My mother’s recipe binder is one of the most treasured items I have of hers. It was one of the first things I brought home with me. I’ve been pouring through it whenever I feel like I need to be close to her. It’s filled with food stains and notes. A lot of recipes are written out in her handwriting that I had such a hard time forging (always). There are quite a few recipes clipped from old newspapers, now yellowed with age. The most trusted recipes seem to be the ones where my mom put those sticker reinforcements around the fraying binder paper holes. My mother always taught us to mend what we had, not immediately seek out its replacement.
When I saw this recipe for Orzo with Pancetta and Pine Nuts, I was transported back in time. It was a dish my mom made for their company a few times. I know exactly where I was sitting at the table eating a big bowl of this orzo. YOUNG TRACY FREAKING LOVED IT.
It wasn’t part of our regular meal routine (my dad was always watching carbs) so I always looked forward to this orzo dish coming up when my parents were entertaining.
The only thing I feel sad about is that I don’t remember what she served it with… Whatever it was, it was definitely overshadowed by the orzo.
Here’s something I definitely learned from my mom–
Entertaining doesn’t always have to mean you have to attempt something super complicated and fancy. Sometimes simple recipes that have stood the test of time are enough. That and a good conversation can help whoever you share a table with.