October 1, 2018

Intentions for the Week:


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, friends!

This weekend was fun AND productive. We had a date night! Cooper had a sleepover and we went out to dinner. It was nice to have some quality time and no solid plans.  A lazy morning just the two of us was needed after having baseball two weekends in a row.

On the productive frton, I helped my friend clean out her pantry:



My Everyday Life: Week 39 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 39 on Shutterbean.com

The best part is that I WAS ON A ROLL. Working in someone else’s space made me go on a cleaning/organizing binge when I got home. We cleaned out the garage, cleaned the inside of my car, organized the kitchen and started laundry. It feels so good to start the week with a clean car.

Note to self: add vacuum out the car to Cooper’s chore list. He rocked it!

Need a project done? See if you can barter with your friend! My friend is going to help me with gardening now. Need to get focused? Set a 20-minute timer and challenge yourself.

This week I am headed to New Mexico for a wedding.

Got any food recommendations for Santa Fe? Let me have them!

I have a lot to do before then.

Cooper turns TEN on Tuesday! Gotta make him some treats and CELEBRATE!

Let’s get my Intentions for the Week to start to mentally prepare me for all I have to do. HERE WE GO

Intentions for the Week:

  • kickass at laundry
  • make kombucha
  • make a treat for Cooper’s class
  • celebrate Cooper’s birthday
  • catch up on social media
  • pack for trip/take pics of outfits
  • have a date with my calendar
  • figure out where to eat in Santa Fe (any recommendations?)
  • leave food in the fridge for family
  • make a new recipe
  • photoshoot- burrito bowl
  • currently post for September
  • track steps with my fitbit
  • drink more water
  • grocery shop
  • trip to Target
  • drop off donations
  • drop off library book
  • tax prep
  • haircut
  • workout
  • go for a walk with friends
  • go to chiropractor
  • take good care of myself
  • spend some time meditating
  • passport photo if I am near the place and have makeup on. LOL

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • wrap up September with a Currently post
  • laundry
  • unpack from baseball
  • give the kitchen a deep clean
  • two photoshoots
  • invoicing
  • tax prep
  • trip to post office/return/mail
  • library drop off books
  • catch up on emails
  • catch up on social media
  • recipe test
  • clean out the fridge and do meal prep
  • have a date with my calendar/prep for October
  • start a packing list for trip coming up
  • track steps with my fitbit
  • catch up on sleep
  • work on budget
  • paint nails/toenails
  • make kombucha
  • passport photo
  • make time for friends
  • figure out haircut
  • car stuff
  • spend time daydreaming
  • order new sketchbook 
  • make banana bread 


Mantra for the Week:

Intentions for the Week- a weekly TO DO list on Shutterbean.com


Pump Jam for the Week:

Feeling lost? Start with a TO DO LIST! Write down your Intentions for the Week to hold you accountable for ACTION!

Have a great week. I’m rooting for you.



September 30, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 39

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life Week 39

What a stressful/emotional week. I’m grateful for little patches of light in the midst of it all.

My Everyday Life: Week 39 on Shutterbean.com

Took a trip to the library. Mill Valley is lucky to call this one theirs.

My Everyday Life: Week 39 on Shutterbean.com

When the light is just right.

My Everyday Life: Week 39 on Shutterbean.com

Travel baseball!

My Everyday Life: Week 39 on Shutterbean.com

Made sausage soup for the family at my parent’s house.

My Everyday Life: Week 39 on Shutterbean.com

Lemon Garlic Roasted Shrimp with rice!

My Everyday Life: Week 39 on Shutterbean.com


September 28, 2018


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com



  1. I had no idea so many goldfish flavors exist!
  2. Here are some of the world’s most beautiful libraries.
  3. Your notifications are lying to you.
  4. The 10 most notable people whose missions inspire us most
  5. Some audiobooks to find at the library.
  6. What Christina Tosi envisions for Milk Bar
  7. I need to make a list of habits I’d like to keep and ones I’d like to abandon.
  8. I learned how to appreciate interior design thanks to my mother-in-law
  9. Famous writers talk about writer’s block.
  10. “Instagram Museums” and how they make us feel.
  11. Although, I’d be pretty excited to be in this cafe.
  12. Millennials are staying married longer.
  13. Tom Hanks is gonna play Mr. Rogers!
  14. Snacks of famous artists
  15. Famous writers and their cats.
  16. Apparently, I am a true adult.
  17. I can’t wait to watch the Twilight Zone with Cooper one day.
  18. Some mental health reminders with the news we consume.
  19. If my brother is reading this, we have a to-do list, bro!
  20. Moments of American History that Matter Today
  21. If you’ve ever wanted to make your own camera strap…
  22. How and when to limit kid’s technology
  23. Photos that make me want to a road trip.
  24. I hope everyday pancakes are in your weekend plans!

September 26, 2018

Creamy Goat Cheese Pasta with Spinach

Creamy Goat Cheese and Spinach Pasta is a snap to put together on a weeknight. The sauce is made creamy with goat cheese and pasta water. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

The way to my heart? Vegetables and greens.

I know, I’m a rare bird.

The way to my husband’s heart is pasta.

Preferably creamy pasta.

Creamy Goat Cheese and Spinach Pasta is a snap to put together on a weeknight. The sauce is made creamy with goat cheese and pasta water. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I was thumbing through my copy of Back Pocket Pasta, looking for inspiration the other day and realized I had all of the ingredients to make this Creamy Goat Cheese Pasta with Spinach. I forgot that many years ago I made a recipe that also went over well that used goat cheese as the creamy agent. Like that pasta, this one uses the combination of goat cheese and pasta water to make a sauce. It’s pure alchemy. It’s really silly how easy it is.

Creamy Goat Cheese and Spinach Pasta is a snap to put together on a weeknight. The sauce is made creamy with goat cheese and pasta water. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

This pasta comes together so fast with the simplest ingredients. Plus it marries our two loves together. Greens and creamy pasta. Match made in heaven, I say!

Put this one in the TO DO list for a quick weeknight supper. Trust!


September 24, 2018

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hi Monday Friends!

This weekend was packed! I took a bread making class with my sister. Cooper had travel baseball. We had a family dinner. I didn’t catch up on sleep. In fact, I woke up earlier this weekend than I do on weekdays. My kitchen is a mess and we have a bunch of unpacking to do.

It’s Monday morning and I am sitting here typing this up instead of my Sunday night ritual. It’s cool. I know that mapping out my week with my intentions will help get my head in the game. So, here we are. Me typing them up on the internet to hold myself accountable. Cuz there’s not a chance my brain is going to abandon this ritual right now.  The accountability of the internet holds me to my actions.  Here are my Intentions for the Week:


Intentions for the Week:

  • wrap up September with a Currently post
  • laundry
  • unpack from baseball
  • give the kitchen a deep clean
  • two photoshoots
  • invoicing
  • tax prep
  • trip to post office/return/mail
  • library drop off books
  • catch up on emails
  • catch up on social media
  • recipe test
  • clean out fridge and do meal prep
  • have a date with my calendar/prep for October
  • start a packing list for trip coming up
  • track steps with my fitbit
  • catch up on sleep
  • work on budget
  • paint nails/toenails
  • make kombucha
  • passport photo
  • make time for friends
  • figure out haircut
  • car stuff
  • spend time daydreaming
  • order new sketchbook 
  • make banana bread 

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • unpack bags from the weekend
  • laundry
  • put together clothes for fall/put away some summer clothes
  • transfer photos to hard drive
  • passport photo
  • catch up on social media/blog work
  • bookkeeping work
  • paint fingernails/toenails
  • prep for conference calls
  • return clothes from GAP
  • make kombucha
  • make time for friends
  • workout at the gym (didn’t make the time, anxiety ensued)
  • try to go to bed at a reasonable hour (we’re watching Ozark, so GOOD LUCK)
  • eat less carbs (bread class did not help)
  • drink more water
  • paint nails
  • oil change
  • figuring out packaging for Etsy stuff
  • clean out car – inside and out
  • water plants for friend
  • edit photos for OP/invoice
  • write letters
  • schedule haircut (tried, too far out to book. need another option)
  • work in new bullet journal


Pump Jam to get my head in the game:


Intentions for the Week is a weekly TO DO list on Shutterbean.com!

Don’t forget to drink water and center yourself this week. Feeling stuck? Write down your own Intentions for the week in your bullet journal.

Have a great week. I’m rooting for you!



September 23, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 38

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life Week 38

This week we had guests! Casey’s cousin Josh and my brother-in-law James spent the night with us.

My Everyday Life: Week 38 on Shutterbean.com

I made baked spaghetti and salad.

My Everyday Life: Week 38 on Shutterbean.com

James brought me this gigantic box of produce from his garden. I put it to work!

My Everyday Life: Week 38 on Shutterbean.com

Made fresh tortilla chips. They’re so easy and addictive.

My Everyday Life: Week 38 on Shutterbean.com

The start of roasted tomato salsa.

My Everyday Life: Week 38 on Shutterbean.com

Pan roasted shishito peppers!

My Everyday Life: Week 38 on Shutterbean.com

Travel baseball! Up early watching games.

My Everyday Life: Week 38 on Shutterbean.com

You wouldn’t believe the sound that came from this hot tub.

My Everyday Life: Week 38 on Shutterbean.com


September 21, 2018


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. There’s a lot of truth in this.
  2. How to draw a 3D fried egg. WHOA.
  3. This story touched my heart.
  4. How do you face adversity? You show up with hope.
  5. I’m very excited for more Good Eats!
  6. Chevy Chase, now.
  7. I loved reading through some of these insightful parenting tips
  8. How meditation can change your brain.
  9. 31 % of US households cannot afford their energy bills
  10. 5 important/underrated things to bring on a trip
  11. Introvert problems.
  12. One day I will have a crystal ball.
  13. Many people don’t realize that most yogurts are loaded with sugar.
  14. There’s an optimal time to give negative feedback.
  15. Avocado toast is becoming a real racket.
  16. Speaking of, make this kimchi avocado toast. It won’t cost you $18
  17. What life with your legs really means.
  18. Funny old babies
  19. Weather graphics are pretty scary these days- so is life!
  20. Favorite Trader Joe’s Snack food? I love the peanut butter filled pretzels.
  21. Feeling unmotivated? Give advice.
  22. Habits to get you started practicing self care.
  23. RIP Orla Kiely. 🙁  This makes me so sad!