Halloween this year.
  6. Fashion fails. Lol pandas.
  7. Legit reasons to send food back in a restaurant.
  8. I love Portland.
  9. How the internet can make hate seem normal.
  10. How chefs with their own food allergies make it work.
  11. Apparently, I’m a cherry.
  12. What working from home does to your immune system.
  13. Save for next year: DIY fake blood recipe
  14. Fun patterned coats:  one / two / three / four
  15. Cook Thanksgiving on a single sheet pan.
  16. My dream is to paint my bathroom floor tile that I hate. This gives me some ideas.
  17. How to manage seasonal depression.
  18. Park me in front of this cake, please.
  19. This home is so dreamy and comforting.
  20. These paintings make me want to mix paint.
  21. Robert Redford’s home in Napa is STUNNING.
  22. Why you can’t stop eating Halloween candy right now…



October 31, 2018

How Can I Organize Cords?

Have you ever wondered, "How Can I Keep my Cords Organized?" Tracy from Shutterbean shows you how with her resourceful cord organization system!

The question I recently asked myself:

How Can I Organize Cords?

The problem is that I never have a cord or plug to charge my phone/battery/iPad when I need one. My cord organization is a mess and

I know that by bringing cords into different rooms I will:

  • lose the cord
  • forget to put it back
  • never have a cord and scorn myself for not putting things back where they belong in the first place

The first step is to figure out these answers:

  • Where do I need cords?
  • What cords do I need?
  • Can I make rules for myself to prevent disorganization from happening?
  • How will I uphold these rules and deal with routine maintenance?


Hello, cord mess!

Have you ever wondered, "How Can I Keep my Cords Organized?" Tracy from Shutterbean shows you how with her resourceful cord organization system!


Have you ever wondered, "How Can I Keep my Cords Organized?" Tracy from Shutterbean shows you how with her resourceful cord organization system!


October 29, 2018

Intentions for the Week:


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, Friends!

The Red Sox won the World Series!  HOORAY. We spent the weekend away with family for a beautiful wedding in Pebble Beach and we’ve had company since Tuesday. It’s been a lot of fun, but truthfully I’m looking forward to a little introvert time as my brain needs to recharge with quiet after being around so many people. Hopefully, I’ll get a hike in this week. In nature, is where I feel restored.  The biggest task is unpacking from our weekend away. SO MANY THINGS TO PUT AWAY.

Let’s have a date with the calendar and map out our Intentions for the Week!

Intentions for the Week:

  • unpack bags from trip
  • laundry/organize bedroom closet 
  • make kombucha
  • prep for party this weekend
  • clean up dining room table
  • clean out fridge
  • clean out wallet
  • trip to the Post Office
  • recipe testing- broccoli
  • celebrate Halloween
  • invoicing /bookkeeping
  • catch up on social media
  • finish writing organizing post
  • finish up currently project
  • write up Currently post for October
  • continue to write down food I eat in my food journal (it helps!)
  • drink more water (this helps)
  • track steps with my Fitbit
  • spend time with my brother
  • go to bed before 11
  • go for a hike/workout
  • follow up with Doc
  • have a date with my calendar
  • find the time to take my car in


Last Week’s Intentions:

  • laundry
  • prep guest bedroom/bathroom for company
  • bookkeeping project
  • edit photos of biscuits/submit to client
  • sign work contract/send
  • make something with ginger
  • make kombucha
  • continue to write down food I eat in my food journal
  • post new recipe
  • post meal prep
  • work through inbox
  • catch up on social media
  • make a new recipe with broccoli
  • figure out an outfit for wedding
  • wedding gift & card
  • check mail at PO BOX
  • trip to Target
  • put together packages/send out letters
  • make landscaping plans with father-in-law (we didn’t have time)
  • enjoy family dinners
  • watch world series with family (go sox!)
  • get outdoors with family/go for a hike
  • track steps with my Fitbit
  • work on Currently project
  • figure out an appointment for car!!!

Mantra for the Week:



I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Pump jam for the week:


Don’t forget to write down your Intentions for the Week! It will help hold you accountable to all you have to do!

Wishing you a great week!

October 28, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 43

Here’s what this past week looked like – My Everyday Life Week 43

My mom used to make Cooper pancakes and bacon whenever he spent the night at my parent’s house.

I made my everyday pancakes with a side of bacon for Cooper’s sleepover this week.

It’s just one of the million ways I remember my Mom and carry on her traditions.

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

It’s so weird to have sleepovers in my childhood home. Takes me back in time!

Cooper is lucky he doesn’t have any older brothers to bug him during sleepovers.

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Nacho bowls for parents and tacos for Cooper. Still not into melted cheese….

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

I cleaned out my closet this week and organized. Found this sweater from my Mom’s clothes box.

Putting it into the rotation. I love my black overalls.

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Stopped at an antique store. This is curious!

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Meal prep for the week included:

Instant pot applesauce, pumpkin doughnuts and turkey chili (used black beans)

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com