December 10, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 49

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life – Week 49

This week all of my energy went into working on my mom’s obituary and the service for her.

I wore pantyhose at her service and everyone gave me a hard time.

I really should have worn my trusty overalls.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

When you’re in an elevator in the city that has a chaise lounge in it, you gotta pose.

He’s also wearing my socks. HA

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

Self-timer family shot!  It was fun to seeing the trees with my boys.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

We tried to get a jumping shot.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

I have been through so many tunnels in the last few weeks. Back and forth between Marin and San Francisco. A lot more motion than I am used to. I’ve been enjoying being driven around though. My daydreaming brain is satisfied.  Thank you, husband.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

Traffic on Stockton.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

A church with a sense of humor.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

This week Joy came to visit to be there for me & my family.

I am so grateful for that. She made me a gorgeous paper flower magnolia.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

So inspiring!!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

My dining room table is making me happy right now.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

Being around a lot of people at the funeral and dealing with a lot of different emotions at once was very hard for my introvert brain. I am so thankful for my family though. We have all been working really hard to be there for each other and I know that would please my Mom.

I’ve been in self-care mode this weekend.

I got to go on a few introvert/maj adventures!

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com

It was so good to laugh again.

My Everyday Life: Week 49 on Shutterbean.com


December 8, 2017


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Here’s a list because I LOVE LISTS:

  1. Why is baking soda such a good cleaner?
  2. I had no idea you could make candied nuts in a slow cooker
  3. I know just the leaf I’d use for this project.
  4. Beauty products that belong in the fridge!
  5. Cats vs. nativity scenes
  6. Don’t steal people’s photos on the internet.
  7. Lazy Christmas decorations. 
  8. Thoughts on losing a mother.
  9. A red dress for a special occasion.
  10. Books that took years to write.
  11. How to be better at stress
  12. The Silence Breakers
  13. The art of flying
  14. Hook a bartender up this year
  15. A doormat for my house.
  16. When everything is lined up just right.
  17. It’s hard to believe these are paintings!
  18. Lightning storms are so beautiful.
  19. How to write an obituary
  20. Apparently, I’m like an architect when it comes to my food temperature preferences.
  21. Life lessons from my friend Albert.
  22. This is beautiful.
  23. Stop giving your kids so many toys.
  24. Flight attendants know all the packing secrets.

have a great weekend!

December 4, 2017

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello Friends! Thanks so much for all the love. I really appreciate it during this emotional time. This week is all over the place. This week is my mother’s funeral service. We have people coming in from all over the country and I am working hard to ground myself  before I have to dive right into extrovert/emotional time.  The fact that I haven’t written my TO DO list and feel lost only proves that this Intentions for the Week practice I started almost a year ago really works for me.  Here are my Intentions for the Week:

Intentions for the Week:

  • write a eulogy for my mom’s service
  • post pineapple rum recipe
  • make sure Cooper’s suit is ironed
  • figure out what to wear at the service for my Mom
  • carve out some time for myself/self- care
  • print out photos for my mom’s service
  • catch up on work
  • accept help when I can
  • work on Thank You notes/list
  • finish up November 2017 Currently post
  • figure out health insurance
  • pick up Mt. Laundry Pile in my bedroom
  • straighten up house for guests
  • trip to goodwill
  • trip to the dump
  • keep cleaning out parts of my parent’s house
  • go for a walk
  • keep cleaning out my mom’s closets to make room for family visiting
  • listen to Carole King- Tapestry album
  • enjoy time with Maj
  • drink more water (I’m really failing at it!)

Mantra for the week:

I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

And if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with the holidays, here’s a post Self-Care Strategies for the Holidays. Make time for yourself! More on Shutterbean.com!

Self- Care Strategies for the Holidays

Good luck this week!


December 3, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 48

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life week 48

My mom had her salad dressing in the fridge. I made a salad with it.

We all ate it. It made me happy/sad.

My Everyday Life: Week 48 on Shutterbean.com 

My dad was craving  sfogliatelle, so we got one in North Beach

My Everyday Life: Week 48 on Shutterbean.com

Eating our feelings.

My Everyday Life: Week 48 on Shutterbean.com

Finding some of my mom’s recipes while cleaning out her pantry.

My Everyday Life: Week 48 on Shutterbean.com

This week, I spent several days cleaning out things from my parent’s house.

I started with the pantry so my Dad would have a clean slate.

My Everyday Life: Week 48 on Shutterbean.com

It made him so happy.

My Everyday Life: Week 48 on Shutterbean.com

Magic stands are better than lemonade stands.

My Everyday Life: Week 48 on Shutterbean.com

Ramen on a Saturday afternoon with a major TO DO list.

My Everyday Life: Week 48 on Shutterbean.com



December 1, 2017



 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I Love Lists. It’s Friday! Let’s surf the internet together:

  1. How to help a grieving loved one this holiday season.
  2. Apparently, I belong in Austin. 
  3. This dad went viral on Instagram for his carpet love.
  4. My cat is bread.
  5. Some interesting psychology experiments
  6. Hidden signs in the surf above.
  7. That’s a lot of paper.
  8. This show is gonna be good!!  (I hope!)
  9. Liquid sand fascinates me.
  10. What luxury items & ingredients are worth the price?
  11. Drinks + Books
  12. Money would probably motivate me to lose weight too.
  13. Depression is real.
  14. Things that look like food.
  15. Maybe we should go back to food trucks?
  16. There are some real gems in here.
  17. This makes me want to finger paint.
  18. California has all the most expensive zip codes in the US
  19. Parents gotta sneak in  “microdates” every now and then!
  20. Makes a great gift: Instant Pot  Heidi did the most amazing roundup of info! 
  21. I love Tim’s gift guides.
  22. How chef’s food ends up in grocery stores.
  23. Andrea nails what November feels like.

Christmas Wishlist:


November 26, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 47

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 47


My Everyday Life: Week 47 on Shutterbean.com

When my dad and I came home after being at the hospital with my Mom in the ICU, I walked into my parent’s house and saw these flowers waiting there in the front entry.

They were for me.

My Mom was going to be giving them to me when she came over the next day for Thanksgiving.

All I could think of was how these could be the last flowers I ever received from my Mom.

They are the last flowers I will ever receive from my Mom. 


November 20, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

It’s the Monday before Thanksgiving and my life right now is one big TO DO LIST. Here’s the game plan for Thursday.

Cooper has only two days of school this week so I have to cram in as much as I can in those two daaaaaaaaaaays and then he’s with me and I’m putting him to work!

Last week was super social. This week will be social towards the end, so I am going to focus on getting as much done as I can so I can hang out with my family and be PRESENT for our big feast. I still need to figure out if I’m gonna make a pie or not…. If you weren’t around last week, and you’re looking for inspiration for your Thanksgiving feast, I wrote up a whole post about that here!

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her Thanksgiving Menu Ideas. Check out more here!


  • enjoy time with my family
  • give thanks!
  • try not to stress out that much because it’s supposed to be about FAMILY this week
  • go grocery shopping
  • shoot a recipe for One Potato
  • exercise- dance/hike with family/possibly go to yoga
  • eat healthy up until Thanksgiving/go crazy
  • make sure bathrooms are spotless
  • clean house for company
  • ship prints (my etsy shop is open btw! Check out thehandwritingclub)
  • get guest bedroom ready/Cooper’s room ready for company
  • clean out fridge
  • make cranberry sauce
  • cut up turkey for recipe
  • finalize recipe for Nugget
  • make a pie?
  • make rolls? or buy them?
  • set the table for Thanksgiving/make place cards
  • cleanup garage area
  • straighten up deck
  • catch up on social media

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • take dance class & yoga class (took two dance classes)
  • LAUNDRY- get it done and don’t leave anything sitting in a basket!
  • play date/coloring club
  • make kombucha
  • make new cookie recipe
  • test recipe for Nugget
  • get house in order
  • clean out car
  • straighten up inside of garage
  • build some time in to do leisure reading
  • start going over holiday card address list
  • catch up on social media
  • do some meal prep
  • clean out fridge (need to do this)
  • keep the kitchen clean
  • send out letters
  • return library books
  • bring donation into thrift store
  • sew curtains for office/studio
  • bank appt?
  • map out Thanksgiving
  • bookkeeping
  • eat better/move body!

Mantra for this week:

And I Quote // shutterbean

What about you? Got any Intentions for the Week? Leave a list in the comments below & get your head in the game.

I hope you have a productive week!