November 19, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 46

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life Week 46


My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Family adventure into the city for lunch at Zuni.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

We took Cooper. We had a blast.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

An older couple came over to tell us they used to take their kids there (their kids are in their 20s now and they moved into the city as empty nesters!).

It was a sweet moment.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Casey took our picture.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

He did good!

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

I look at floral arrangements more closely now that I paint them.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com


November 17, 2017


 Welcome to I LOVE LISTS. It's Friday and Tracy of Shutterbean.com shares her finds from the internet on a weekly list called I LOVE LISTS!


Welcome to I love lists. It’s FRIDAAAAAY. Here’s a list for you:

  1. Redefining better.
  2. Cooper has done this to us before…. lol
  3. More people are buying Christmas gifts on credit card than ever.
  4. To be a writer, you have to be obsessed.
  5. This would be a fun photo series to do. College friends then/now
  6. Spaghetti Burrito is a thing.
  7. I got 6/8. It was hard!
  8. The hoodie of my dreams.
  9. DIY Beautiful Paper Pointsettias  Heart eyes!
  10. The more you want, the poorer you’ll feel.
  11. Oprah’s Favorite Things list for 2017!
  12. Dad + baseball
  13. What a beautiful kitchen! I love the cabinet colors.
  14. An amazing photographer
  15. My new favorite pen!
  16. Omg a miniature pony on an airplane. 
  17. I found this video to be quite relaxing.
  18. 2017 is all about constant anxiety.
  19. The big money behind naming the color of the year
  20. Inspired by: Liz / Tiffany / Nicole
  21. Eataly IN Italy looks awesome
  22. The rule of thirds for photographers.
  23. Lifecycles of planes. These pictures please me.
  24. Weekend reading: The Sun & Her Flowers + Tartine All Day

have a great weekend!

November 16, 2017

Thanksgiving Menu Ideas

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her Thanksgiving Menu Ideas. Check out more here!

After 10 years of blogging, I have compiled all the recipes I need for a good Thanksgiving!

Actually- there’s only one recipe I haven’t blogged. It’s the Mark Bittman’s braised turkey recipe that I’ve been making for the past three years now. IT IS AMAZINGLY moist and flavorful and it makes sooooo much gravy (which my family LOVES). If you are looking to shake up your turkey game this year, try it! It is less daunting than roasting a whole bird in the oven.

One week away from the big day!!!!

This is the start of my list:

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her Thanksgiving Menu Ideas. Check out more here!

Here are a bunch of Thanksgiving Menu Ideas to help inspire your meal planning:


November 15, 2017

Persimmon Bars with Lemon Glaze

Have a bunch of persimmons to use up? Try these Persimmon Bars with Lemon Glaze! Recipe on Shutterbean.com


Have a bunch of persimmons to use up? Try these Persimmon Bars with Lemon Glaze! Recipe on Shutterbean.com

So, your super cute neighbor who reminds you of your late grandfather gives you over 5 lbs. of persimmons… WHAT DO YOU DO???

You look up PERSIMMONS in the back of all of your cookbooks and find a recipe that looks intriguing and doesn’t require a trip to the store because you don’t feel like putting a bra on and your pantry is stocked. That’s when you make these super moist (sorry) and delicious Persimmon Bars with Lemon Glaze.

Have a bunch of persimmons to use up? Try these Persimmon Bars with Lemon Glaze! Recipe on Shutterbean.com

They taste like carrot cake but there’s no carrot in them…just persimmons. So, there ya go! A recipe to help you dip into that persimmon hoard given to you by a generous neighbor. And OF COURSE, you share the cake (or two!) with said neighbor. This IS the season of giving thanks, after all!

Have a bunch of persimmons to use up? Try these Persimmon Bars with Lemon Glaze! Recipe on Shutterbean.com


November 13, 2017

Intentions for the Week:


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello hello!

It’s Monday.

We’re about a little over a week away from Thanksgiving and I haven’t given it much thought.  Time to remedy that! I’m hoping to post something about how I prep for Thanksgivin this week so stay tuned!

This past weekend was a slow down/no plans except lunch at Zuni weekend around here. I spent most of the time organizing the house, getting my studio space together and researching stuff online. Some weekends are best when you just lay low and recharge. Turns out you can really go down a rabbit hole of youtube tutorials. I also tried my best to not fall asleep while watching Stranger Things 2 this weekend (we are finally on the 2nd season!). It’s not that it’s boring, it’s just that we start so late and I am waking up early these days (sometimes at 5AM!) so I can’t keep my eyes open. Enough about that, let’s dive into Monday with a few Intentions for the Week.

Intentions for the Week:

  • take dance class & yoga class
  • LAUNDRY- get it done and don’t leave anything sitting in a basket!
  • play date/coloring club
  • make kombucha
  • make new cookie recipe
  • test recipe for Nugget
  • get house in order
  • clean out car
  • straighten up inside of garage
  • build some time in to do leisure reading
  • start going over holiday card address list
  • catch up on social media
  • do some meal prep
  • clean out fridge
  • keep the kitchen clean
  • send out letters
  • return library books
  • bring donation into thrift store
  • sew curtains for office/studio
  • bank appt?
  • map out Thanksgiving
  • bookkeeping
  • eat better/move body!

Last Week’s Intentions:


  • continue the streak of productivity
  • take a dance class (took boxing!)
  • stay on top of laundry (could have done better)
  • map out Thanksgiving
  • get outside every day
  • make better food choices (I tried!)
  • setup workspace for photoshoot
  • catch up on social media/figure out coschedule plugin issue
  • research haircuts if I have time (didn’t, just wore a ponytail and forgot about it)
  • try a new recipe or two (persimmon bars soon & these meatballs)
  • go through my inbox and clean it up
  • make something with persimmons – maybe this cake
  • match all the socks in my house (didn’t do)
  • sort through that paper pile I’ve been saving
  • trip to the salvation army
  • return library books
  • organize letters/write some
  • bank appointment… still need to go
  • put the summer clothes up on the shelf in closet
  • bring in all the patio cushions/furniture
  • drink more water (this helps)

Mantra for the Week:


And I Quote // shutterbean

What about you? What do you have going on this week?

Leave some intentions to help hold yourself accountable!


November 12, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 45

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life Week 45

Ginkgo leaves remind me of my Aunt Marilyn.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

They’re all right outside my PO Box and it makes me so happy.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

New gouache setup.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

I heart art supplies!

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

Thinking of my Mom while walking downtown.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

One of my favorite outfits currently. I am thinking I should challenge myself to another winter capsule this year. If anything, I need to figure out all the outfits I can make out of what I have left in my closet.

I tend to wear the same thing all the dang time.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

Coming soon!

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

It rained off and on this week.

The air smells so clean. Wet redwoods are my favorite.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com


November 10, 2017


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. A backstage pass to history. Some lovely photos in here.
  2. I’m Winona Ryder… oof
  3. Sexual harassment in the food industry. See also Tom Colicchio’s response.
  4. If you’re also obsessed with reading about birthdays, GET LOST HERE.
  5. MARTHA is a beast!
  6. Sometime to watch once you’ve finished Stranger Things Season 2
  7. Very satisfying. 
  8. In search of the authentic selfie.
  9. Inspired by: Tammi + Andrea’s November Challenge  + Becca
  10. It’s kinda fun to see what people wear to work.
  11. This makes me want to style a tray combo immediately.
  12. This is the future of grocery shopping???? GOD NO.
  13. UNSEND!
  14. How to make the perfect pie crust.
  15. Fingers crossed!
  16. Is Mark Zuckerberg the last believer in Facebook? 
  17. If you’re having problems with your iPhone (like I was!)
  18. How often should you take a vacation?
  19. Perfectly framed photos are my favorite.
  20. A photographer recreates a Dali scene. So cool!
  21. From confessional poetry to reality tv….
  22. What is this even?
  23. Weekend reading: The Empath’s Survival Empath

have a great weekend!