My niece Abby is an incredible artist at 9 years old! I was excited to have her spend the night this weekend because I never get girl time in my house of boys AND I knew she would be happy to do a few art classes on Skillshare with me. Armed with snacks & watercolor supplies, we went through the course catalog and decided on taking two classes.
By the way, if you have kids at home this summer, Skillshare is a GREAT resource for you. If you’re not familiar with Skillshare, it’s an online community for learning & teaching creative skills. Skillshare connects expert practitioners with students around the world who collaborate on everyday skills from culinary arts, photography to design.
They have kindly offered my readers TWO MONTHS free of Skillshare Premium!
You can basically set up your own Summer Art Camp using their workshops!
OK So let me show you what our afternoon art date looked like!