December 18, 2017

Intentions for the Week



Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello! Hello! Happy Monday. I had a weekend with family and I’ve got to put the house back together. We’ve got lots to do before Christmas Eve/Day. I’d like to get some baking done somewhere in this week for teachers and friends. Oh and there’s a Christmas pageant and all kinds of other things we have coming up. My brain is still in a fog but I’m somehow making it through and managing.

Intentions for the Week:

  • start/finish Christmas shopping/white elephant gifts
  • ship packages/presents
  • sweat it out in dance class
  • stay on top of the laundry
  • remember to eat (I’ve been forgetting…#grief)
  • make some chocolate chunk blondies for family
  • try to make peppermint bark for teachers
  • make sausage soup
  • check in at parent’s house
  • catch up on work
  • catch up on social media
  • find khaki pants for Cooper
  • wrap presents
  • get outside
  • go for a hike
  • work on art
  • write thank you notes
  • drink more water
  • start holiday cards (if they arrive soon!)
  • take good care of myself

Mantra for the Week:

I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

What about you? What are you up to? Leave your intentions in the comments if you wanna get your head in the game.

December 17, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 50

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 50

This week I took a pause on helping my Dad clean out/organize the house and I tried to focus a little more on getting my life back together. My house is a mess! This week I took a break and drove around Marin County and dropped off some of my mom’s unused crossword puzzle books at some mini free libraries.  I plan on doing this with some of her other books.

I know she would have thought that was neat.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Trip into the city for an office party.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

This place feels like another world.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


I’ve forgotten what city life is like.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


One of the weird thoughts you can have when you are grieving is…


It’s really a weird feeling to have. I never thought it before


My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


We were able to have cousin time!!!


He loves his cousins Henry & Eleanor who live in Idaho.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


I love Casey’s smile the most.

We had a lot of fun at Benihana.


My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Getting lost in Japan Town.


My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Aunt Tracy ended up buying everyone cat ears later on…



My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Gifts that keep on giving.



My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


The highlight of the week was seeing this picture of my grandparent’s smiling.

So many things to look at while going through closets.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I’ve run into my friend Kris twice this week. We walked to a labyrinth.

It was just what I needed.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

The sun was so warm.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Frosty mornings.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com



When you can’t decide, you have both.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com



My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com 


Pineapple Rum!!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I took a detour and found this lovely van.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


And this colorful yard!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


This caught my eye while thrifting.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Sent out some packages this week 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Made some chicken soup. Gave some to my dad 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Thinking about visiting NOLA soon.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


When your friend calls you to hang out and brings her baby you say YES.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Babies are a gift.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


A corner in my house that I like right now.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I wore a blazer!!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Hot lips!



My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


My mother taught me how to grocery shop.

When I go to the store we went to as a kid I feel her. It’s full of so many memories.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


If there’s calamari steak on the menu, I will order it.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com




Hot chocolate mornings for Cooper.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

My curtains are up now!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Last night we hosted a sleepover- my Dad, brother-in-law, and nephew spent the night.

5 guys and me.  I really missed having my Mom in the kitchen with me.

It felt very weird and sometimes sad, but I was happy that my Dad spent the night! 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Life is so odd/ silly at times.  Make it more silly if you can.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com



Week 50 in 2016

Week 50 in 2015

Week 50 in 2014

Week 50 in 2013

Week 50 in 2012

Week 50 in 2011

December 15, 2017


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Hello friends! If you need some homemade HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS check out this post!  Now here’s a list because I LOVE LISTS:

  1. National Geographic’s 2017 Photography Winners
  2. Outdoor signs that stopped people in their tracks.
  3. My grandma always had these cookies. I LOVED THEM.
  4. A photographer who makes puns come to life.
  5. Frost flowers are gorgeous.
  6. Guerilla flower art! I would love to stumble across one of these.
  7. Living cliffside. 
  8. What the end of net neutrality means for you.
  9. If you want to make a pie crust by hand.
  10. Overheard conversations….illustrated!
  11. Productivity is really about what you DON’T do.
  12. Family Favorite recipes! Thanks for the love, Mother Mag!
  13. This pleases me greatly.
  14. Tech Tips from Entrepreneurs! 
  15. How to host a sleepover
  16. Time management for creatives.
  17. How Instagram has changed the way we experience ART.
  18. Some signs that your third eye is open.
  19. My friend Helen Jane wrote this 5 years ago. Things have only gotten worse.
  20. I broke my arm twice between first and second grade.



Last Minute Holiday Gifts:

White Elephant Gifts under $25


have a great weekend!

December 13, 2017

Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies


During the holidays, you really can’t show up at someone’s house empty-handed. That’s why I like to bring something boozy because even during the busiest time of year, I still have the time to make a special alcohol infusion.

Invite me over and I’ll bring the ingredients to make Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies. I’ll stop by Nugget Market (one of my favorite Bay Area grocery stores!) on the way to pick us up some cheeses for a nice cheese plate or I could order one of their epic cheese platters to pick up instead. They do such a nice job that I can pass theirs off for one of my own creations 😉

Not drinking alcohol? No problem, I’ll add some mulling spices to hot pineapple juice and we’ll have warm pineapple ciders with maple whipped cream.

Just promise me that we’ll  do something artsy during this holiday season while we’re hanging out together, OK?

Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies from Shutterbean.com!

Art aside, I know you’ll love the toddies!

Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies from Shutterbean.com!

They’re a combination of pineapple juice, hot water, and Spiced Pineapple Infused Rum.  The toddies are topped with a maple whipped cream and a dusting of cinnamon. The sweet/spicy combo feels like being in the tropics for Christmas.

Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies from Shutterbean.com!

They’re a great dessert drink! The whipped cream makes them extra indulgent. It’s the holiday season!!! You know how we do!


December 11, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello Friends! Happy Monday to you. This week is the first week in awhile that I have to focus on getting my household/life/work back in order. I have so many paper piles all over the house and my office looks like a tornado hit it. Ye olde laundry pile is getting outta control as well. It’s all proof that LIFE CARRIES ON even when you’re not fully there. I’m hoping that someday I’ll be fully there but my brain is still processing all that has happened since Thanksgiving. Don’t worry, I’m working really hard on being good to myself and my family. Thank you so much for all your support since my mother died. We all really appreciate it 🙂 So let’s see what’s up with my Intentions for the week.

Intentions for the Week:

  • sweat it out at dance class
  • trip to the dump
  • trip to the thrift store
  • have coffee with friends
  • organize paper piles
  • work on pineapple rum post
  • clean up my office
  • make some dinners for my family
  • get back into making art
  • take the books back to the library– they’re so overdue!
  • take a picture for our holiday card/order it
  • get lost in a book
  • go for a long walk
  • go through Holiday Gift ideas and see what to make for teachers
  • cry when I feel like it
  • remember to take good care of myself
  • be present with Cooper. Give him as much love & uninterrupted time as possible.
  • figure out Christmas/presents/all that jazz

Mantra for the Week:

I love lists // shutterbean

What about you? What are you up to this week? Leave your intentions in the comments. Get your head in the game!

December 10, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 49

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life – Week 49

This week all of my energy went into working on my mom’s obituary and the service for her.

I wore pantyhose at her service and everyone gave me a hard time.

I really should have worn my trusty overalls.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

When you’re in an elevator in the city that has a chaise lounge in it, you gotta pose.

He’s also wearing my socks. HA

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

Self-timer family shot!  It was fun to seeing the trees with my boys.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

We tried to get a jumping shot.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

I have been through so many tunnels in the last few weeks. Back and forth between Marin and San Francisco. A lot more motion than I am used to. I’ve been enjoying being driven around though. My daydreaming brain is satisfied.  Thank you, husband.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

Traffic on Stockton.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

A church with a sense of humor.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

This week Joy came to visit to be there for me & my family.

I am so grateful for that. She made me a gorgeous paper flower magnolia.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

So inspiring!!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

My dining room table is making me happy right now.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

Being around a lot of people at the funeral and dealing with a lot of different emotions at once was very hard for my introvert brain. I am so thankful for my family though. We have all been working really hard to be there for each other and I know that would please my Mom.

I’ve been in self-care mode this weekend.

I got to go on a few introvert/maj adventures!

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

It was so good to laugh again.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com


December 8, 2017


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Here’s a list because I LOVE LISTS:

  1. Why is baking soda such a good cleaner?
  2. I had no idea you could make candied nuts in a slow cooker
  3. I know just the leaf I’d use for this project.
  4. Beauty products that belong in the fridge!
  5. Cats vs. nativity scenes
  6. Don’t steal people’s photos on the internet.
  7. Lazy Christmas decorations. 
  8. Thoughts on losing a mother.
  9. A red dress for a special occasion.
  10. Books that took years to write.
  11. How to be better at stress
  12. The Silence Breakers
  13. The art of flying
  14. Hook a bartender up this year
  15. A doormat for my house.
  16. When everything is lined up just right.
  17. It’s hard to believe these are paintings!
  18. Lightning storms are so beautiful.
  19. How to write an obituary
  20. Apparently, I’m like an architect when it comes to my food temperature preferences.
  21. Life lessons from my friend Albert.
  22. This is beautiful.
  23. Stop giving your kids so many toys.
  24. Flight attendants know all the packing secrets.

have a great weekend!