January 22, 2018

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

It’s Monday and we’re back in the mix! All it takes is a couple of days away from home and I get the urge to REBOOT everything in my life. There’s something about being away that makes you appreciate/miss your routines at home. Since my Mom died, things have been thrown off but right now, at this moment, I’m starting to feel more like myself again. Time to get my Intentions for the Week out!

Oh!  I did some Meal Prep! this week, so that’s exciting.

Shutterbean Meal Prep - See more on Shutterbean.com

Meal Prep includes:

potato salad / a riff off these chocolate energy bars / mom’s green salad vinagrette/ lemon ginger elixir/pasta salad/hard-boiled eggs in an Instant Pot


Intentions for the Week:

  • finish laundry
  • bring in car for service
  • oil change on car
  • return library books
  • edit photos/upload/invoice
  • add new zine to The Handwriting Club (take photos/post)
  • get outside and go for a walk
  • YOGA
  • make more dinners at home
  • work on a new recipe
  • post pictures from the weekend
  • figure out when I’m going to do a workshop & where
  • get supplies for brush lettering class
  • keep up the healthy eating habits
  • finish Intentions for the Year post
  • free up space on my phone
  • find time to be creative
  • get haircut (YAAAAAAY!)
  • figure out party for school auction/meet with sonia

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • accounting work
  • conquer laundry pile
  • hang out with Leslie
  • sort through letters/enter addresses in my holiday card spreadsheet
  • post Intentions for the Year (probably tomorrow!)
  • eat more salads
  • work on printer
  • delete surplus of photos on computer
  • send out letters/stuff for The Handwriting Club
  • make lemon ginger elixir
  • clean out fridge/keep it clean
  • have a long date with my calendar
  • figure out Easter vacation plans
  • order a kit from ThredUp to clean out closet
  • make a list of things I want to do around the house this year
  • make a new recipe for the blog   (check out this orzo)
  • get outside & move body go to yoga
  • dip toes in the ocean (stood in a creek)


Mantra for the Week:



January 21, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 3

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 3

More adventures in 2018!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

We took Cooper to Scandia. I try really hard not to think of how many people have touched all the things. Gimme the hand sanitizer please!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Cousin Elaine & Sharon made dinner at my parent’s house!

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Ladies begging me to be fed.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Robe club! He’s wearing the robe I bought my mom. It’s the same one as mine.

Mornings are extra cozy now.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Thinking of my mom at Trader Joe’s.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Always grocery shopping.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Gonna start getting the bread out of my diet soon.

If I can’t do a whole30, at least I can do baby steps to help me.

I’ve definitely been on a bread kick for months…

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

Met a kindred spirit while wine tasting.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com

I get the cutest mail.

My Everyday Life: Week 3 on Shutterbean.com


January 19, 2018


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I Love Lists! It’s Friday, let’s surf the internet together. 

  1. Putting this elixir on the TO DO LIST.
  2. Look at this cat bed!
  3. This is beyond crazy.
  4. Where do you draw the line between creative & creepy advertising?
  5. Oh hello, crow.
  6. There’s sneaky science behind kids & technology these days.
  7. I’ve definitely been in this headspace before. 
  8. Gorgeous mosaic floors. 
  9. Good news for the Bay Area. Yay Shake Shack!
  10. Time to drink more tea!
  12. Cute alert:  yoga mat /cats on shelves/leaf pin /cat mug
  13. Apparently, I am 16 years old according to how I see color. WEIRD.
  14. Stuff from our childhood that kids wouldn’t understand now. Le sigh.
  15. People love my sense of humor based on my fries choice.
  16. This salad looks bonkers!
  17. Remember that movie Her? Well, this is happening now and it makes me kinda sad.
  18. Don’t stack your plates when you’re done eating at a restaurant.
  19. Minimal kitchen inspiration
  20. These photos give me a slight panic attack.
  21. I had no idea that January was my least productive month…
  22. Whole Foods is banking on rotisserie chicken

New cookbooks added to my collection:

Can you tell that I’m wanting to use my Instant Pot soon??

have a great weekend!

January 17, 2018

Orzo with Pancetta and Pine Nuts

Orzo with Pancetta and Pine Nuts - a delicious/easy to prepare dinner! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.comMy mother’s recipe binder is one of the most treasured items I have of hers. It was one of the first things I brought home with me.  I’ve been pouring through it whenever I feel like I need to be close to her. It’s filled with food stains and notes. A lot of recipes are written out in her handwriting that I had such a hard time forging (always).  There are quite a few recipes clipped from old newspapers, now yellowed with age.  The most trusted recipes seem to be the ones where my mom put those sticker reinforcements around the fraying binder paper holes. My mother always taught us to mend what we had, not immediately seek out its replacement.

Orzo with Pancetta and Pine Nuts - a delicious/easy to prepare dinner! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

When I saw this recipe for Orzo with Pancetta and Pine Nuts, I was transported back in time.  It was a dish my mom made for their company a few times.  I know exactly where I was sitting at the table eating a big bowl of this orzo. YOUNG TRACY FREAKING LOVED IT.

It wasn’t part of our regular meal routine (my dad was always watching carbs) so I always looked forward to this orzo dish coming up when my parents were entertaining.

The only thing I feel sad about is that I don’t remember what she served it with… Whatever it was, it was definitely overshadowed by the orzo.

Orzo with Pancetta and Pine Nuts - a delicious/easy to prepare dinner! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Here’s something I definitely learned from my mom–

Entertaining doesn’t always have to mean you have to attempt something super complicated and fancy. Sometimes simple recipes that have stood the test of time are enough. That and a good conversation can help whoever you share a table with. 


January 15, 2018

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello friends! Happy Monday.

This weekend we:

  • had an amazing dinner at my parent’s house with cousins
  • straightened up the house/cleaned
  • took down the Christmas tree (YAAAY!)
  • washed car (thanks, Casey!)
  • rocked out on laundry

I’m starting to feel like I’m getting my routine back and I’m so happy about that. I think I’ll celebrate by doing some meal prep this week too. It’s been FOREVER and I’d like to get myself back on track with that. It saves time during the week and it’s also a really good way for us to control what we put into our bodies when we’re armed with good options. Anyone currently on the Whole30? How’s it going?! I think I’m going to ease into it soon. It depends on how many social engagements we have coming up soon. That’s always the kicker!

And here we have it— My Intentions for the Week:

Intentions for the Week

  • accounting work
  • conquer laundry pile
  • hang out with Leslie
  • sort through letters/enter addresses in my holiday card spreadsheet
  • post Intentions for the Year (probably tomorrow!)
  • eat more salads
  • work on printer
  • delete surplus of photos on computer
  • send out letters/stuff for The Handwriting Club
  • make lemon ginger elixir
  • clean out fridge/keep it clean
  • have a long date with my calendar
  • figure out Easter vacation plans
  • order a kit from ThredUp to clean out closet
  • make a list of things I want to do around the house this year
  • make a new recipe for the blog
  • get outside & move body go to yoga
  • dip toes in the ocean


Last Week’s Intentions:

  • start taking down the Christmas tree
  • write my Intentions for the Year
  • tackle laundry (it’s not pretty)
  • go to a yoga class + hike (went to dance class & yoga class)
  • spend quality time with cousins in town from NY!
  • mail thank you cards
  • share art on my blog (here it is!)
  • get printer situation figured out
  • continue to get my house in order
  • photograph recipe for One Potato
  • take stuff to Salvation Army
  • catch up on social media/blogging
  • do some meal prepping (made banana bread & chili)
  • clean computer screen (it’s so gross right now)
  • finish up hand lettering project for a client (!!!)
  • send out some zines! Check out The Handwriting Club on etsy
  • take good care of myself (I tried!)
  • limit carbs (oops)

Mantra for the Week:

Every week, Tracy Benjamin from Shutterbean.com types up her TO DO list with her Intentions for the Week post. Check out this week's post!

What about you? Need to get your head in the game? Write your Intentions for the Week down!

January 14, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 2

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 2

I feel like I finally got some of my photo mojo back this week. I think it’s because I set out some extra time to make it happen.


My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

I got lost in a bamboo forest with my friend Jerry!

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

We had our own 20 year high school reunion.  Jerry was visiting from New York!

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Adventuring in Mill Valley.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com 

The trees are very good for the soul.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Leaf pile.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Flowers from Barbara + Tim.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Flowers from Elaine & Sharon.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com



January 12, 2018


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS! It’s Friday. Let’s see what’s up on the internet this week:

  1. Here’s a feel good food plan if you’re looking for one this month.
  2. I suppose the photos from drones are sometimes worth how annoying they are.
  3. Millenials are not grocery shopping anymore.
  4. What’s hurting kids.
  5. No gifts, please.
  6. Get your finances in order.
  7. Here’s a Bob Ross rabbit hole for you.
  8. Grieving in the New Year.
  9. Whoa, Ikea.
  10. Nut’nola looks like something I’d enjoy for sure.
  12. This dress makes me miss summer
  13. These vegetarian Swedish meatballs look awesome.
  14. Whole Foods looks empty
  15. I found this amusing.
  16. We all die eventually. This is true.
  17. This makes me want to redo our master bathroom SO BAD.
  18. How you see the world if you’re colorblind.
  19. Epic kitchen fails.
  20. Weekend reading: Wisdom of Sundays
  21. We’re improving ourselves to death.
  22. This makes me pretty happy we moved out of Silicon Valley
  23. Simple Valentine’s Day Ideas from yours truly.

have a great weekend!