June 3, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 22

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 22

Melons melons!

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

This week I styled/photographed some new recipes for One Potato.

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

Ahi tuna and also arancini!

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

This week we went out to dinner with my family 3 times since my brother and his wife were in town!

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

They definitely help heal each other.

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

We had a nice dinner at Sam’s Grill & Seafood, Belcampo & Harris’.

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

Still doing this painting thing! I’m slow to post though.

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

Lots of baseball games this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

The coloring club partied!

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

Going through old journals and finding surprises.

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com


June 1, 2018


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. The cheapest days to shop for groceries are
  2. I believe that donuts and burgers should never marry. Just my opinion tho.
  3. A great way to figure out what to make for dinner. Except I don’t know most of these shows!
  4. Lol at this retro sarcastic humor.
  5. Cat cartoons for you cat lovers (not my brother)
  6. We’re drowning in plastic in case you didn’t notice.
  7. This could motivate you to clean your house.
  8. We could learn a few things from Japan!
  9. The cuckoo clock in the modern day.
  10. Katz’s Deli is going to have a subscription service!
  11. Eating in the shower? Yay or Nay?
  12. Gifts for Geminis.
  13. This guy trolls the DMV with his photos
  14. If you need some good ambient music…
  15. Summer dresses to covet: onetwothree / four 
  16. There’s a whole world of stained glass artists on Instagram.
  17. What a lovely closet makeover.
  18. This looks like a good breakfast for the summer.
  19. Advice for grown-ups in their 40s.
  20. Poolside reads for the Summer.
  21. Behind the cover of Time- The Drone Age. Whoa.


My friend from college put together a playlist filled with yacht rock and I’m digging it:

May 31, 2018

Granola Cookies

Say hello to your new favorite dessert- Granola Cookies! They're buttery, crispy & crunchy. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Meet my new favorite snack/treat- Granola Cookies!

Say hello to your new favorite dessert- Granola Cookies! They're buttery, crispy & crunchy. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Your favorite granola (here’s mine) meets shortbread cookie!

Be sure to save some 1 1/2 cups of granola from your next batch to use in this cookie recipe because OMG they are good.

Say hello to your new favorite dessert- Granola Cookies! They're buttery, crispy & crunchy. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I especially love that the granola I made had sesame seeds in it. Reminded me a little bit of the tahini cookies I’ve made before but crunchier and full of nuts and oats. Cookies are buttery like shortbread and they’re INSANELY GOOD. Enjoy, friends!


May 28, 2018

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday! Happy Memorial Day! I hope you’re taking a moment to remember everyone who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. I also hope you have a grilling situation happening in your neck of the woods. Summer isn’t too far no, isn’t it? I can almost taste it.

This weekend we were away for baseball tournaments. The whole weekend was spent with boys and my brain is mush. We have a short week coming up and I’m (almost) ready to get my head in the game and knock out a bunch of things on my to-do list.

Let’s start off with some Intentions for the Week to get our heads in the game.

Intentions for the Week:

  • unpack bags from weekend
  • eat healthy- make a reset button salad
  • make kombucha
  • stay on top of laundry
  • pack baseball bag for the week
  • work on/post currently May post
  • clean car inside and out
  • write letters/send letters
  • straighten up garage
  • shoot two recipes for One Potato
  • share a cookie recipe here
  • catch up on social media
  • work out/go for a hike
  • self care: give myself a manicure
  • work on Summer Bucket List
  • cancel plane flight
  • post a few things on Poshmark 
  • work on my painting practice #100daysartbeforebreakfast
  • shoot new items for The Handwriting Club
  • wash out my water bottle & drink more water

Last week’s Intentions:

  • laundry
  • grocery shop
  • shoot salad for magazine
  • get Cooper packed for baseball trip
  • prep/style/shoot recipes for One Potato
  • deep clean kitchen
  • shoot new items for The Handwriting Club
  • send out orders from The Handwriting Club (thank you!)
  • put aside things to sell on Poshmark 
  • make kombucha
  • stay on top of email/continue sorting emails
  • workout/walk with Casey
  • do a face mask  & paint nails (didn’t!!!)
  • vacuum inside of my car (desperately need to)
  • work on my painting practice #100daysartbeforebreakfast (behind on posting but I’ve done it!)
  • wash out my water bottle & drink more water
  • eat to nourish, not to NUMB (was good until weekend!)
  • spent less time on my phone in the morning

Mantra for the Week:

I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Have a great week and don’t forget to write down your Intentions each week!

It helps keep you focused and on track.

May 27, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 21

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 21

We put up a hammock (FINALLY) and I am so dang happy about it.

I diverted a panic attack this week by hanging out in it. YAY.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Home Depot makes really good breakfast burritos. I spent last Sunday morning there with my brother-in-law and niece.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Casey’s brother James helped me plant some things. James! If you’re reading this, THANK YOU and I need you to come back down because you’re very helpful and I like that in a brother. LB!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Hummingbird food.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Slowly filling this area in.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

This tree is glowing!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Went to my parent’s house. Do I say Dad’s house now??

My Dad has his laptop on the kitchen table most of the time. It used to be filled with my mom’s papers.

He also plays music in the house (constantly) and I like it. Sets a good mood. YAY DAD!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Not sure where these came from but I like them!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

I did some meal prep for my Dad!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Cousin time!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

We ordered pizza and it was GOOOOD.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

The colors on these wildflowers were AMAZING. That blue!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Ella in her custom blanket thanks to a reader named Lindsey!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

We have these on our retaining wall (my parents never planted them! they’re wild!) and they’re lush!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Shooting recipes for One Potato this week!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Seriously so many tacos this week. Not complaining! My family was so happy.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

I heart my Prismacolor pencils except I’m missing three somewhere in my house 🙁

I think two of them are black and purple.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com


Adventure in the city.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Went to Souvla for dinner with my friend Gaby!

I asked to take the cashier’s picture. I liked her witchy vibes.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

You must go! The frozen Greek yogurt is BOMB.com

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

I know someone I’d like to send this to.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

So many fun things to see on the streets when you’re visiting SF.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Detour on the way home. What a view!

This is why we work so hard to be here.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Letter from my friend Christina.

Ran into my friend Pam at the grocery store. Got to hang out with her and her daughter, Frankie.

Isn’t she cute??

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Checking out books at the thrift store. I always enjoy reading people’s inscriptions.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Work lunch.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Prolonged eye contact with a deer.

Like a deer in headlights but…in the day…with no headlights. LOL.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Coloring club! So much baseball this week. The season is winding down and it’s playoff time!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

My buddy Lila is a Gemini.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

The baseball game was COLD so we got ramen after our win! YAY.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Working on art with my niece. You can read more about it here!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Juicy watercolors.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

These were fun. I should probably do the whole alphabet, huh?

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Trying to be good, salad.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Quesadilla for husband.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Cream cheese frosting at 9pm.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Up late at night making chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for Cooper’s school Bake Sale.

They went fast, he said.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

I’m glad I saved two because my friend Lisa stopped by for a spontaneous coffee date and I was able to share.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Spending Friday night working in the garden, introverting.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

I am happy that these planters are now full of goodness. I didn’t have to buy any plants! I just used moved things around and grabbed from my propagation hoard!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Denise— if you’re reading this, did you give this to my Mom?

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Is that you?  Don’t you just love the inside of this book???! The orange is gorgeous.

Also, Rosie is quite the photobomber.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

No shoes allowed in my house because SHOES ARE DIRTY AF.

Also, this face reminds me of my niece.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Week 21 in 2017

Week 21 in 2016

Week 21 in 2015

Week 21 in 2014

Week 21 in 2013

Week 21 in 2012

Week 21 in 2011



May 25, 2018


I love lists // shutterbean.com


  1. I got Julie Taylor
  2. Savory beignets! YES PLEASE.
  3. Kitchen tools to bring to your weekend rental.  We used to bring our espresso machine!
  4. Some pretty cool elevators (to get stuck in)
  5. The cake I want for my birthday this year.
  6. I always love reading about food waste solutions. How about you?
  7. Why you’re getting all those privacy emails this week.
  8. Parenting goals
  9. What it means to live a slower life.
  10. I find it fascinating to look at what’s on the McDonald’s menus around the world.
  11. Some of these yearbook quotes are unbelievable. 
  12. Yay! Necco is still alive! 
  13. Fingers crossed.
  14. Skincare as a coping mechanism
  15. These printable planners are so cool. Gonna play with some soon.
  16. Can you catch up on sleep during the weekend?
  17. Women who are changing the world
  18. How I learned to make friends with my anxiety (currently working on this)
  19. I am not sure if I remember Bonkers candy…
  20. All my favorite strawberry recipes in case you missed it!
  21. How Japanese soy sauce has been made over the last 750 years.
  22. Moleskine makes an app. Great, another thing for me to try and still have a paper calendar.
  23. If you’ve never been to one of David Sedaris’ readings, you’re missing out!
  24. This dress with these shoes and a cute denim jacket please.

Reading Inventing Joy  (really into it so far)

Licorice chips– my grandpa used to have these on his nightstand when I was a kid and I brought them back into my life. They’re an amazing coping mechanism.

I’ve been using my mom’s coach bag for the past week. Every time I open it, it smells like my childhood. Scent is a really powerful thing.

May 23, 2018

Make Art with Kids on Skillshare

Art with Kids on Skillshare! See more on Shutterbean.com!

My niece Abby is an incredible artist at 9 years old!  I was excited to have her spend the night this weekend because I never get girl time in my house of boys AND I knew she would be happy to do a few art classes on Skillshare with me.  Armed with snacks & watercolor supplies, we went through the course catalog and decided on taking two classes.

By the way, if you have kids at home this summer, Skillshare  is a GREAT resource for you. If you’re not familiar with Skillshare, it’s an online community for learning & teaching creative skills. Skillshare connects expert practitioners with students around the world who collaborate on everyday skills from culinary arts, photography to design.

They have kindly offered my readers TWO MONTHS free of Skillshare Premium!  

You can basically set up your own Summer Art Camp using their workshops!

OK So let me show you what our afternoon art date looked like!