Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life – Week 31

I am growing clematis so I can stalk all the flowers with my camera.
Consider yourself warned.

Burrito Mondays. Let’s make it a thing.

This is not life-sized.

My errand outfit lately.

Went to Mary’s Shack . This salad tasted like my childhood. I want all salads to taste like this.

This is Mary. Seeing her photo made me want to hop in a time machine.

I really love seeing old menus. The prices kill me.

My friend Tammi sent me a package. I now have a pretty amazing bag for my library books. THANK YOU, TAMMI!

French toast & sausage. Cooper’s current favorite.

I always notice the one that’s not with the others. That’s an introvert tomato.

Food stylist brain.

My favorite place to be is on my deck.

I go through a lot of dish towels in a week. I think there’s a pair of underwear in there too. I keep a bowl on our stairs so I can bring it up and do laundry.

I caught a rainbow.

Writing notes on my hammock.

Thai Basil Beef with an egg and a cucumber situation.
I riff off of that recipe all the time. It’s a simple dinner and everyone is happy.

This was a miracle. My cats are never next to each other. ON MY BED.

When you find out your pen is not waterproof.

Real life means standing on a table to get the shot you want.

Whenever I take a picture with Cooper in it (he’s holding the plate) he tries to nuzzle into me and it’s so sweet but it’s also so hard to take a picture when he does it! I just let it happen because it’s so sweet.


The tress in SF sometimes seems like they’re from Jurassic Park.

A beautiful mess.

City adventure.

Met a bunch of cool women at The Riddler for an event for The Wing.

Impromptu photo shoot with my pal Kristen.
The trick to getting a good smile is to ask strangers to tell you a joke while they are passing by staring at you WHILE YOU ARE HAVING YOUR PICTURE TAKEN.

Spritz me.

Talking about inside pockets of blazers with new people.
Introverts don’t like small talk. We talk about important things like pockets in jackets.

Feeling like my shoes aren’t that colorful in comparison.

A second of introversion.

Born and raised.

Cowabunga!!! What’s with the 4s?

I remembered we had one of these cups when I was a kid. I think I picked off the spongery stuff on the bottom.
Sorry about that, Mom.

Things I see in grocery stores.
And then I take pictures of what I see and people think I’m weird.

Being in the grocery store feels like being an art store when you’re a food photographer.

Garden research.

I need this in my house.

This cat is named Rama.

I had a stranger named Richard give me an impromptu sound bath.

Trader Joe’s pot stickers are Cooper’s favorite.

Lap cat.

I went to water my yard and found my coffee outside from the day before.
This is almost 39.

I live in a beautiful place.

I feel so lucky.

And there’s been a chill in the air at night here and it has me excited for fall.

Rosie has been a jerk this week. She keeps running out of the house.

Zen garden progress.

I put kimchi furikake
on my eggs this weekend.
It was good.
Friday I went to Target with Caley and we walked the aisles giggling like we were in 7th grade again. I didn’t capture a picture, but it was one of the highlights of my week.

I cleaned up my office this week. Happy about that! I share the before and afters on my instagram stories lately.

When guests are over the cats are excited to hang out in the guest bedroom.

I also organized my prop closet this weekend.
Mental clutter can show up in physical clutter. I am trying to weed it all out.