April 29, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 17

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 17

The pixie is back! This week I chopped my hair off. I needed a change.

IT IS SO LIBERATING!!!!!!!! And so easy to have short hair. YAY

This is what it looks like when Cooper uses my paints… that white…

My Everyday Life: Week 17 on Shutterbean.com

Continuing the #100daysartbeforebreakast project.

My Everyday Life: Week 17 on Shutterbean.com

I’ve never looked that close at bottle brush until now.

My Everyday Life: Week 17 on Shutterbean.com

This particular morning I pulled from the fridge.

My Everyday Life: Week 17 on Shutterbean.com


April 27, 2018


I love lists // shutterbean.com


  1. Advice/stories on grief & loss
  2. Have you ever been to a clothing swap? Looks like fun!
  3. cute things alert: fundies /plant washi tape / cat doormat /red sandals
  4. Remember Trading Spaces from wayyyy back? Look at some of the worst rooms.
  5. Look at how easy it can be to make a cool looking planter.
  6. Sometimes I say please to my Alexa. Old (good) habits die hard.
  7. Some amazing handwriting samples for you. 
  8. A healthy convenience mart? Cool.
  9. I had no idea what quinoa looked like before it’s harvested. 
  10. If I had my way, I’d eat dinner at 4 PM too .
  11. Stadium food is super fancy these days. I’m not mad at it.
  12. How did they know that I fear clowns???!
  13. When the art you create disappoints you.
  14. News to me- You can rent a family in Japan.
  15. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to eat the food in our earthquake kit.
  16. See also: accidental art
  17. I am the woman who has it all– YES SO GOOD!!!!
  18. Love— Hollywood’s Prop Food Heaven!
  19. The best places to retire in the US. 
  20. Fun fact: I hugged Gilda Radner when I was little. My mom took me to her book signing!
  21. Gmail added some new features. I like this very much.
  22. Overalls are a theft deterrent. YESSSSS.
  23. A good way to teach kids compassion.
  24. If you also love getting lost in old photos…

Looking through all the quote images I’ve made in the last few years. – it’s a lot!

Lemon Ginger Elixir for my dumb head cold.

Reading through The Bold Dry Garden right now. How INSPIRING!

April 25, 2018

Out & About: Oakland Coliseum

We’re Red Sox fans in my household (in case you didn’t notice!). So, whenever they play the A’s in Oakland we make sure to attend a game or two. It’s a treat to be able to see them locally and now that they’ve upgraded the Oakland Coliseum it’s even better!

We went last Friday and had an awesome time. Let me show you:

Out & About: Oakland Coliseum - more on Shutterbean.com!

When you enter the stadium, you immediately hit Championship Plaza (est. 2017) where you’ll find all kinds of food trucks.

Out & About: Oakland Coliseum - more on Shutterbean.com!


April 23, 2018

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello Friends!

Happy Monday to you. This weekend was ALLLLLLLL ABOUT BASEBALL. We went to the Red Sox vs. A’s game on Friday. Red Sox won! Then they blew it the next few games.  Cooper had a baseball game. I got too much sun. We went to a pool party and extroverted.  I tried to get ahead of some work this week. The next few weeks are going to be mentally taxing so I am going to make sure I have all of my bases covered (as much as I can!) for the week to run relatively smoothly.  I think I’m going to start with cleaning out my purse & car. That will help my sanity level for sure.

Intentions for the Week:

  • clean out purse
  • clean out car
  • recipe testing
  • schedule haircut
  • sort out my inbox
  • work out at the gym x 3
  • be more conscious of what I eat
  • make a batch of kombucha
  • make banana bread 
  • computer work/planning for photoshoot
  • work on my painting practice #100daysartbeforebreakfast
  • send out orders from The Handwriting Club (thank you!)
  • finish spreadsheet work/email project info
  • edit photos/posts
  • find the charger for my Fitbit
  • stay on top of laundry
  • try to be good about drinking water


Last Week’s Intentions:

  • workout/sweat/get the feelings out
  • pack for trip
  • finish laundry- get it back to ground zero
  • drink water
  • put all winter clothes away
  • clean out fridge/freezer
  • straighten up office space
  • send off taxes
  • catch up on social media/email
  • work on my #100dayproject (#100daysartbeforebreakfast)
  • make recipe from Pretty Dish  —> oatmeal! 
  • send out packages (friends & family) didn’t have time to organize
  • find the charger for my Fitbit  (still looking….)
  • keep organized with my bullet journal
  • send out orders for The Handwriting Club

Mantra for the Week:

Intentions for the Week/ Shutterbean.com

Wishing a productive week with just enough time to rest! Don’t forget to take the time to write our your Intentions for the Week. It sure helps! 

April 22, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 16

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 16

Continuing my #100daysartbeforebreakfast project!

I think this one might be my favorite so far.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

I even did the project while I was in LA this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

The pink jasmine at our house is in bloom. It smells so good.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Thinking about the hydrangeas I planted at our old house. I wonder if they’re still thriving.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

This one I did on the plane. It was tough!

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

And then I ate it.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

This is my grandpa’s plant.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

And it’s blooming!

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Color play.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

I’m enjoying exploring this side of my creativity!

You can see more if you follow @thehandwritingclub on Instagram!

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Off to Los Angeles. Evening flights are kinda nice.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

While I was in LA for a work meeting, I got to attend the Cupcakes & Cashmere 10 year anniversary party!

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

It was fun to get all fancied up.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


April 20, 2018


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. This is a very good obituary.
  2. What’s my day rate?
  3. Let’s ditch work and go to Europe.
  4. How to spot a fake video
  5. Self-care is building a life you don’t want to escape from
  6. Parents- what they say vs. what they mean
  7. Let’s daydream…. and look at pictures of the 1950s
  8. This cake looks absolutely lovely.
  9. These recipe videos in the style of great directors are awesome. 
  10. The rise of Kerrygold butter in the US– one of my favorites.
  11. Millenials don’t like to touch meat. So it means MORE PLASTIC! Yay (sarcasm)
  12. What a cute trailer!
  13. I don’t know about you but I don’t like a restaurant treating me like crap
  14. Questions to ask before purchasing
  15. Look at this perfect spring cocktail!
  16. Ketchup slices??! Too far, I think.
  17. Very cool: this pin /leggings /hanging planters
  18. #5 is my reality...but also like I’ve got a knife in my hand! Be careful.
  19. Don’t let your kids use your apps
  20. We’re all buying into Amazon Prime. I mean. Shipping is so expensive, right?
  21. Too bad this fishing town in China is abandoned. It’s really pretty.
  22. My Sharona was the biggest song out during the year I was born.


Super Soul Sunday podcast. I started listening to it on my trip to LA this week. Hearing Oprah’s voice helps my mental health.

Bought myself a jar of garlic gold because I was super curious about it and am really loving it! It’s great on green beans and we dip bread it in too!

The Light Between Us is on my nightstand. I’m definitely enjoying it so far.

April 18, 2018

Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal

Start the morning off with a little indulgent treat! Check out the recipe for this Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal on Shutterbean.com

Should we make Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal for a special breakfast or a late night indulgence?

It’s all up to you.

Start the morning off with a little indulgent treat! Check out the recipe for this Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal on Shutterbean.com

Have someone in your life who isn’t super sure about oatmeal (me!).

Make them oatmeal with chocolate in it.

That will make them an oatmeal fan.

Start the morning off with a little indulgent treat! Check out the recipe for this Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal on Shutterbean.com

Dear Jessica,

Congrats on your new book-  Pretty Dish . I LOVE IT!   I just wanted to let you know that you are my hero. I too waffle back and forth in my taste for oatmeal. Most of the time it’s a hard pass. But then I saw the picture of the chocolate oatmeal in your cookbook and OH, MY GOD, HOW COULD I NOT TRY CHOCOLATE IN MY OATMEAL??!  I drizzled peanut butter on top. Then I sliced bananas because FRUIT. The only thing I regret was not using chunky peanut butter. Next time!

My world is forever changed,
