June 14, 2018

Summer Bucket List 2018

Tracy from Shutterbean shares her Summer Bucket List for 2018. You can make yours too!

It’s that time of year! 

First day of SUMMER in the Benjamin household.


Last week over dinner, I pulled up a piece of paper and started jotting down a rough plan of the Summer, with the family’s input of course. I made a list for everyone and made notes of our goals for the Summer.  Family meetings are so important!  I highly recommend doing it before you have a vacation. It’s always a good idea to see where your intentions for a vacation differ from your family’s 😉

This is what I want to do this summer, in addition to projects around the house.

But mostly, after all that has happened this year, I really want to try to

slow down and

soak it all in

because life is SHORT.

My child is 9, not yet double digits, but soon!  This is his only summer as a 9-year-old!  I hope to take him on as many adventures (big and small) (mostly small) this Summer while he still likes to be around me. I dunno, 4th grade feels kinda big for me.

Here are my intentions for this Summer:


  • read a book (one for fun!)
  • lady craft day
  • beach time
  • Russian River adventure
  • library time
  • host a brunch/bbq
  • family hike
  • museum day trip
  • work in garden
  • finish a book for Etsy
  • clean up/alter Cooper’s room (we need to bring new life to it!)
  • Tahoe trip

What’s on your Summer Bucket list?

Leave a comment, or make your own!

Look! here’s a template for you!

Download the pdf and print it out.

Tracy from Shutterbean shares her Summer Bucket List for 2018. You can make yours too!

Fill it out and tag @thehandwritingclub on Instagram so we can see!

If you want more ideas, here are some of my lists from the past:

Summer Bucket List 2017

Summer Bucket List 2016

Summer Bucket List 2015


June 13, 2018

Bourbon Sage Cooler

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

Father’s Day is Sunday! We’re having a BBQ at my house for Casey and my Dad. It will be in the afternoon and we’ll be grilling. Conditions will be perfect to make a cocktail and sit outside on our deck. My dad has recently started drinking both old-fashioneds and manhattans (you should see how cute he is when he makes me a drink!). I want to create something for him that will be good for warmer weather. Something light and refreshing!

That’s why I made this Bourbon Sage Cooler recipe to try out this weekend.

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

A combination of sage simple syrup, bourbon, sparkling water and bitters.

It has just the right amount of sweetness for my Dad who detests any drink that is super sweet.

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

We start by making a sage simple syrup.

Time to get some water boiling!

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

Boiling water goes into sugar. Stir it around to dissolve. Sage gets steeped. We strain after about an hour (or go more if you feel like it!) and set aside.

This sage simple syrup can amplify many drinks in your future. Add it to lemonades, iced tea or even to sparkling water for an Italian Soda situation.

I find myself with a ton of sage in my garden this time of year (humblebrag) so it’s nice to have a reason to put it to good use.

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

Such pretty leaves!  When you grow something, it makes you so excited when you get to use what you grew. Insert happy dance here ______.

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

Now we gather our ingredients for a cocktail!

I ran to Nugget Markets to get myself a good mixing bourbon (I like Bulleit) and a few collectible bottles for my Dad & husband.  The men in my life appreciate nice spirits!

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

Fill up the glass with the sparkling water. Garnish a glass with pineapple and sage.

I like having a little something sweet to look forward to hence, the pineapple.

If you’re feeling like you need a little sweeter, add a splash of pineapple juice.

Better yet, muddle a few pineapple slices with a sage leaf. I mean, let’s have some fun with this!

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

Pour in the bourbon and the sage simple syrup. Add a dash of bitters. Stir.

Check for taste. Need sweetness?

Add more.

I know how much sweet my Dad can handle (it’s not a lot!) so I err on the side of less sweet.

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

This week I learned the term “Porch Sipper.”

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

It means you definitely want to sit on a porch and sip this Bourbon Sage Cooler.

Look at how it lights up in the afternoon sun!

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

If you’re looking for a great gift for Dad, how about giving the gift of spirits?

My whiskey collecting husband deserves something nice for his collection! My Dad too!

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

On my tour last month, I learned that Nugget Markets has quite a few collectible bottles in their lineup.

Mike Taylor, the Adult Beverage Director at Nugget Markets taught me that they have a relationship with several distilleries in Kentucky and make their own special Single Barrel blends. They taste about 3 to 5 whiskey samples from each distiller. Each sample has been taken from just one 55 gallon American Oak barrel (whereas most whiskey is a mix of many barrels blended together before bottling). The age of the whiskeys can be anywhere from 6 to 12 yrs old. Once they decide which barrel they like best, the barrel is pulled out of their warehouse and a special label is put on it stating that all the whiskey inside comes from just that 1 particular barrel,  the label also states that the “barrel” was chosen by Nugget Market.

Whiskey connoisseurs know that that the flavor of any ‘Single Barrel” whiskey will likely never be duplicated, each has its own nuances based on age, type, and where it was stored in the distillers warehouse (in a cooler section, the whiskey develops slower, in a warmer spot is ages faster and develops different characteristics).

After the whiskey is bottled and specially labeled it is shipped to Nugget Markets, along with the actual barrel the whiskey was aged in. They use the barrels as part of their displays, so check that out!

So when you see a bottle like this at Nugget Markets, you’ll know that it’s one of the very few bottles made for/with Nugget Markets.

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

Turn it over for more information! TADA!

You’ll know that it’s one of the very few bottles made for/with Nugget Markets. Anyone who is a collector will appreciate such a unique collectible bottle! Just make sure you don’t use the good stuff for mixing. Drink it straight or on the rocks!

Bourbon Sage Cooler- a refreshing cocktail with just the right amount of sweetness. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com in partnership with Nugget Markets!

Enjoy family time and get spirited with Dad this weekend!

This post was produced in partnership with Nugget Markets. As always, all opinions are my own. Be sure to check out Nugget Markets. They definitely make grocery shopping enjoyable!


Bourbon Sage Cooler

makes one drink

for the cocktail:

  • 1/2 cup sparkling water
  • handful of ice
  • 2 oz. bourbon (more if you’d like!)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons sage simple syrup (see below)
  • dash of bitters
  • sage, for garnish
  • pineapple for garnish

Pour sparkling water into glass with ice. Follow with bourbon, sage simple syrup and bitters. Give drink a stir. Garnish with fresh sage and a pineapple wedge.

for the sage simple syrup:

  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup fresh sage
  • 1 cup boiling water

Combine ingredients together. Stir mixture until sugar has dissolved. Let steep for about an hour. Strain mixture into a jar. Discard sage. Syrup should last for about a month in the fridge.


June 11, 2018

Intentions this Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, friends!

This is the last week of school for us. Goodbye, THIRD GRADE. HELLO, FOURTH GRADE (sniff sniff).  We have a few short days and then we’re on our way to SUMMER. This week I don’t have much time to get all the things I want to get done so I am focusing more on the things I NEED to get done. When I have restrictions on my time, it forces me to



and what does that look like? It means I have to


and take a


to write down the things I need to get done and figure out


to get it done.

Here we go! Here are my


  • spend a morning doing bookkeeping
  • tackle laundry/straighten up laundry space
  • catch up on social media
  • send out poshmark sale
  • repot plant in bathroom
  • use Fitbit 
  • figure out notecards
  • put together father’s day gift
  • make an appointment with a counselor
  • get a hike (or two!) in this week
  • schedule play dates
  • make kombucha
  • make Thai Basil Beef for the family
  • pack up baseball bag
  • continue work on #100daysartbeforebreakfast
  • post new cocktail recipe
  • eat more greens
  • eat outside!
  • wash out my water bottle & drink more water
  • fill up the bird feeder
  • post Summer Bucket List/help Cooper work on his
  • nurture new friendships/check in on old ones
  • send an unexpected letter to a friend
  • eat to nourish not to numb

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • get caught up around the house & on the computer
  • clean up email inbox
  • catch up on social media
  • use Fitbit 
  • go for a walk/workout/yoga
  • delete photos from phone
  • make kombucha
  • make mint iced tea
  • plan a little meal prep for the week (made a few small things)
  • wash out my water bottle & drink more water
  • post Currently May 2018  (check it out here)
  • stay on top of laundry
  • vacuum inside of car
  • fill up the bird feeder
  • send letters
  • work on workbook
  • self care: give myself a manicure/get massage
  • work on Summer Bucket List
  • shoot new items for The Handwriting Club  (the #100daychallenge is taking up my time!)
  • prep for work lunch
  • clean out car after field trip
  • eat to nourish not to numb
  • get enough sleep (better but not enough!)
  • meditate & breathe through the stress

Mantra for the Week:


Intentions for the Week- a weekly TO DO list on Shutterbean.com

Have a wonderful/productive week! Don’t forget to write down your own Intentions for the Week to help hold you accountable to ACTION! 

June 10, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 23

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 23

A moment of calm before a meeting. I love the yellow flowers on the Marin headlands right now.

My Everyday Life: Week 23 on Shutterbean.com

On my way to get coffee before a field trip.

(the calm before the storm)

My Everyday Life: Week 23 on Shutterbean.com

A thrift store find that has lowered our blood pressure.

My Everyday Life: Week 23 on Shutterbean.com

The color!

My Everyday Life: Week 23 on Shutterbean.com

Goodnight, sun.

My Everyday Life: Week 23 on Shutterbean.com


June 8, 2018



  1. I hope Cooper’s closet looks like this one day.
  2. If only they had cool diaper bags when Cooper was a baby.
  3. Perhaps I need to start thinking of my clothes as a dress code
  4. KFC is coming out with meatless fried chicken. Curious.
  5. Time’s best podcasts of 2018 (so far)
  6. It’s commencement season! Here are some good pieces of advice.
  7. The best restaurants in SF right now. Ryan, we have a project!
  8. This is what social media is doing to restaurants now.
  9. I had a few laughs out of this one.
  10. Perfectly timed photo alert!!!
  11. Man vs. Nature in Dubai
  12. IHOP is turning into IHOB  (is the B for breakfast?)
  13. Mental Health is so important for our survival.
  14. Dorm room design is so fancy. My dorm was a prison.
  15. If you grew up in the 90s…
  16. Curious about that broom & bathtub cleaning trick…
  17. Moms are in the boss.
  18. These Birks are so cute. Oh, and these ones too!
  19. Omg. It’s a robot that I actually want.
  20. Time to bust out some glasses
  21. If you’re into one-hit wonders, here are 100 of them.

Enjoyed every last bit of Cold Soba Noodle Salad leftovers.

Picked up my favorite brush pen to write this week. I missed it!

The sunsets right now.

The hope of Summer.

The way my garden is looking.

The smell of roasted strawberries in my kitchen right now.

June 6, 2018

Cold Soba Noodle Salad

Cold Soba Noodles with tons of vegetables! Perfect for the warmer months when you don't feel like cooking but you want something filling and healthy! Recipe on Shutterbean.com

It’s time to shock my body back into health. I usually do it with a Reset Button Salad but last week I was shooting & styling a recipe for One Potato and I turned their cold soba noodle salad into epic leftovers. I shared it on my Instagram stories and people asked for the recipe so I recreated it just for you.  I added fresh arugula, cilantro avocados, slivered almonds to the mixture of soba noodles, peppers, snap peas, green onions, and sesame seeds. Emphasis on the arugula and cilantro. That’s what made it more salad than noodle and that’s the way I like my noodle salads.

Cold Soba Noodles with tons of vegetables! Perfect for the warmer months when you don't feel like cooking but you want something filling and healthy! Recipe on Shutterbean.com

That’s a lot in one bowl, huh?

Cold Soba Noodles with tons of vegetables! Perfect for the warmer months when you don't feel like cooking but you want something filling and healthy! Recipe on Shutterbean.com

I’ve been eating this for lunches this week and had it for once dinner. Every time I go in for another serving, I add a splash of lime juice and some fresh avocado and whatever arugula I have left in the fridge. This is exactly what I need as we head into the Summer and I contemplate wearing a bathing suit (in public).


June 5, 2018

Currently May 2018

Currently May 2018 - a monthly wrap up on Shutterbean.com!

Goodbye, May. Hello, JUNE!

May was a busy month for me. I have a really exciting project coming up in August and I can’t wait to share that with you, but behind the scenes I’ve been up late at night editing photos, writing and getting stuff done. My brain was in overdrive and we also had so much baseball on top of that. I had a hard time finding my bearings at times.

My Everyday Life: Week 18 on Shutterbean.com

May was filled with adventure. I went to a lot of places with friends and it was a really good distraction from missing my mom on our first Mother’s Day without her.

My Everyday Life: Week 20 on Shutterbean.com

Speaking of Mother’s Day. Ours was mellow, just how I wanted it to be.

I asked for:

  • a clean house (my boys cleaned!)
  • new plants/trip to the nursery
  • takeout dinner
  • time to myself

And I got all of that.

Thank you, family.

It’s a good lesson that if you don’t ask, you don’t get!

June is coming up so that means we have to work on our Summer Bucket List!