Here we are! MONDAY. A new week with some time shifting. I spent the extra hour (or 7) cleaning our house yesterday. It feels good to start the week with an (almost) clean house. I worked on my office/studio and cleaned up this corner that was driving me nuts. If you’re on Instagram, sometimes you can watch some of my #highstraightenance when I get in a zone. The internet holds me accountable. Thank you, internet.
Here’s what my finished space looked like.
This week I have a few photoshoots to prep for. People are coming over so I’ll be more motivated to finish cleaning house. If you ever want to clean your house fast, INVITE PEOPLE OVER.
Someone asked me what Cooper wanted for Christmas and I was like…let me get through Thanksgiving first. But in the back of my mind, I’m already thinking about holiday cards and how I am going to move things in our living room to make room for a Christmas tree. This week, I plan on mapping out our Thanksgiving + solidifying who brings what and what we’re going to have for breakfast the next day.
I also need to start eating healthier. Some bad habits have caught up with me…and I need to start making some better choices.
This is the time for me to look back at this post:
I think I really just need a Reset Button Salad
And now we figure out what my Intentions for the Week are…..
Intentions for the Week:
- continue the streak of productivity
- take a dance class
- stay on top of laundry
- map out Thanksgiving
- get outside every day
- make better food choices
- setup workspace for photoshoot
- catch up on social media/figure out coschedule plugin issue
- research haircuts if I have time
- try a new recipe or two
- go through my inbox and clean it up
- make something with persimmons – maybe this cake
- match all the socks in my house
- sort through that paper pile I’ve been saving
- trip to the salvation army
- return library books
- organize letters/write some
- bank appointment… still need to go
- put the summer clothes up on the shelf in closet
- bring in all the patio cushions/furniture
- drink more water (this helps)
Last Week’s Intentions:
- go to yoga/
do a few fitness marshall videos (also went to dance class)
pinterest event
apron photoshoot testing
letter writing
- bank appointment- can I make it happen??
catch up on social media
catch up on bookkeeping
make a treat for new neighbors
- make a Brussels Sprouts salad
- book a haircut appointment/research new cuts (thought about it…)
reflect on October with a new Currently post
continue working on a home studio
try to do some leisure reading
- call my mother-in-law to catch up (yikes! still need to. I love you MIL!xo)
find a good long sleeve shirt to add to my winter capsule.
try not to eat a lot of candy this week (I stopped eating it after day 2)
make sure we have all the stuff for Cooper’s costume
drink more water (this helps)
What about you? What do you have going on this week?
Leave some intentions to help hold yourself accountable!