September 17, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 37

Here’s what this past year looked like- My Everyday Life Week 37

A moment of calm.

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

Meal prep this week!

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

I went for a walk and found this….

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

One of my dreams is to have a water feature. One day!

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

Saw this while we’re at a baseball game.

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

Ella! ASLEEP ON COOPER’S BED!!!! (he was at school)

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

Our living room in progress.

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

Taco night!

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

Working at a cafe.

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com


September 15, 2017


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

  1. My friend Gaby has so many good meal plans.
  2. My friend Victoria has a shiny new website. So pretty!!
  3. Google image search: 1950’s housewife
  4. I am a sucker for baklava
  5. I’m curious what will become of Blue Bottle now…
  6. If you think everyone else has more friends, you’re not alone.
  7. The way these close… pleases me greatly.
  8. I want to live in these illustrated places. 
  9. To add color to your life.
  10. Another thing to take pictures of while you’re in SF.
  11. Are you friends with your parents?
  12. Now I want to make a diorama.
  13. This would be pretty for Thanksgiving.
  14. Will self-driving cars turn us into a bunch of drunks?
  15. Firework photo goals
  16. All of the items I favorited on Etsy.
  17. Facts about LaCroix!
  19. How to take charge of your healthcare as an adult. I’m still figuring this out…
  20. What a trip! People discover their museum doppelgangers. 
  21. The Most Influential TV Chefs ranked.
  22. Massive murals are popping up around Detroit.
  23. Items you insist on hoarding even though they’re garbage.
  24. Weekend plans: take an everyday object watercolor class
  25. Also, how many pancakes should we eat this weekend?

have a great weekend!

What’s in my Bag – 09/2017

What's in My Bag? Take a look inside Tracy's bag on Shutterbean.com!

I am 38 years old and I’ve grown to realize that I like a bag with very few pockets. 3-4 max. You can see what my purse goals were in 2007. My brain was very different back then.

In this stage of my life, tote bags are my preferred bag because sometimes I need to bring my office to go.  Now if you tuned in before, you might think this is peculiar because I used to LOVE  bags with pockets. That’s until I realized that too many pockets mean I have a hard time putting things back where they belong because I forget where they belong. I also can forget to zip zippers because I am always in a hurry.  Tote bags are simple, with less pockets and most of them don’t have zippers.  Cooper’s new backpack this year has at least 15 pockets with three million zippers.

This year should be interesting.

This is the bag that I currently use. It has quite a history. I bought it at Urban Outfitters when I was in college (graduated 2001). It’s a Levi’s bag so it’s been incredibly sturdy after all of these years. I think you can probably find one on ebay if you’re looking for one.

It made its way back into the rotation in my Summer capsule wardrobe and I might end up using it year round. I don’t feel compelled to jump ship, so that’s good!  If it looks like it’s been dyed, it’s because it has! There was a really bad ink stain at the bottom (hello, my name is Tracy and I am a pen addict).  To mask the effect, I made it look like there were tons of ink stains (using RIT dye) and this is where we ended up. If you like playing around with fabric too, you might like my bleach dyeing post! 

What's in My Bag? Take a look inside Tracy's bag on Shutterbean.com!

And this is what I carry around!!!!!! And yes, sometimes it gets way too heavy.


September 11, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, friends!

 Sending love and light to Florida + Houston. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe!

Last week was kind of a doozy. Casey was in Brazil for work so it was just Cooper and me at home. Still getting into the swing of school stuff. There have been so many events! We’re also starting fall baseball so our weekend was filled with that. The pace is picking up on the treadmill of life.

This week, I need to carve out some time to look at my calendar. There are a lot of things coming up and I need to ground myself and plan. I’ve been putting it off for too long and now it’s time to get a realistic view of it all. You know?  Here are my intentions for the week. I may not do them all but at least I’m figuring it out!

Intentions for the Week:

  • write thank you notes/send out letters
  • yoga and or dance class- GET MOVING
  • get out in nature. hike if I can.
  • have a date with my calendar
  • work on handwriting book
  • drop off library books
  • plan a date with my husband
  • get guest bedroom ready
  • book chiropractor
  • go to bank
  • edit photos/invoice
  • prep for One Potato shoot
  • catch up on social media
  • follow up with dentist
  • meal prep
  • play around with my new yonanas machine (THANK YOU SALLY!!!!)
  • make kombucha
  • finalize Cooper’s birthday plans
  • research bleacher seats
  • keep my desk clean
  • clean out car
  • make some cookies this week
  • eat healthier (planning on doing Whole30 at the end of the month)

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • drop off donations
  • continue sorting through office supplies
  • yoga + dance class
  • return library books
  • photography lighting testing 
  • catch up on social media
  • work on handwriting workbook
  • spend time with friends  ( the highlight of the week was beach time!)
  • spend time with family
  • see if Cooper still likes curried chicken & rice  (we didn’t get to!)
  • put together photography proposals
  • photograph recipe for one potato
  • invoice/send photos
  • make a video for @thehandwritingclub  (did an Instagram Live!)
  • make kombucha
  • make banana bread (froze a ton of bananas instead)
  • continue to clean up the files on my computer
  • keep fridge clean/use up what we have
  • Cooper birthday party planning 
  • practice some self care (pluck eyebrows! take a bath?)
  • book chiropractor appointment (I didn’t and my back gave out last week!!!)
  • drink more water (this cup is REALLY helping!)
  • rest when I need to

mantra for the week:

I love lists // shutterbean

Thanks for following @thehandwritingclub on Instagram !!!!!!!

What about you? What are your Intentions for the Week? Map them out in your journal or leave them in the comments!

September 10, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 36

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 36

We spent Labor Day at the beach with friends!

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

The weather was weird. It was smokey, overcast, sunny and then it rained.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

We had a good time though! Casey was working in Brazil this week so it was just us two.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

When friends leave me voxer messages, I make notes.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Time travel.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Nightstand area.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

We got Chipotle this week. Cooper was thrilled.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Ella is a princess.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Morning in Mill Valley.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Breakfast with my friend Lisa. 

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

We went to the library where I saw this!!!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

And then we sat underneath redwoods…


My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com CONTINUE READING

September 8, 2017


I love lists // shutterbean


  1. Digital ads on college campus. This is 2017.
  2. New York Street Life + Stanley Kubrick
  3. Blame tech for your high priced back to school shopping list.
  4. This makes me want to take notes.
  5. Something for hiking. Can we call it a fanny pack?
  6. I know a few writers who are teachers.
  7. How the famous vacation.
  8. This could open up a whole other world of possibilities. 
  9. I am mildly intrigued by pizza potatoes.
  10. This salad looks incredible.
  11. Mom! Look at how cute this is.
  12. Definitely Type A
  13. Adventure Kit: bag / pen case /art supplies / time alone / a good book
  14. Tbh, GAP hasn’t impressed me in years.
  15. Nature = 100% NOPE
  16. I listened to this while writing the other day – it’s very good!
  17. Peanut butter on a sourdough roll with apricot jam.
  18. The Ambition Collision. 
  19. Don’t bug your server.
  20. You’ll never be famous and that’s OK.
  21. How to Accept Your Body
  22. Something to make soon- Easy Little Bread
  23. How to Write a Love Letter



September 6, 2017

School Lunch Ideas

Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

Cooper’s school lunches have morphed quite a bit throughout the years. Cooper is now in third grade and has been giving the responsibility of making his own lunch. YAAAAAAY!!!  I’ve already discussed this before, but Cooper is a finicky eater and in some ways, it’s actually a blessing. He likes pretty much the same thing for lunch most days, so I don’t there isn’t a need to always try new things when it comes to lunch. I like how sometimes it becomes an auto-pilot situation.

It took us quite awhile to figure out what he likes in his lunch. Now we have a base that we stick to and swap things out from time to time. Sometimes I repurpose leftovers to make life easier and every once in awhile I’ll throw a treat in there because I believe that if he had one every day, it wouldn’t be as much of a treat 😉 We shake up the snacks and rotate those out but for the most part his lunch looks something like this:

Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

Most of his lunches look like this: 

  • Sandwich (turkey, lettuce, mustard)
  • Snack (sometimes 2 depending on school)
  • Chips/pretzels
  • Fruit/Vegetable
  • water

To start the new school year off right, I wrote out a list of things he likes right now. This is the template that I keep in my bullet journal so that I have something to refer to when I am out grocery shopping. I can’t recommend this enough. It’s been so helpful to know all the ingredients I can to work with.


Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

I am thinking of printing this out, laminating it and keeping it in my bag. Is that too much? I think I just really want to use my laminator.

Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

Current Equipment:


TUNA SALAD SANDWICH // shutterbeanSandwiches/Sandwich Alternatives


Apples + Lime Juice // shutterbean



Chocolate Chip Cookie Energy Bars // shutterbean


Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

Don’t forget to leave a love note!

I like to write random notes for Cooper on post-its and washi tape  🙂  The best part? Sometimes Cooper will leave me notes around the house because he knows how nice it feels to get one in his lunchbox. It’s the sweetest.  Jokes are always fun too. I have this joke book for kids  in our kitchen and sometimes I’ll write a joke out and put it in his lunch. He LOVES it.

Shutterbean School Lunch Ideas

You can see some of our past lunches here: #shutterbeanschoollunch

I hope this inspires you to get your ideas together and write out your own School Lunch Ideas list. If you’re looking to get your kids in the kitchen, you might like this post I wrote- Kids in the Kitchen.

Is there anything that’s been a huge hit in your family? I’d love to hear. Leave a comment!