October 27, 2017


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS!! It’s Friday. Here’s a list for you:

  1. I got Kourtney. I really thought it would be Khloe.
  2. To complain is to truly be alive.
  3. Cat furniture is a thing.
  4. Facebook is running everything.
  5. I always love reading people’s pregnancy advice…this one is very good
  6. Bullet Journal Inspiration. Here are some of the layouts I use.
  7. Let’s put pumpkin in mac & cheese.
  8. Me + Hubs would eat the heck out of this. Cooper? It would be wasted on him.
  9. A dog can improve your Halloween costume.
  10. All the items I favorited on Etsy.
  11. I wish I could cook with my grandmother again.
  12. What??? Nooooo. Too far. I think?
  13. Library lovers- this is for you
  14. Make a smoothie out of milk & cookies!
  15. Advice from writers!
  16. Workout inspiration if you like to dance.
  17. Milestones that mean you’re alive.
  18. Things that are neat: glitter rainboots/rainbow suncatcher
  19. All of the JFK assassination records have finally been released.
  20. I may have been guilty of a few of these as an Aunt…
  21. The worst seats on an airplane.
  22. Currently reading: The Power of Time Perception
  23. If you have 17 minutes, this yoga video is my favorite to get your body moving.
  24. Some 90s dude costume inspiration.

have a great weekend!

October 25, 2017

Cracklin’ Chicken

Nom Nom Paleo's Cracklin' Chicken is weeknight staple! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Nom Nom Paleo’s Cracklin Chicken is Cooper’s currently favorite dinner.  Heck, it’s one of my favorites too!  I am so happy that it’s got a place in our meal rotation because it’s a meal that takes a minimal amount of effort with maximum results.

Nom Nom Paleo's Cracklin' Chicken is weeknight staple! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.comThis recipe is included in one of my new favorite cookbooks-

Ready or Not! 150+ Make-Ahead, Make-Over and Make-Now Recipes

Seriously. If you have to make dinner for your family GET THIS BOOK. It will make you want to get into the kitchen. Promise.

Recipes I want to make include: Buffalo Cauliflower Things, Salt & Pepper Fried Pork Chops, Pressure Cooker Bo Ssäm, Chicken Curry in a Hurry, Thai Roast Chicken, Pressure Cooker Salsa Chicken, Sheet Pan Sausage Supper, and Mango Turmeric Tonic!


Nom Nom Paleo's Cracklin' Chicken is weeknight staple! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

The chicken is juicy and crispy!! Around here I serve it with rice & broccoli. It’s fantastic with a little teriyaki sauce on top. Thank you for such a brilliant recipe, Michelle!!


October 23, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello Hello. It’s Monday! A new week to get started on. Did you have a good weekend? Mine was pretty good. My friend had came to town from Sacramento for a sleepover and we talked non-stop and went on Marin adventures. Good for the soul! Except maybe I stayed up too late and had doughnuts and bourbon. Also my throat hurts from talking so much.  Sign of a good time! This week I’ve got quite a few things on the agenda. My house is a mess right now and I have to jam on it and clean it up this week between doing all the other things I gotta do. We still have to figure out our Halloween plans/costumes etc. Are you gonna be anything good? Thinking of wearing my panda costume from a few years ago and calling it a DAY.

This Week’s Intentions:

  • make turkey white bean chili
  • make kombucha
  • volunteer at thrift shop/gather items to donate
  • clean house
  • go to yoga
  • figure out appointment at bank
  • make a matcha facemask (Thanks for the recipe, Maggie!)
  • do some meal prep
  • make sure snack drawer gets fixed
  • record podcast with Whitney
  • research health insurance
  • try to eat healthier/more salads/eat more at home
  • make my family some cookies
  • organize pantry
  • tour Nugget grocery store
  • catch up on social media
  • find a good long sleeve shirt to add to my winter capsule.
  • post favorite fall recipes
  • plan next lady craft day
  • drink more water (this helps)

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • do a face mask (can you recommend one? I’m on the hunt!)
  • make it so I have two eyebrows instead of one
  • deep clean bathrooms (did 1)
  • meet with Madeleine
  • try to eat more salads (tried)
  • try to drink more water (this is helping)
  • photo for Tillamook
  • doctor appt for Coop
  • research health insurance + try not to feel hopeless
  • make a recipe from Feed the Resistance
  • make a recipe from Ready or Not!
  • finish putting away summer clothes
  • school field trip
  • write letters
  • catch up on social media
  • GO TO YOGA (I haven’t and I’m really suffering for it!)
  • take care of myself/get better sleep
  • go through the archives and find good Fall recipes (this week!)
  • figure out what to work on during ladies craft night
  • figure out what’s due at the library

Mantra for the Week:


And I Quote // shutterbean

How about you? What do you have going on this week? Write out your Intentions for the Week! It helps. 

October 22, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 42

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 42


My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

This week I spent an hour and a half at the Apple store. My phone was in a continuous loop of rebooting. For about 3 days I couldn’t use my phone for more than 2 minutes without it rebooting on me. It was beyond frustrating, especially because it was a new phone.

I also think I lost a whole bunch of photos in the process.

Life with technology is so complicated. On the flipside, I got to spend a good deal of time without it this week.

A blessing in disguise.

This is how I occupied my time while waiting for an hour for someone to help me….EVEN THOUGH I HAD AN APPOINTMENT.

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

Meal prep this week!

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

Notes from Cherry Bombe in my journal.

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

Something to remember:

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

I put peanut butter and granola on top of a piece of banana bread and it was AMAZING.

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

This cake is everything.

Spiced Brown Sugar Pound Cake with Rum Molasses Glaze is the perfect way to build community! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Find the cat. Also my screen is broken.

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

I had only been in the church for funerals.

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com

It’s been chilly here this week. I’m enjoying it thoroughly.

Also, these overalls from GAP are my favorite thing ever right now.

My Everyday Life: Week 42 on Shutterbean.com


October 20, 2017



Welcome to I LOVE LISTS. It’s Friday, let’s search the internet together!

  1. Drinking + online shopping =
  2. How to grow your Instagram following– LOL
  3. Devices are ruining our family time.
  4. I can’t believe professors have to think about this.
  5. Things lined up perfectly. YAAAAS.
  6. I am an empath.
  7. I would like to see this diffuser with no lights on please.
  8. This is like a turducken but not.
  9. All the store bought pie crusts tested!
  10. These murals are soooooooo cool.
  11. More American teenagers are suffering from anxiety than ever.
  12. YOU DO YOU
  13. Autumn around the world.
  14. Quick Halloween Costumes for kids. L Trader Joe’s Employee, please!
  15. Sardine Can costume! SO CUTE.
  16. What makes milk shelf stable?
  17. Looking for a new duvet cover… one, two or three?
  18. Sometimes you need to sit and wait for the right moment to unfold.
  19. How to get people to smile NATURALLY on camera.
  20. I love Harrison Ford.
  21. Whoaaaaaaaaa
  22. Best new restaurants in America.
  23. Books I’m excited about: The Wisdom of Sundays / The House That Pinterest Built

have a great weekend!

October 18, 2017

Spiced Brown Sugar Pound Cake

Spiced Brown Sugar Pound Cake with Rum Molasses Glaze is the perfect way to build community! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

We can show our support in many ways.  It doesn’t always have to be in big & bold ways. A series of small acts can really add up, especially in our current state.

Spiced Brown Sugar Pound Cake with Rum Molasses Glaze is the perfect way to build community! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Support can mean volunteering at school. It can be hosting a group of people who inspire action to share a meal. It could be gathering a group of people to help a family in need. It could be writing letters to help advocate for change.  It could be dropping a cake off to first responders who worked tirelessly through trauma. It could be really listening to what someone has to say.

This Spiced Brown Sugar Pound Cake with Molasses Glaze recipe comes from Julia Turshen’s latest book, Feed the Resistance.  Inside the book, you’ll find many recipes to help fuel your gatherings, ideas for places to reach out as well as things you can do to help that take less than 10 minutes. This book is here to help inspire ACTION.

Because honestly, food has the power to unite us all.

Spiced Brown Sugar Pound Cake with Rum Molasses Glaze is the perfect way to build community! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

How did this cake turn out? Really well. So well in fact that I thought to myself…hmm this tastes like a pumpkin spice cake but I can’t believe there’s no pumpkin in there, let me have ANOTHER (and another) piece to make sure I’m really tasting what I am tasting.

I made this cake to share with my neighbors. Because community + support starts in your own neighborhood!


October 16, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

It’s MONDAY! Wahoo. Cooper has school off today. He’s had a 5 day weekend so our schedule has been thrown off, to say the least. I had hopes of accomplishing a lot last week but the fires made things a little complicated. We’ll be getting out of the house more this week. THANK HEAVENS.  This week is going to be quite hectic.

The good news is that I already have a head start on laundry and I completed a little meal prep action last night that includes:

Intentions for the Week/ Meal Prep on Shutterbean.com

Meal prep this week includes:

This Week’s Intentions

  • do a face mask (can you recommend one? I’m on the hunt!)
  • make it so I have two eyebrows instead of one
  • deep clean bathrooms
  • meet with Madeleine
  • try to eat more salads
  • try to drink more water (this is helping)
  • photo for Tillamook
  • doctor appt for Coop
  • research health insurance + try not to feel hopeless
  • make a recipe from Feed the Resistance
  • make a recipe from Ready or Not!
  • finish putting away summer clothes
  • school field trip
  • write letters
  • catch up on social media
  • take care of myself/get better sleep
  • go through the archives and find good Fall recipes
  • figure out what to work on during ladies craft night
  • figure out what’s due at the library


Last Week’s Intentions:

  • catch up on writing letters ( I AM SO BEHIND)
  • take pen pal photos/post on @thehandwritingclub
  • bookkeeping
  • catch up on social media
  • meet with Madeleine (rescheduled)
  • playdate with classmates
  • school conference
  • make a pasta dish for the blog (didn’t) 
  • figure out a new pumpkin recipe (didn’t)
  • plan another ladies craft night  (having one this weekend)
  • go on a hike/do yoga/EXERCISE  (went for a long walk)
  • return library books/find two rogue library books (found 1!)
  • LAUNDRY like a mofo
  • research plants for front
  • drink more water (this is helping)
  • clean up workspace (couldn’t. there was a cat living in there)
  • keep the sink CLEAR this week (tried. failed after 3 days, oh well)
  • return Stitchfix order
  • continue working on morning pages/artist’s way
  • don’t eat bread/crackers (didn’t)

Mantra for the Week:

I love lists // shutterbean

What about you? What are you up to this week? Any intentions you’d like to share to help hold yourself accountable?