October 28, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 43

Here’s what this past week looked like – My Everyday Life Week 43

My mom used to make Cooper pancakes and bacon whenever he spent the night at my parent’s house.

I made my everyday pancakes with a side of bacon for Cooper’s sleepover this week.

It’s just one of the million ways I remember my Mom and carry on her traditions.

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

It’s so weird to have sleepovers in my childhood home. Takes me back in time!

Cooper is lucky he doesn’t have any older brothers to bug him during sleepovers.

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Nacho bowls for parents and tacos for Cooper. Still not into melted cheese….

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

I cleaned out my closet this week and organized. Found this sweater from my Mom’s clothes box.

Putting it into the rotation. I love my black overalls.

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Stopped at an antique store. This is curious!

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Meal prep for the week included:

Instant pot applesauce, pumpkin doughnuts and turkey chili (used black beans)

My Everyday Life: Week 44 on Shutterbean.com


October 26, 2018


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. How you should really be measuring success.
  2. #3 LOLZ
  3. Thought provoking illustrations.
  4. How to find the perfect time to write.
  5. I didn’t even know there was such thing as a Five More Rule.
  6. If you also wondered about her song in A Star is Born…
  7. A very interesting idea for a restaurant pop-up. Can’t say I’m not curious!
  8. Halloween costume knock-offs
  9. Also a really good roundup of Halloween costume ideas. 
  10. UPS launches an Ebike in Seattle. Looks kinda fun to ride.
  11. A nearly perfect rectangular iceberg found in the Antartic. 
  12. The music at restaurants effects how much people tip.
  13. Caregiving for someone with Alzheimer’s is incredibly stressful. 
  14. I wish my family would eat this cuz it’s my ideal dinner.
  15. This whole David Schwimmer debacle is hilarious. 
  16. We don’t wear shoes in our house.
  17. Vintage photos of life before AutoCAD.
  18. Have you watched Salt Fat Acid & Heat yet?  I want more episodes!!
  19. There’s gonna be a Clueless reboot! Curious…
  20. What words came to be the year you were born?
  21. Weekend lounge/errand wear:  Dress/ leggings/ converse / long sweater
  22. I fell down a rabbit hole of bullet journal supplies on Etsy this week.
  23. Maybe some baked spaghetti will be in your weekend plans? Pair it with a salad! 

October 24, 2018

Beet Salad with Poppy Seed + Chive Dressing

Beet Salad with Poppy Seed and Chive Dressing is a great addition to your Fall & Winter menu! Recipe on Shutterbean.com

Every time I see beets on a menu, in a cookbook, in person, or anywhere for that matter, I think of my Mom.

Beet Salad with Poppy Seed and Chive Dressing is a great addition to your Fall & Winter menu! Recipe on Shutterbean.com

There are always stories swirling around food, huh?  I have SO MANY.

My beet story begins at New York’s Balthazar restaurant many years ago when my family went to visit my brother who was living in Manhattan at the time.  During this particular trip, my Dad was trying his hardest to be low-carb.  My Mom was trying to be supportive of another one of my Dad’s weight loss endeavors but she saw the Beet Salad on the menu and decided to order it. Bev opted out of low-carb living while on vacation!  (GO BEV!!!)  My Dad made a comment about the sugar content of the beets and started in on a lecture that we all quickly stopped listening to.

Beet Salad with Poppy Seed and Chive Dressing is a great addition to your Fall & Winter menu! Recipe on Shutterbean.com

So when her beet salad arrived, we all watched as she slowly savored EVERY. SINGLE. BITE.  She was a pretty slow eater, so this whole process was quite dramatic. My Dad was not amused.

I, on the other hand,  loved every single moment of the situation.

All the years after that incident, whenever we would go out to eat, I’d look for a beet salad on the menu, hoping my Mom would do it again Spoiler alert: SHE DID (many times over!). I still look out for beet salad now that she’s gone.

When I was looking for a recipe in Julia Turshen’s new cookbook,  Now and Again,  for her cookbook party, I knew I had to make her Beet Salad with Poppy Seed and Chive Dressing. Part of me was sad knowing my Mom would never get to experience it.  But through the process of making this recipe, I remembered one of the biggest lessons my Mom taught me- I am in charge of my own life and body.  If I’m craving beets, I’m listening to my body and HAVING BEETS.  They’re so good for you this time of year! AND LOOK AT THAT DANG COLOR. Honor it!


October 22, 2018

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, friends!

How are you feeling?  I’m ready to get into this week. It’s a busy one!

This weekend there was a sleepover, movie & dinner, baseball, got our Halloween costumes, got ourselves organized,  did a bunch of recipe testing, laundry and cleaned out closets. A lot of little stuff adds up to big stuff.  The little stuff helps support all the moving parts to each week. Don’t forget that when you feel like you haven’t accomplished EVERYTHING.

We have a wedding to look forward to this week and Halloween coming up. Soon we’ll be in Thanksgiving mode (still figuring out our holiday this year) and then we’re onto Christmas season. Time is breezing right by, isn’t it?

Here I am, holding myself accountable to my TO DO LIST. Here are my Intentions for the Week!


Intentions for the Week:

  • laundry
  • prep guest bedroom/bathroom for company
  • bookkeeping project
  • edit photos of biscuits/submit to client
  • sign work contract/send
  • make something with ginger
  • make kombucha
  • continue to write down food I eat in my food journal
  • post new recipe
  • post meal prep
  • work through inbox
  • catch up on social media
  • make a new recipe with broccoli
  • figure out an outfit for wedding
  • wedding gift & card
  • check mail at PO BOX
  • trip to Target
  • put together packages/send out letters
  • make landscaping plans with father-in-law
  • enjoy family dinners
  • watch world series with family (go sox!)
  • get outdoors with family/go for a hike
  • track steps with my Fitbit
  • work on Currently project
  • figure out an appointment for car!!!

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • laundry
  • workout/go for a hike   (went on 3 hikes!)
  • bookkeeping
  • catch up on social media
  • catch up on emails
  • make a new recipe for blog
  • edit photos
  • put away summer clothes
  • repot plant in family room
  • clean off office desk
  • figure out an appointment for car
  • clean out the fridge
  • do meal prep
  • make kombucha
  • make baked doughnuts with Cooper (made pancakes)
  • thank you notes with Cooper
  • make a loaf of bread/feed levain starter  (made biscuits instead)
  • figure out Cooper’s Halloween costume/plans
  • write/send a letter
  • work on a package for niece.
  • work on prints for Etsy shop! MORE COMING SOON!
  • drink more water
  • track steps with my Fitbit
  • finish Maniac on Netflix
  • get to bed earlier  (I did on a few nights!)


Mantra for the Week:

Intentions for the Week/ Shutterbean.com


Pump song for the Week:

Because I’m gonna be around family all week 🙂

Wishing you a productive week! Don’t forget to write down your Intentions for the Week. It will help hold you accountable to your task list!

Sending sparkles*




October 21, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 42

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 42

My favorite part of Home Depot:

Cupcakes for Cooper’s joint birthday party!

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

Sun + Fog a few mornings this week. It’s really so beautiful.My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

The whiskers above her eyes.

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

Sunflower butter + banana on top of rice cake.

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com


October 19, 2018


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. What a cool way to use tarot cards!
  2. Are sunflower seeds healthy?
  3. I do love a quick fix.
  4. I can’t believe my eyes. A pizza burger?  How charitable!
  5. There are so many cool things to be found in this world.
  6. The first one made me LOL
  7. We could all use a little snail mail now. AMEN
  8. I wish my Mom could read this.
  9. An easy way to make a waterproof phone case for filming!
  10. The hidden kitchens of New York
  11. If you’re gonna have a midnight snack…
  12. I like looking at what was in my purse a year ago. It’s all different now.
  13. On the YES I MUST MAKE LIST: garlic fried ricekale salad with salmon, pumpkin crullers 
  14. How do you help a grieving friend?
  15. Reasonably priced dresses on Amazon that look cute: one / two / three / four
  16. Can you imagine staying at a hotel made of ice?
  17. Inspired by: Austin Kleon
  18. Cherry blossoms are blooming in the Fall in Japan now.
  19. The 30 Best Halloween Candies. Can you guess what #1 is?
  20. Productivity tips from 9 experts. I never have a problem skipping meals…
  21. According to this quiz, the dog breed that matches my personality is a MUTT. lol
  22. Fancy convenience stores are a new thing.  I’m all for a good looking shopping experience.
  23. Battery drain. Amen.
  24. Don’t be fooled by Ikea’s mind games.
  25. Make some pancakes this weekend and read a book!


October 17, 2018

Instant Pot Applesauce

When life gives you too many apples, make Instant Pot Applesauce. It's a great addition to your meal prep arsenal. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Instant Pot Applesauce is meal prep staple in my house. Mostly because it’s easy to make (HELLO, it takes 10 minutes in the Instant Pot!) and because I almost always buy too many apples. They are Cooper’s favorite fruit, after all.

When life gives you too many apples, make Instant Pot Applesauce. It's a great addition to your meal prep arsenal. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Everyone has different ways of making applesauce. Before I purchased my Instant Pot a few years ago, I used to make it in sauce pot on the stove. The process would take awhile. I’d have to stir the apples to make sure none stuck to the bottom of the pan. The only good thing about that process was that it made my house smell amazing. Having something on the stove for an hour is not good for my easily distracted brain.

When life gives you too many apples, make Instant Pot Applesauce. It's a great addition to your meal prep arsenal. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

When I’m doing my (almost) weekly meal prep, I make hard boiled eggs, clean out the instant pot insert and then chopped up/leftover apples from the previous week go in for applesauce. In less than 20 minutes I have a batch of hard-boiled eggs and applesauce to add to my lineup. That is why I LOVE my Instant Pot.