December 28, 2017

Top 20 Posts of 2017

Top 20 Posts of 2017 on Shutterbean.com!We’re a few days away from a NEW YEAR, so I’m in review mode. I also want to throw everything out in my house and start over. Maybe I just need to put away all of our Christmas decorations and I’ll feel better?

Maybe I just need to hibernate?

Yes. That’s it.

A lot has happened this year, hasn’t it?  Let’s look at what your favorite posts were from 2017, shall we?  I always love doing this because I like to see how much my photography has changed over the years. I should have started doing this in 2007 when I started my blog! Oh well. You live/you learn.

pssssst! you can check out the past ones–2016 2015 / 2014 / 2013 )

Shutterbean Top 20 Posts of 2017:

Hippy Banana Bread Shutterbean

Hippy Banana Bread

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Bullet Journal Supplies


For an easy appetizer, try Herbed Goat Cheese. Recipe on Shutterbean.com

Herbed Goat Cheese

For entertaining? For weeknight snack dinners? For sandwiches, for FUN!


Vegetable Tempura

This is the best way to use up leftover vegetables. Promise.

If you're looking for a good reset, check out this Coconut Quinoa Salad from Naturally Nourished. Recipe is on Shutterbean.com!

Coconut Quinoa Coleslaw

This one is a texture party. You’ll love the dressing.

How to Make an Epic Cheeseboard with items from Trader Joe's! See more on Shutterbean.com

Trader Joes Epic Cheese Plate

A real crowd cheeser!

Getting Organized in the New Year. See how Tracy from Shutterbean does it!

Getting Organized in the New Year

If you need a reset in your house…..here’s some inspiration.

Baked Ziti with Creme Fraiche & Spinach- perfect for a crowd /weeknight dinners. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Baked Ziti 

Quite a few of you one dinner with this Baked Ziti dish. It’s the creme fraiche & spinach that does it!

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas

I shared some of the pages in my bullet journal. The internet liked it.

Creating Healthy Habits

To get yourself back on track, create some healthy eating habits. I shared mine!

Dinner is just a few minutes away with this Mushroom Ramen recipe made with Imagine Broths & Soups. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Mushroom Ramen

Goodness in a bowl.

Soothe your throat & relax with this Lemon Ginger Elixir. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Lemon Ginger Elixir

Perfect for cold/flu season! Oh and cocktails too!

Breakfast Sausage Pretzel Rolls are perfect for a weekend brunch! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Breakfast Sausage Pretzel Rolls

The first recipe made from the Over Easy Brunch book by Maj!

Meatballs Marsala with Buttered Egg Noodles & Chives. Recipe from the new Smitten Kitchen Everyday Cookbook. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Meatballs Marsala with Egg Noodles

I mean….does it get any better?


Small Batch Chocolate Cupcakes

Because we can’t be trusted with a whole batch of cupcakes….

If you're looking for a great vegetarian weeknight meal, check out this Spinach Artichoke Calzone recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Spinach Artichoke Calzone

One of the ways I use Trader Joe’s pizza dough!

Looking for a good Chicken Teriyaki recipe? Look no further! Check out this recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Chicken Teriyaki

A family favorite!

If you're looking to add some fun into your creative routine check out Tracy's Current Favorite Art Supplies on Shutterbean.

Current Favorite Art Supplies 

Everything I’m loving this year art supply wise!  I love that it’s inspired so many of you to color and PLAY!

Everyday Pancakes are simple enough to make EVERYDAY. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Everyday Pancakes

These are life changing! I make them all the time for Cooper.

Combine the flavors of Chicken Parmesan with meatballs with this Chicken Parmesan Meatball dish! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Chicken Parmesan Meatballs


There you go, that’s just a slice of your favorites from 2017.  Thank you so much for all your love and support. I appreciate you!!!

I wonder what 2018 will bring…..

December 24, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 51

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 51

Well, at least we had a tree up this year!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Cats are terrible gift wrappers.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I got most of my holiday cards sent out this year. We ordered ours from Minted as per usual!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

In a daze while Christmas shopping…

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Feeling sometimes like I am possessed by my mom.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Benjamin boys putting together a lego Porsche.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Spacing out in a rose.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


December 22, 2017


Welcome to I LOVE LISTS! It’s Friday. Here’s a list for you:

  1. Christmas morning would be better with these.
  2. Life changing habits for 2018
  3. What a beautiful kitchen remodel!
  4. Funny kid letters to Santa
  5. Tiny worlds, big imagination
  6. The word of 2017: Youthquake (lord help us)
  7. Most expensive photographs sold at auction in 2017
  8. This church in Copenhagen is something else!
  9. How to organize your day to set you up for success.
  10. The world is beautiful.
  11. Dream: shoesromperdress
  12. DIY Melted Crayon Art <— we did this this week!
  13. Funny animal photos of 2017
  14. The most popular recipes on Pinterest this year.
  15. The Instant Pot has invaded our kitchens! 
  16. Wear it proud.
  17. The best places to travel alone.
  18. Apparently, in Japan, KFC sells low odor chicken so you can eat it in public…
  19. For David Sedaris & Miranda July fans  also this!
  20. A quick holiday pep talk!
  21. Pantry organizing tips. I gotta re-organize mine.

Last Minute Treats to Make for the Holidays:

tropicalbark 1199

Tropical Bark

Cookies & Cream Peppermint Bark // shutterbean

Cookies & Cream Peppermint Bark

Crunchy Peppermint Bark // shutterbean

Crunchy Peppermint Bark

Jasmine Tea Infused Vodka to up your spirit game. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Jasmine Tea Infused Vodka


Bourbon Salted Caramels // shutterbean

Bourbon Salted Caramels

Apple Cinnamon Infused Bourbon // shutterbean

Apple Cinnamon Infused Bourbon

December 18, 2017

Intentions for the Week



Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello! Hello! Happy Monday. I had a weekend with family and I’ve got to put the house back together. We’ve got lots to do before Christmas Eve/Day. I’d like to get some baking done somewhere in this week for teachers and friends. Oh and there’s a Christmas pageant and all kinds of other things we have coming up. My brain is still in a fog but I’m somehow making it through and managing.

Intentions for the Week:

  • start/finish Christmas shopping/white elephant gifts
  • ship packages/presents
  • sweat it out in dance class
  • stay on top of the laundry
  • remember to eat (I’ve been forgetting…#grief)
  • make some chocolate chunk blondies for family
  • try to make peppermint bark for teachers
  • make sausage soup
  • check in at parent’s house
  • catch up on work
  • catch up on social media
  • find khaki pants for Cooper
  • wrap presents
  • get outside
  • go for a hike
  • work on art
  • write thank you notes
  • drink more water
  • start holiday cards (if they arrive soon!)
  • take good care of myself

Mantra for the Week:

I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

What about you? What are you up to? Leave your intentions in the comments if you wanna get your head in the game.

December 17, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 50

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 50

This week I took a pause on helping my Dad clean out/organize the house and I tried to focus a little more on getting my life back together. My house is a mess! This week I took a break and drove around Marin County and dropped off some of my mom’s unused crossword puzzle books at some mini free libraries.  I plan on doing this with some of her other books.

I know she would have thought that was neat.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Trip into the city for an office party.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

This place feels like another world.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


I’ve forgotten what city life is like.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


One of the weird thoughts you can have when you are grieving is…


It’s really a weird feeling to have. I never thought it before


My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


We were able to have cousin time!!!


He loves his cousins Henry & Eleanor who live in Idaho.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


I love Casey’s smile the most.

We had a lot of fun at Benihana.


My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Getting lost in Japan Town.


My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Aunt Tracy ended up buying everyone cat ears later on…



My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Gifts that keep on giving.



My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


The highlight of the week was seeing this picture of my grandparent’s smiling.

So many things to look at while going through closets.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I’ve run into my friend Kris twice this week. We walked to a labyrinth.

It was just what I needed.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

The sun was so warm.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Frosty mornings.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com



When you can’t decide, you have both.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com



My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com 


Pineapple Rum!!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I took a detour and found this lovely van.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


And this colorful yard!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


This caught my eye while thrifting.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Sent out some packages this week 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Made some chicken soup. Gave some to my dad 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Thinking about visiting NOLA soon.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


When your friend calls you to hang out and brings her baby you say YES.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


Babies are a gift.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


A corner in my house that I like right now.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

I wore a blazer!!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Hot lips!



My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


My mother taught me how to grocery shop.

When I go to the store we went to as a kid I feel her. It’s full of so many memories.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com


If there’s calamari steak on the menu, I will order it.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com




Hot chocolate mornings for Cooper.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

My curtains are up now!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Last night we hosted a sleepover- my Dad, brother-in-law, and nephew spent the night.

5 guys and me.  I really missed having my Mom in the kitchen with me.

It felt very weird and sometimes sad, but I was happy that my Dad spent the night! 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com

Life is so odd/ silly at times.  Make it more silly if you can.

My Everyday Life: Week 51 on Shutterbean.com



Week 50 in 2016

Week 50 in 2015

Week 50 in 2014

Week 50 in 2013

Week 50 in 2012

Week 50 in 2011

December 15, 2017


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Hello friends! If you need some homemade HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS check out this post!  Now here’s a list because I LOVE LISTS:

  1. National Geographic’s 2017 Photography Winners
  2. Outdoor signs that stopped people in their tracks.
  3. My grandma always had these cookies. I LOVED THEM.
  4. A photographer who makes puns come to life.
  5. Frost flowers are gorgeous.
  6. Guerilla flower art! I would love to stumble across one of these.
  7. Living cliffside. 
  8. What the end of net neutrality means for you.
  9. If you want to make a pie crust by hand.
  10. Overheard conversations….illustrated!
  11. Productivity is really about what you DON’T do.
  12. Family Favorite recipes! Thanks for the love, Mother Mag!
  13. This pleases me greatly.
  14. Tech Tips from Entrepreneurs! 
  15. How to host a sleepover
  16. Time management for creatives.
  17. How Instagram has changed the way we experience ART.
  18. Some signs that your third eye is open.
  19. My friend Helen Jane wrote this 5 years ago. Things have only gotten worse.
  20. I broke my arm twice between first and second grade.



Last Minute Holiday Gifts:

White Elephant Gifts under $25


have a great weekend!

December 13, 2017

Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies


During the holidays, you really can’t show up at someone’s house empty-handed. That’s why I like to bring something boozy because even during the busiest time of year, I still have the time to make a special alcohol infusion.

Invite me over and I’ll bring the ingredients to make Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies. I’ll stop by Nugget Market (one of my favorite Bay Area grocery stores!) on the way to pick us up some cheeses for a nice cheese plate or I could order one of their epic cheese platters to pick up instead. They do such a nice job that I can pass theirs off for one of my own creations 😉

Not drinking alcohol? No problem, I’ll add some mulling spices to hot pineapple juice and we’ll have warm pineapple ciders with maple whipped cream.

Just promise me that we’ll  do something artsy during this holiday season while we’re hanging out together, OK?

Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies from Shutterbean.com!

Art aside, I know you’ll love the toddies!

Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies from Shutterbean.com!

They’re a combination of pineapple juice, hot water, and Spiced Pineapple Infused Rum.  The toddies are topped with a maple whipped cream and a dusting of cinnamon. The sweet/spicy combo feels like being in the tropics for Christmas.

Spiced Pineapple Rum Toddies from Shutterbean.com!

They’re a great dessert drink! The whipped cream makes them extra indulgent. It’s the holiday season!!! You know how we do!