January 9, 2018

Make More Art in 2018

Make More Art in 2018 with Skillshare! See more on Shutterbean.com

One of my goals last year was to Make More Time for Art and I’m happy to say I did that–mostly with the help of Skillshare!

If you’re not familiar with Skillshare, it’s an online community for learning & teaching creative skills. Skillshare connects expert practitioners with students around the world who collaborate on everyday skills from culinary arts to photography to design.

Right now they have a GREAT promo- 3 months of PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP for 99 Cents! 

That’s such a really good deal. You should totally get on that.

Last year I took quite a few watercolor classes- I wrote about that here! 

Here’s what my work has been looking like lately:

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

My hand lettering has improved greatly with classes + practice.

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

I love being able to introduce things I love into my food styling work!

Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies from Shutterbean.com!

This week Cooper is still on winter break from school, so I carved time out for us to do some Skillshare classes. It’s a great way to fill the downtime when the kids are on vacation and you’re at home with them.

Make more time for art with Skillshare! See more on Shutterbean.com


January 8, 2018

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello Friends! Happy Monday. Cooper is back in school. This is my first list of the new year. I am excited to type those two things I looking forward to getting back into a rhythm/routine. I abandoned my bullet journal after my mom died (grief) and it really threw me off.  All of my TO-DO lists have been written on random pieces of paper and index cards. I’VE BEEN SO DISORGANIZED!!!

I spent all Sunday cleaning up my studio space, getting rid of paper piles and cleaning out the inside of my car. WHAT A GREAT FEELING!  Ok, so here we are my first Intentions for the Week list of 2018.

Intentions for the Week:

  • start taking down the Christmas tree
  • write my Intentions for the Year
  • tackle laundry (it’s not pretty)
  • go to a yoga class + hike
  • spend quality time with cousins in town from NY!
  • mail thank you cards
  • share art on my blog
  • get printer situation figured out
  • continue to get my house in order
  • photograph recipe for One Potato
  • take stuff to Salvation Army
  • catch up on social media/blogging
  • do some meal prepping
  • clean computer screen (it’s so gross right now)
  • finish up hand lettering project for a client (!!!)
  • send out some zines! Check out The Handwriting Club on etsy 🙂
  • take good care of myself
  • limit carbs

Mantra for the week:

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS. It's Friday and Tracy of Shutterbean.com shares her finds from the internet on a weekly list called I LOVE LISTS!

Whatever you’re up to this week, have a great one! 

January 7, 2018

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 1

You guys! This is the EIGHTH year of doing this series. EIGHT YEARS!!!!

Uncle Ryan is in town this week!

My Everyday Life: Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

Self-care is hanging out with friends + painting.


My Everyday Life: Week 1 on Shutterbean.com


I actually did some cooking this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

Nothing for the blog. Trying to figure out what to do next to tell you the truth.

I can’t wait to settle into my routine when Cooper goes back to school.

This week I spent a lot of time gardening.

I made a few arrangements in abalone shells.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

It makes a great gift!

My Everyday Life: Week 1 on Shutterbean.com


Current state of the dining room.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

Florist’s handwriting sample.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 on Shutterbean.com



My Everyday Life: Week 1 on Shutterbean.com


January 5, 2018



I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS. It’s Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. The only way to keep your resolutions is….
  2. Release expectations and trust in the process of life.
  3. Is it too late to follow your dreams?
  4. Why time seems to speed up as we get older.
  5. How to read more books in 2018
  6. Van life looks pretty good. Bucket list worthy.
  7. Frozen Niagara Falls looks like Narnia!
  8. Coconut oil saves the day
  9. How to stay focused while working from home– I need this!
  10. Should I have another ladies Valentine’s Day craft night?
  11. Survive winter the Scandinavian way
  12. Andy Cohen’s favorite books 
  13. I really wish my mom could see this- Grandparents who make life more interesting
  14. How’s your liver after the holidays?
  15. This looks 100% SUPREME
  16. Slurpee waves!
  17. If this happens, I AM OUT.
  18. There’s a new item at In & Out. Cooper will be happy.
  19. No, you’re crying.
  20. Whoaaaaaa.
  21. Star lovers: leggings / pouch / wallpaper / barrette / book

have a great weekend!

January 2, 2018

If you’re doing the Whole30


If you’re doing the Whole30 this month, and need some help…

Feeling bored with your Whole30 routine? Check out these Whole 30 Meal Ideas from Shutterbean.com!


Some of the meals I liked to eat while I was on the Whole30. You’ll find a lot of good ones in there.

WAIT- What’s the Whole30?

Here’s the book– Whole30

simply remove these things from your lifestyle for 30 days:

  • dairy
  • grains (even corn!)
  • sugar
  • legumes
  • alcohol

The key to being OK with all of that is focusing on all the things you can have!!!  And there are a lot of things….like POTATOES, MEAT, EGGS, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, NUTS, ETC.!! 

Thinking of doing the Whole 30? Let these snacks keep you motivated. Check out Whole 30 Snack Ideas on Shutterbean.com!


Even though snacking is not encouraged on Whole30, I think sometimes snacks make better meals than a full sit down meal. Not everyone has the time to sit down and make a full on meal.

Use some of these examples and make a meal out of it.

You totally can.

Thoughts after finishing Whole30 - see more on Shutterbean.com!


You are going to need to coach yourself during the month, you can see how my journey here:

Week 1 & 2

Week 3

Week 4= DONE

I’m thinking of starting after my cousins come to visit in January. I wanna be able to have an Italian feast with the family before I commit.

And if you’re not ready to commit to 30 days, you can commit to a few healthy habits!


GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading Shutterbean!  If you’d like to check out more of my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure keep in touch via Facebook, Twitter,  Bloglovin,  Pinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.

December 30, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 52

When we were going through my mom’s car we found the Christmas crackers she bought for Christmas. I brought them down and we added them to the table.  She is still helping us create good memories!  My sister in law set such a beautiful table.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Place card duty is one of my favorite duties.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

We had negronis! My brother got our parents into them a few months ago 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

My dad gives the best hugs.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Found this at the deli while picking up bagels for Christmas day.

It brightened my day.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Bagel brunch with Maj! 

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Coffee date with Riley.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com


December 29, 2017


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com Welcome to I LOVE LISTS! It’s Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. Worst Life Hacks of 2017
  2. How to saber a bottle of champagne— if you’re into that sorta thing
  3. Old-timey spy camera!
  4. When you ask a stranger to take your photo….
  5. Selfitis is a thing.
  6. The Best Food Art of 2017
  7. Etch-A -Sketch artistry
  8. We could all use this – The Internet Pledge
  9. The Anxiety Matrix <—- tech anxieties ranked
  10. Looking people in the eye.
  11. My brain wants: a superfood salad or a reset button salad
  12. If you want to travel through time here are some videos
  13. Jack in the Box is creating munchie meals…
  14. We gotta stop controlling how our kids play.
  15. Retro games & consoles are more popular than high tech stuff!
  16. Can you achieve Inbox zero? I’m not sure I will ever get there.
  17. We were in Los Angeles when this happened! 
  18. Proof that people are still doing good things.
  19. The fastest grilled cheese by Mark Bittman
  20. Really cute rompers: one / two / three / four
  21. One of my favorite things to do- send myself random email for the future

Currently reading: 

have a great weekend!